private FAR EAST SUITE ✧ hunting patrol

Raccoonstripe leads his small hunting patrol to the strip of forest nearest Sunningrocks. There would be no debates with fishmongers today—instead, he has his eye on a prize. Even he doesn’t know if his bid to Nightbird had been in jest or not, but he intends to find out. The lead warrior flicks his tail tip humorously in Batwing and Cloudyfur’s direction. “Right, we’ll spread out from here. Don’t ruin this for me, okay? This is high stakes.” He purrs, flexing his claws into the leaf litter beneath his paws. “We’ll meet back here when we’ve caught enough to feed the Clan and then some.” Batwing is a respectable enough warrior, but Cloudyfur had been a bit of a late-bloomer. He’s sure the young she-cat wants to prove herself in her own way, though.

The tabby slinks through the undergrowth, his jaws parted slightly to take in the scents. It’s a flash of auburn streaking across the earth that catches his attention first. Charcoal eyes narrow, and he crouches, haring after it as soon as he sees it heading for the thick trunk of a nearby sycamore. His paws graze bristly fur—but it had too much of a head start, and it zips up the tree unharmed. Raccoonstripe curses lowly under his breath. “Foxdung.” It would’ve been an auspicious start to his little competition to have brought down the squirrel, but all he can do now is move on and try something else.

  • @batwing @Cloudyfur

    1 - mouse
    2 - vole
    3 - squirrel
    4 - rabbit
    5 - bird
    6 - nothing sighted/scented

    1 - failure
    2 - missed, but close
    3 - caught, but messy
    4 - perfect catch

    ROLLED: squirrel, failure
  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
CLOUDYFUR / 14 moons — up in the sky "Don't ruin this for me, okay?"

"R-Right." Cloudyfur tentatively acknowledged, glancing away from him. Truthfully, that was exactly what she was worried about doing, and she kind of wished that Raccoonstripe had left her out of his little contest. She really didn't want to compete with anyone, she just wanted to do her job as a warrior. That said, no good warrior would outright refuse an assignment to a hunting patrol for no good reason. So, here she was.

For her part, she was going to do her best to forget that the competition was even happening, and just focus on her own hunting. Thinking about it would just stress her out.

Stalking away from the rest of her patrol, she quickly caught the scent of prey on the wind. Slowly, she crept toward it. Through the undergrowth, she caught sight of a flash of grey feathers. She did not hesitate. Cloudyfur leapt, claws first, toward her prey. Before it could react the bird was trapped underneath her, and she finished it off quickly with a killing bite.

As soon as she was certain she had secured her catch, she let out a soft laugh of delight. That had been a quick catch! This was a good start to her hunt. No time to rest now though, she wasn't done yet. She picked up the wood pigeon she had caught, looking around for a spot to bury it.

//ROLLED: bird, perfect catch
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Batwing chuckled as they moved into the forest. Cloudyfur was being a little uptight about this- they'd get the job done, after all, but the bet that was going on was too good not to participate in. After all, Nightbird could do with some relaxing every now and again. (Though, he had no idea where Raccoon and Night really stood, he was just being a good wingcat.) "Yeah, yeah, I gotcha." Batwing snickered to himself. Hunting wasn't exactly Batwing's shining quality, but he made do, of course.

His eyes shifted towards the forest, creeping away from the other cats quietly. His ears perked, twitching and searching. The tiny noises of scuffling in the undergrowth, underneath tree roots and grass. The tiny thud of a heartbeat following it. A grin split on his mouth as he crept, and crept... Then leapt at the mouse. His claws sunk in, mouth delivering a swift blow. It didn't have the most meat on it, but it definitely was starting to plump up early. A satisfied hum left him as he turned, burying it in a spot, before turning to look for another piece of prey to catch.

// rolled mouse, perfect catch! ​
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Raccoonstripe peels away from the tree, dark eyes luminous as he returns empty-pawed to their meeting spot. Cloudyfur is scraping earth over a fat pigeon, and he can see the naked tail peeking from the corner of Batwing’s mouth. He shakes his head with a fake grimace. “Normally I’d be upset at you both outshining me, but…” He grins and flicks an ear their direction. “Thanks for your support! Keep it up, we can’t let her patrol embarrass us.

He pads a few foxlengths away, his attention zeroing in on prey-scent. There’s a scuttle of delicate, tiny paws beneath the undergrowth. Raccoonstripe’s ears flick forward, alert, and he drops into a soundless crouch. Or so he had intended to do—but his movements were just a bit too heavy, the bulk of his body not saving him from detection. The mouse’s beady little eyes dart his direction, and, seeing certain demise, it bolts. Raccoonstripe curses again under his breath, shooting after it with all the speed he can muster. It’s well-ahead of him when it escapes into the roots of an oak tree.

He slams his fist against the bark in frustration. “Rotten luck today,” he murmurs, catching his breath.

  • rolled a mouse; utter spectacular failure yet again
  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
CLOUDYFUR / 14 moons — up in the sky Raising her head from where she had been where she had been burying her catch, Cloudyfur appraised the luck of the rest of the patrol. Two out of three was not bad, she thought. Though she was a bit surprised that it was the patrol leader that had not caught anything yet.

She blinked in surprise at Raccoonstripe's thanks. "Oh, no problem." She replied automatically. Internally though, she was a touch worried. Since she had been so worried about being the reason he lost that she had not given a thought to if she was part of the reason he won. She really hoped that Nightbird actually liked him or she was going to feel just terrible.

His mention of the competing patrol made Cloudyfur think of her sister. Even though this was supposed to be a competition, she hoped that Stormy was having good luck. After all, she knew her sister was likely taking the competition more seriously than she was, and probably enjoying it more too.

Returning her attention to her hunt, she peeled away from the rest of the patrol once more. After a moment, she picked up another prey scent and crept toward it. She could hear the slightest crunch of leaves ahead of her, letting her know she was on the right track. It came into sight moments later, a tiny brown bird, seemingly entirely oblivious to her presence. She tensed, then darted forward, her claws sunk into it quickly and it was dead before it could even cry out.

Cloudyfur let out a soft laugh of delight at the little finch she now had between her paws.

//ROLLED: bird, perfect catch