Fangs/Ashkit/Ashpaw/Ashmoon - Storage, etc. (WIP)


Mr Brightside
May 10, 2024
Code adapted from
Artwork from The Banner Saga

☼ Fangs
A young rogue in every sense of the word. Rakish and lithe with sharp claws and tongue, he can be very abraisive but is always careful to never go too far. There's a coldness to his gaze and smile, though he is not entirely coldhearted. There is a good cat in there, somewhere, buried beneath the angst and trauma. It will take some time for it to be free.

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———-,. ° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ ° .-,———

↪ Pronounced and noticable canines.
Nonbinary, any pronouns.
↪ Pansexual
Eight moons.
↪ Birthday late Autumn, early Spring.
Thoughts, "Speech"
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———-,. ° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ ° .-,———

Fullbody ref
Ash has a very lithe build with lots of wiry muscle beneath medium length fur. Their ashen white fur is very well groomed, and they pride themselves on their appearance. They hold themselves with a very cocksure and arrogant posture, their face ranging from confident to mocking. It is rare for their pelt to ever be particularly dirty, and they are quick to clean it. Their eyes are a peculiar reddish-blue shade, and generally quite cold. Their original-namesake fangs are slightly longer than usual, and the tips are visible even when their mouth is shut.
↪ Two stab scars on their ruff. Albinism.

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———-,. ° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ ° .-,———

( + ) Humorous. Difficult to put down. Confident. ( / ) Outspoken. Unserious. ( - ) Arrogant. Self-centered. Aggressive.

Fangs is a very divisive cat. After being raised in a dog-eat-dog world, where the might makes right and the weak suffer, they have learned to be self-centered and to push others away - especially those 'weaker' than them. They shut their heart behind ice, though there is still a heart there. While they consider mercy to be a weakness one cannot afford, they are not wholly cruel. Their cruelty and mercilessness is a forced behaviour, not one they relish. At the end of the day Fangs is a victim of trauma and circumstance, and it will take time for them to heal.
That does not, however, excuse their behaviour. It can be difficult to get along with such an acidic cat.
↪ Makes heavy use of pet names and 'darling' in casual speech. Makes light of most situations. Flamboyant.

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———-,. ° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ ° .-,———

NPC Rogue x NPC Rogue | No siblings so far.
Slow to trust, quick to befriend, does hold grudges​
Mentored by Orangestar.
↪ Previously mentor to/mentored by None so far.
Mate to None so far.
↪ open to plots
Friend with None so far.
Likes - Power, jokes, rabbit, attention, cleanliness, an easy fight, willow trees.
Dislikes - Losing, being forced to do things, being the butt of jokes.
Hates - Being looked down on, being in powerless position. Direct sunlight.
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———-,. ° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ ° .-,———

Will start fight, won't show mercy, will run away
Excels at stealth in leafbare, agility, trickery, incitement.
Poor at diplomacy, head on fights, conflict in sunlight, stealth in sunlight.
Peaceful powerplay allowed, harmful powerplay when stated.
Smells like the bush.
↪ penned by Delphy

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———-,. ° ✧- HISTORY -✧ ° .-,———


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Code adapted from:
Artwork from The Banner Saga


————————Apprentice | 8 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆butts."Big butts."

[penned by Delphy].

[box=65%][img width=600px][/img]

[font=tahoma][color=#3d4450]—[/color][color=#525a69]—[/color][color=#6c7684]—[/color][color=#909aab]—[/color][color=#abb4c4]—[/color][color=#c3cbd9]—[/color]————————[size=3][color=#fff6fa]【 [/color][color=#800040]Apprentice[/color] [color=#d4cfc5]|[/color] [color=#800040]8 Moons[/color] [color=#d4cfc5]|[/color] [color=#800040]SkyClan[/color][color=#fff6fa] 】[/color][/size]———————[color=#c3cbd9]—[/color][color=#abb4c4]—[/color][color=#909aab]—[/color][color=#6c7684]—[/color][color=#525a69]—[/color][color=#3d4450]—[/color][/font][/box][box=60%][justify][font=tahoma][color=#fff6fa]【[/color][url=][color=#800040]⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆[/color][/url][color=#fff6fa]】[/color][color=#d4cfc5]butts.[COLOR=rgb(128, 0, 32)]"Big butts."[/COLOR] [/color] 

[fright][i][size=2][color=#800040][penned by [url=][color=#fff6fa]Delphy[/color][/url]][/color][color=#313742].[/color][/size][/i][/fright][/justify][/box]
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