sensitive topics farewell but not goodbye | missing cat


Apr 30, 2024

'I'm just going to the dirtplace, I'll be back soon'

That had been Lavendersong's intention at least. She couldn't help it if she had needed a moment to herself whilst she was gone. Being a mother was so tiring, and whilst she adored Shimmerkit with all her heart, sometimes Lavendersong wished she had never become a mother. And certainly, once Shimmerkit was apprenticed, Lavendersong had not intention of having anymore kits. The queen had walked along the riverbank, watching the surprisingly slow current and admiring how nice of a day it had been. Lavendersong had lowered her head to drink from the river, intending on having a quick drink before heading back. She had already been gone longer than promised, though she was certain the other queens wouldn't mind.

Little did she know, she would not return to the nursery, nor would she return to RiverClan. Lavendersong would have disappeared without a trace for the most part. Though if anyone were to stumble across where she had stopped to have her drink, they would find the ground disturbed by the edge of the river, and an incriminating blood stain on one of the nearby stepping stones.

Lavendersong was only going to the dirtplace. She should have been back long ago...

Shimmerkit was not one to easily worry, many things going over her head, or she simply didn't understand situations well enough. But for once, Shimmerkit did know something was wrong. When her mother had left, Shimmerkit had distracted herself by playing with the other kits and pestering the queens. These little games were not long, as Shimmerkit fully intended to turn her attention back to her mother when she returned. As time seemed to drag on, Shimmerkit was keenly aware of how odd this all was. Giving up on her fellow denmates, she went and sat by the mouth of the nursery, hoping that Lavendersong might have appeared quicker if she was there.

When it became apparent that her plan hadn't worked, Shimmerkit ventured outside, looking warily around camp. Shimmerkit would pad up to the nearest warrior and look up at them with pleading eyes. "Excuse me," She mewed, drawing their attention to her from whatever they had been doing before. "Have you seen my mom? She hasn't come back yet..." Shimmerkit's voice, usually so loud and energetic, was subdued and quiet, the worry for her mother slowly affecting her usual bright mood.
At the sound of her little voice, Hawkcloud looks down to meet the poor kit's wide, forlorn eyes — her own blinking in surprise at Shimmerkit's sudden question. She glances back up again, scanning the camp in case the queen happened to be wandering about nearby, but Hawkcloud isn't sure when the last time she saw Lavendersong was. Then again, she's never really looking for something or some cat until she knows she should be. "No, I haven't seen her," the she-cat responds with an apologetic smile, returning her gaze to the small kit. "Let's go look for her!"

She's excited about the prospect, eager to go on an impromptu scavenger hunt of sorts and return the smile to Shimmerkit's face. Hawkcloud picks up the queen's stale scent, veering off towards the river that circles camp and disappearing along the bank. "Wait here," she tells Shimmerkit brightly as they reach the edge of the camp, making sure the kit remains safely within its boundaries while she picks her way along the reeds ahead. Sniffing along for traces of Lavendersong's scent, Hawkcloud's smile and sense of adventure is immediately snuffed out when the tang of blood joins it.

Turning back quickly, the she-cat can feel her stomach sinking unpleasantly — and she's glad she left Shimmerkit behind where she couldn't see the struggle scored into the wet earth at the edge of the river, the spattering of crimson blood. Returning to the despondent kit, Hawkcloud swallows around a tight throat that wells with rising panic, but keeps a smile on her face as best she can while she crouches down to Shimmerkit's level. "Actually, would you rather wait in the nursery? I'm gonna ask Lichenstar for help, so it might take a bit longer." Hawkcloud hopes the kit isn't too restless to return to the nursery where it'd be safest.

/ @lichenstar
Lavendersong had been one of the many queens to enter the nursery as spring opened up its leaves above the snowmelt. Shimmerkit had been her lone gift to share to the Clan, though it didn't take more than that to cause a whirlwind. The she-kit was often let to run rampant while the queen focused her gaze elsewhere, distant. Hazecloud had seen it though, in the moments where her gaze lingered away her Shimmerkit's play and the sigh that would leave her maw before nap time.

The mother was exhausted. Hazecloud could empathize with the feeling. So when Lavendersong made her announcement, the foggy she-cat kept her eyes on the kit for her. A wordless reassurance that she could take her time- Shimmerkit was the only kit of her litter, no siblings to keep her entertained but plenty of denmates the same age would do the trick.

Enough time had passed though that Hazecloud began to notice, worry even, about Lavendersong's whereabouts. Had she left her kit for a walk around the entire meadow? It would be sundown soon, not entirely safe for a queen to be out of camp so late. "Hawkcloud's a good choice." The silver molly mewed, keeping herself calm to ensure Shimmerkit remained unaware. At least for now, she saw no need to rile her up yet.

Yet the warrior returned, without Lavendersong, now in search of her mate instead. "That should be fine. Shimmerkit, would you like to show me your nest? I can make sure it's soft when your mother comes back."


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


Worry struck Ferngill as soon as he caught wind of the murmurings- a queen, disappeared. Lavendersong- concern flitted on his face, but gerrn eyes flicked between the gentle, subtle faces and words of Hawkcloud and Hazecloud, and swallowed away the worry so that the wobble did not enter his voice. Yeah, he'd never been a good actor, and any warrior would be able to tell that a great worry had gripped him- but he hoped it was suffice at least for Shimmerkit.

There was some deep knowledge in Hawkcloud's eye- she'd been and gone already, and found something, he could guess. Don't let it be a body, a paranoid voice churned in his mind. He thought of Sablemist's father, rotted in the weeds...

Ferngill drifted near. "I'll help too, Shimmerkit- it'll be sorted in no time," he assured her, a quick nod accompanyting his words, and he gave her the shiniest, most sure smile he could possibly give. It'd be alright, it had to be alright... hadn't there been enough disappearances?

Briefly, a green eye found Hazecloud's own verdant pair. Thank you was written in emerald depths.
penned by pin

Shimmerkit is glad when Hawkcloud agrees to look for her mother, and she gives the warrior a glad smile at her offer. And so she waits as per Hawkcloud's instruction, and for once she does not move, and only looks away from her post to look over at Hazecloud who assured her that Hawkcloud was a good choice.

When Hazecloud does return, Shimmerkit perks up briefly, only for her expression to falter when she realises Lavendersong isn't with them. Ferngill's assurances earn a weak smile from her, though it is Hazecloud she shifts towards, finding the older she-cat's presence familiar and comforting. "Can we put some nice feathers in it?" Shimmerkit asks, looking up at Hazecloud with wide blue eyes. "Mama likes feathers."
It isn't like Lavendersong to be gone for so long without telling one of the other queens first. Iciclefang can tell Shimmerkit is getting restless; the little she-kit keeps looking toward camp's entrance, her gaze shiny with hope. But it's Hawkcloud who returns—alone. Iciclefang sees the flash in Hawkcloud's leaf-colored eyes as she calls for Lichenstar. The queen exchanges a glance with first Hazecloud and then Ferngill. Something has happened to Lavendersong.

"Can we put some nice feathers in it?" Shimmerkit asks, turning her gleaming blue eyes onto Hazecloud. "Mama likes feathers." Something unsettling stirs like a disturbed pile of stones in Iciclefang's belly, but she shakes them away. We know nothing yet. "Sure. Let's see if we can find any, shall we?"

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.