FAR FROM HOME // death


✟ 14/4 - 24 ✟
Jan 15, 2024

Fieryheart did not wish to think about what happened some couple of days ago when the sun had got swollowed whole and turned their world into pitch darkness. That had been terrifying. Was that how death felt like?. For the world to just go all black?. Fieryheart shivered just thinking about it and while his clanmates felt concerned this might have something to do with starclan, Fieryheart prefered to not think about it at all. It was better to focus on his warrior duties and so that was what he did. Fieryheart had left to hunt on his own like he often did not because he wanted to but because he didn't really felt connected with anyone in this clan. At times he wonderd if he had done the right decision to devote himself to this clan. It hadn't made it easier that Blazestar was gone either.

His inner conflicts had to be put aside when he finally caught scent of a rare prey he hadn't seen much around during leafbare. A squirrel. He was sure somebody back at camp would love to dig their teeths into that. Fieryheart would follow the tracks and he find himself in front of a tree. He stared up and spotted the red fluffy tail far up in the branches. He felt confident with his skills to climb so that was no issue for him. Fieryheart took a step back and crounched low before he jump forward to start climping up and used the branches to take himself higher up with his eyes set on the squirrel. When he almost had reached it the squirrel had taken notice of him and started to flee through the branches and so the red tabby followed as he took chase through the trees. Up here he almost felt free like a bird who was flying in the sky. It was a nice feeling, a thrill even as he felt alive which he never really did back down at the ground and....

It happened so fast...Fieryheart didn't even notice when the branch he just landed on cracked and...he fell straight down towards the ground. His eyes were wide open as he stared up through from the tree he just had been climping and...that was when he hit the ground. creak.

It was strange because he couldn't feel the pain, in fact he couldn't feel anything at all. He couldn't even move. But he did notice the taste of blood inside of his mouth and how it was dripping down from his maw. He find it difficult to breath and each breath become more heavy and slow. It took a moment for him to realize that this was it. He was dying. He had fell from the sky and was now going to die...What a shitty luck he had. For just a moment ago he had been thinking about death and how terrified he was of it and now he was going to be forced to face it.

Fieryheart moved his eyes to look up at the sky, the only thing he actually could move and he felt scared. He didn't wish to die. It was true he had always been scared of death but that was not really completely true either. What he was truly scared about was to die alone.

All his life he had been alone. He had been too young to remember much about his family before the twolegs had taken him to their den. There he had felt so isolated. His twolegs had never cared all too much about him so he had felt alone. That place had never felt like home. And that was what he had been searching for. A place to call his own. He had thought that home had been with Jackdaw but when that hadn't been the case he had tried to find it in skyclan. But he had failed to find it here either. Here too he felt alone like he didn't completely belong no matter how hard he had tried to fit in by doing everything a warrior was supposed to do, what was expected of him. Yet even so, he had failed to find what he had been searching for. A friend, a home. In the end he was not going to get any of that. He was going to die all and completely alone.

In that moment he wished there to be somebody out there who would embrace him, to hold him tightly as he passed on to the unkown. Would anyone even miss him?. Fieryheart's eyes grow heavier as his heart started to slow down as he bleed out on the ground. No, he didn't think anyone would. Tears started to stream down his face as he took his final breaths all scared and alone to face the darkness that started to surrend him. He suppose this was it. He had been born into a world all alone and he was going to die all alone. With sadness he come to accept it. He was meant to die alone.

His heart then stopt with nobody there by his side at the very end.

Once his body would get discovered Fieryheart's light had already faded out.

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Twitchbolt lived his life crouching away from death. Its lurking shadow engulfed everything he feared- every phobia's genesis had always been death. Snapping jaws, hungry wolf-stomachs, Twolegs taking mentors into rooms never to be seen again. That fate came in many forms, and Twitchbolt feared them all. It was what blew his eyes wide on a daily basis, had his heart stammering nonstop in his chest... and it made the shakes worse, too, but they were there even when he relaxed.

It was not simply his own death he so desperately feared. No, he wasn't crafted for that tiny worry... becuase maybe he'd have a bit of faith in himself, if there was one cat to protect. But vividly in his mind was stained the picture of his parents, splattered in the snow- half-eaten, hunted while hunting.

It was happening again.

A branch lay on the ground. A few tail-lengths away, the limp form of Fieryheart. He'd known the warrior since childhood- though they'd never been close, the red tabby was someone fairly permanent in his life, part of the rotation of cats Twitchbolt had begun to take for granted. Foolishly so. "Fieryheart?" he said, voice tentative and frayed, like a cut string.

No answer, of course.

His vision began to blur, a lump of panic rising in his throat- a pit of regret that a friendship never solidified lay lost, now. His breath shuddered, and he placed a snowy paw on Fieryheart's shoulder. Cold. There was no pulse of life beneath the skin, though he wasn't icy quite yet- there was no arguing with the reality. Twitchbolt seized violently. Sickness spread through him, and his teeth chattered with twitches, tail swatting. He'd died, and there had been no-one here.

One of the worst ways to go. "No, no, no..." His words were cracked- immobile, he crouched by Fieryheart's body, throat desert dry. He needed to be brought home... where he could be with his Clanmates, though he hadn't been in death, but he could not bring the red tom home alone.

And... something stopped him from breaking away to fetch anyone.
penned by pin ✧

Death seemed to surround SkyClan in recent moons. Though they had made it to new-leaf death’s looming shadow had not retreated. As Figfeather’s paws arrive at Twitchbolt’s side, as her eyes examine the way her fallen clan-mate’s legs twist and bend in ways she had thought not possible, she wonders if this recent bought of bad luck had been brought on by the sun.

Had this been what StarClan was trying to warn them about? She was no medicine cat, yet in these last few days she wracked her brain trying to put the pieces to the puzzle together. No cat could blame her, a hole in the sun- an event no cat has ever seen before could not mean any good. It had to be warning them of something.

”This is…” A lump in her throat forms as she looks at Fieryheart, horrible.” It was cruel. How long had he suffered? Had he died on impact with the ground? Figfeather can only pray to the stars he went with little pain and that it was over sooner than later.

A deceased squirrel had fallen fox-lengths away, his fresh-kill. Figfeather makes a mental note to be sure to grab it, his last hunt would feed his clan, it wouldn’t go to waste. She leans down and presses her nose momentarily into her fallen clan-mates fur before looking to the deputy for instruction. Would more cats find them? Could they get him home themselves? Should she run back for help?
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing