famous last words [flycatcher]

( ) Leaf fall was in full swing. The air was riddled with teasingly cool air, the leaves had all fallen off of the trees, and the days seemed to be shorter almost. A purr rumbled in her throat as she glanced over at the grey tom who was walking beside her. Even though her paws were a little achy from a long training session with Jaypaw, she hadn't hesitated on agreeing when she was asked if she wanted to join him on a walk.

She wasn't sure where exactly they were going, but she didn't care. Simply spending time with him was enough for her. Leaves crunched underneath her paws, and an idea slipped into her mischievous mind. Her tail flicked a few times before she launched herself forward, skidding into a rather large clump of leaves. She hadn't realized they were right by the Great Sycamore, that was probably where they had come from. A kit-like laugh exploded from the leaf pile, and she popped her head out of it, keeping her body in the leaves. "I've never seen so many leaves before!"


It had been a busy day for both of them, focused on training and shaping their apprentices to be future warriors of WindClan. After letting Roepaw take a small break - he hadn't liked to push her much after the incident with Cinderfrost - he approached Flamewhisker to see if she would be interested in joining him for a walk, pleased when she said yes. And with leaf-fall in full swing and the days growing darker, he was keen to get out sooner rather than later.

Flycatcher did not have a set destination in mind as they walked, simply glad to be in her company after a long day. They walked together for a while until suddenly Flamewhisker darted forward, skidding into a large clump of leaves. Flycatcher laughed along with her when she popped her head out of the pile and commented on how many there were. "Maybe Emberstar should have called you Leafheart," He teased. "Seems whenever we go out together you always end up with a leaf or leaves in your pelt." When the laughter eased, he cast his gaze skyward, looking up at the Great Sycamore and the branches that were rapidly losing leaves. "Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to climb that?"
( ) Leafheart A laugh fell from her maw as she curled her lips back into a smile. Playing in leaf piles was something she had always enjoyed. She had been born not too long before leaf-fall last season, and jumping into the piles of tree droppings was something her and her littermates spent most of their time together doing.

She padded out from the pile, shaking out the stray leaves that clung to her thickening pelt. Following his gaze, she too began to gaze up at the rather large tree. As he asked about climbing it, she shifted her weight on her front paws embarrassedly. "Actually...Well...this sounds pretty mouse brained, but I have never climbed a tree." She had lived her entire life in forests, but never set foot in a tree. Some wild cat she was! "Have you?"

After his question about climbing, Flamewhisker admits she's never climbed a tree before. Flycatcher isn't really surprised in truth, besides a handful of cats in the clan and those in SkyClan, he knows that most cats prefer to keep their paws firmly on the ground. "Oh yeah, lots of trees," Flycatcher answers with a smile. "I'm no SkyClan mind you but I can climb well enough."

After a moment, he considers an idea. "Would you like me to show you?" He offers, raising a brow to her. "We could stick to the low branches since it would be your first time."
( ) She wasn't surprised to hear that he had indeed climbed trees before. Her paws were itching with excitement as she trotted over to the base of the large tree. Climbing was always something she had wanted to learn, but being the sole provider for her and her mother had made it hard to risk potentially getting injured. Not that it didn't matter if she were to get hurt here, but if she had gotten hurt while her mother was alive, they would have gone hungry. Her claws tugged at the dirt, and she glanced up at the lower branches he had suggested. "I'd love to give it a shot."

After a few moments, she would raise to her hind paws, and place her front paws on the trunk. Sinking her claws into the bark, she glanced back at him shyly. "So...uh, obviously I know to use my claws. Do I jump up and hope I stick?" she would chuckle, hoping her question wasn't too mouse brained.

She seemed eager to try and Flycatcher smiles and nods. If she was willing to try then he would do his best to teach her. He tried to recall how he had learnt from his parents many moons ago, hoping that what memories he retained from that time he could put to good use here.

