private family ties // burnstorm


She's already returned from the patrol she had been assigned to, and with nothing else to fill her day she has decided to spend it lazily draped across a stone in camp, warmed by the sun. Her body is limp as it drapes across the slate-gray rock, eyelids falling closed every few moments in relaxation. Beside her is Burnstorm, a tom she's grown to be able to call a friend. They'd gone through most of their training together and shared rather similar personalities, it would make sense they'd gravitate towards each others' social circles. What's even cooler is the ebony tom has connections, the type she wants. He is the grandson of the leader, nephew of two lead warriors and cousin to another. If she had any shot of getting onto Howlingstar's council someday, he could help with it.

"So, Burnstorm," She begins, cracking an eye open to look at him. She feigns boredom, but her attention is truly all on him. "The council is made up of, like, half your kin. If one were to, I don't know, wanna become a lead warrior someday....could that someone ask you to put in a good word for 'em?"

It is true that Burnstorm had hailed from what could be considered a noble lineage. His own father, kittypet that he was, was leader of his own clan and his grandmother leader of this one. Even before Howlingstar had ascended the ranks he had felt special in a way. When he was a kit he had been chosen to train under Emberstar herself, and that was quite the honor. He doesn't know what fate has in store for him, but when he had been younger he had imagined greatness. He had pictured himself on top of scores of enemies, their bodies piled high around him as he tilted his head to the sky and laughed. In his dreams he would stride out onto a battlefield and other clans would flee at the sight of him. In his dreams he is Burnstar (His grandmother and Flycatcher are not dead, but instead retired and cheering for him from the Elders Den. He visits often)

He is daydreaming next to Stormywing, a cat who he would consider a friend. She sprawls out next to him, slate gray fur reminding him of a boulder, she was in this moment unmovable like one anyways. His golden eyes shift lazily to her as he hears his name uttered and, at her question he lets a snort of air escape through his nose, amused. "They probably all still think of me as a kit fresh out of the nursery" he jokes. He does not doubt they think him inexperienced at the least, as fresh of a warrior as he was. "What makes you think they would listen to me?" it's a genuine question, do others think of him as smart? As someone who's word is trustworthy and meaningful? It is his greatest desire to be looked at like a respected warrior. One day he tells himself. Soon.

Stormywing’s ear twitches as she listens to his reply, her head cocking only slightly as it rests on her paw. She rolls her eyes. Does he really think his voice holds no weight? Unaware that this is very likely the case, all she can think about is how he has every connection in the books! Trained by the deputy, grandson of the leader, nephew and cousin others on the council…is he pretending to be humble? What a brat, She thinks in only mild annoyance, still not enough to actually upset her. It’s lighthearted, but she bats at his ear in a scolding manner. “Oh come on, you’re their kin, they’d listen,” She argues, a whine in her voice. “I’d be a great addition and you know it!” Of course, she is conveniently forgetting just how young and inexperienced she is. But it’s her dream to be a lead warrior, and if Burnstorm can help get her there, there’s no harm in asking!

// she’s so obnoxious I’m sorry lol

Even at his arguments that they would not she continues on insisting that indeed they would listen to him, that his voice held more weight than he probably knew. For a moment he muses with the idea, rolls it over in his head like a pebble underneath his paw. "Hmm" he hums quietly, a soft sound coming from the back of his throat as he studies his paws, trying to pretend that he is not absolutely enamored by the idea of them listening to him. Does she really believe they would? Would they take him seriously or did they still view him as the kit he had once been? Frightened and hiding behind his mothers legs while the adults handled all the scary stuff. He had not been that cat in a long long time. He had gotten his warrior name not by hiding from the monsters but by confronting them instead.

"I suppose I won't know until I try" he muses, agreeing with her proposition without saying it directly. "Why do you want to be a lead warrior so bad anyways?" he asks, looking at her out of the corner of his eyes. He knew why he wanted it. He wanted undeniable proof that he was better than his kittypet blood, that he was worthy despite who his father was. He wanted to rise above the prejudices like Sunfreckle had and most of all he wanted respect. He wonders if it is the same for Stormywing.
Stormywing grins, glad she’s been able to get through to him. With that out of the way, she rolls back onto her side, legs outstretched. Her tail rises and thumps against the stone as he inquires why she wants to be a lead warrior so badly and she can’t help but scoff.

Rolling fully onto her back, she stares at him upside down with a perplexed expression, but her grin does not fade. “Because they’re so cool! Duh!” The authority they carry everywhere they go, the heads that always turn to greet them, the attention they command. It’s her destiny, she just knows it! She was made to be on the council! “One day, I’ll be one of them, and everyone will respect me,” The tabby trills wishfully, hazel gaze flicking towards the sky. Then no one would dare doubt her heritage and abilities as a warrior.