At her comment, he smirks. "Uhh, not exactly," Flycatcher chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "When you climb you have to be careful how you jump and where you put your paws. You can't just leap skywards and hope for the best or you'll get yourself hurt." His words were formal and honest, similar to those that had been drummed into his ears as a young cat. "Watch how I do it and try and do the same," He advised. Flycatcher kept his gaze skyward as he prepared to jump. The blue tabby would bunch down on his hindquarters, almost akin to how he might pounce on a mouse or small bird he was hunting, before leaping upwards. Being a little shorter than most, Flycatcher lacked the long limbs to make short work of getting up the tree and onto a branch, so he had to rely on putting all his weight behind him as he leapt. With claws unsheathed, he uses them like little hooks to climb, front paws pulling him higher, and his hind paws steadying him somewhat. He manages to get on a low-hanging branch with relative ease, moving close to the end of it so that if Flamewhisker took the exact route she wouldn't have to jostle with him for space. "Okay, now you give it a try!" He called down enthusiastically.
( ) As he spoke, she listened carefully. One day she would more than likely have to teach Jaypaw the basics of tree-climbing, so it was important that she learned how to climb as well. The fiery tabby watched as he bunched his hindquarters and leaped upwards onto the trunk. That part seemed easy enough. Then he used his claws to pull himself higher and higher until he perched safely along the lowest branch. She swallowed nervously, hoping she could copy him without looking too goofy.

At the base of the tree, she would also bunch her hindquarters. Using her powerful backless to propel herself upwards, she made quite the distance before hooking her claws into the bark. She accidentally let out a squeal as she waited for herself to slide back downwards, but she remained safely glued to the tree. Her eyes glanced upwards at him, glittering slightly anxiously as she hesitated on hauling herself towards him. After a few moments, she finally gathered the confidence to slowly and awkwardly claw her way upwards to join him on the branch.

Once she arrived on the branch, she lowered herself along the surface, sinking her claws in as deep as she could. It was a fairly thick branch, but she had never been this high off the ground before. "This certainly is different than the ground..." she'd joke, hoping to disguise how afraid she was. It took quite a few minutes of being firmly pressed against the branch before she slowly started to gain more confidence and let her grip loosen ever so slightly.

He watches with a semi nervous expression as she climbs up to join him. For her first time, Flycatcher had to admit she did a pretty good job, half expecting her to have lost her grip initially or back out.

"Good job!" He commended once she was on the branch with him. It seemed to take her a few moments to adjust and feel comfortable enough to loosen her grip. "Not bad for your first climb," Flycatcher said. "I'll make a climber out of you yet." He tore his eyes away from his companion for a moment before looking around. They weren't up particularly high so the view wasn't anything impressive. But he was still curious what she thought now that was up here. "So, what do you think? Not so bad when you're up here is it?"
( ) At his compliment, she straightened up and began to relax her muscles so she wasn't death gripping the branch anymore. Her claws still hooked into the bark, but the longer she spent up here the more comfortable she become. A cool breeze caused her to fluff up her pelt. Without the protection from the undergrowth, the wind was a little stronger up here. Not enough to be a danger, but more of a nuisance. She glanced over at him for a moment, then cast her attention back into the forest. "I feel like a squirrel." she would respond with a giggle.

Her attention whisked to the next branch above them. It wasn't much of a climb, not compared to some of the branches past that one. She wasn't sure how far she wanted to go...besides, he still had to teach her how to go back down! Flamewhisker would flick her tail to touch him on the shoulder, then carefully pad over to the trunk. "I want to go one more up...can I go first?" she would wait for approval before standing up on her back legs and sinking her claws into the bark. She bunched her back legs, then jumped upwards like he had shown her. This time she didn't hesitate hauling herself skywards. She made the journey without any difficulties, and she would start to put her weight onto the branch. The dark seemed fine, however when she hooked her claws into it, it gave away.


She didn't have time to say anything else before she reached the ground. Moments before impact, she twisted in the air to attempt to land on her feet. However, her weight was shifted onto one side more than the other. As she met the ground, her right shoulder buckled from underneath her, and she fell onto her side. "Fox dung!" she hissed, trying to stand back up after a few moments.
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