private Farewell wanderlust ❧ Jellypaw

Feb 20, 2024

Florabreeze wouldn’t admit it out loud but there was a certain delight that she carried towards the fact that Jellypaw is a daylight apprentice. She would do just fine with a full time apprentice too but she thought there was something just that extra bit delightful to it. She waited with the other daylight warriors for the last of the daylighters, including the young apprentice, to arrive. Her mood brightens up considerably when she spots her, tail raising in greeting. “Goodmorning Jellypaw! Are you ready to start your first day of training?” She thought that the answer may be a no, it wouldn’t bring her spirits down no matter what the answer would be. Falling into step with the smaller cat as they walked through the forest towards camp, she spent time considering what she should be teaching her right now, maybe she should go through fundamentals? Like how to climb a tree? They could go on a tour through the territory, that sounded like a good idea, that could always be done later though. The Maine Coon realised very quickly that there were way too many choices for what to do for the first day.

“You know what, let’s go see the Rockpile today. See if we can find any mice!” She settled on what idea called to her first, it would be good to try and instil good hunting practices now. This would be low stakes too, right? It was only mice and there should be a respectable abundance of them right now due to the warm weather, if Florabreeze was a mouse she thought that it sounded like a good place to try and beat the heat. With a trot in her step she guided herself to walk away from the direction of the camp's entrance, they could always participate in camp based tasks later, they tend to get a little tedious and this seemed like a good moment to get to know Jellypaw better.

“If you catch a mouse I’ll let you pick where you would want to go next! You can see anything within SkyClan territory” After a pause she adds “Including our shared borders” things with ThunderClan seemed to have settled so that should be fine, RiverClan doesn’t seem like a concern at all either. This felt like a more interesting way to both introduce the territory and see how her hunting skills were. She leads the seal point towards the east of camp where the Rockpile lays, an impressively large assortment of rocks that stack high, well beyond either one of their heights. Arriving earlier in the day like this seems to leave it relatively barren, not seeing that many warriors in the surrounding area, hopefully this would make this a less daunting experience for her apprentice. “Okay! Can you show me how you would crouch if you were about to pounce on a mouse?” Her tone is light in her request, keeping these demands soft in tone. It wouldn’t be fun for either of them if she tried to force something that Jellypaw didn’t want to do.

  • @jellypaw ♬
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

———————daylight apprentice | 6mo | emptypilled——————
"Byyye mama!" Jellypaw's tail-tip twitched as her mother parted from her side to join the other warriors, leaving the apprentice to be with their mentor. The life of an apprentice had already diverted from her normal routine, waking up earlier than she had before and parting from her mothers side for far longer than she desired to be. But she would put on a smile, because her mother loved when she smiled!

"Hiiii Miss Flora... breeze!" Jellypaw looked up at the black tabby, doing her best to keep her strides in line with her mentors without realizing Florabreeze was doing the same for her. The question led her to believe that there was an option, and so her eyes lit up, yelling a hopeful- "NO! Can we stay home?" But it in fact was not an option, and thus learned the unfortunate news of what a rhetorical question was.

Now deflated and losing all hope, Jellypaw dragged her paws through the patches of grassy and rocky terrain. The morning sun did not yet cause the cobbled paths to burn underpaw, but she imagined the trail to SkyClan far more treacherous now and her mentor as forcing her to bare the dangers. A world barren of plush nests and warm calloused strokes over her head. It was bleak, cloudy and gray, she could practically feel the cold raindrops from the depression!

That was until Florabreeze suggested something else. The Rockpile, something about mice, she had never eaten mouse before. Her mother had been sure to remind her and her siblings that as daylighters, they were not to eat the prey in camp due to having food at home.

But there is another lure cast to the apprehensive cat, the lure of more training from the sound of it, and Jellypaw only sighed sadly. Still, Florabreeze has a kick in her step and she padded after her to keep up. The Rockpile is impressive, however. Taller than Highbranch maybe! Why didn't Orangestar have her meetings here, instead? Oh right, the mice. She took to hopping on the nearest, lowest stone and went to shoving her nose around the holes and crevices to look for mice.

"CROUCH!?" Her yell is shrill in surprise. "You can't just find them and eat them?" Jellypaw slumped forward until her her body had fallen totally limp with a long, draining hhuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh. "I don't KNOW how to crouch!! I'll look stupid and the mice will laugh at me. And then eat ME instead!"

[penned by beatae].

She couldn’t help but chuckle at how quickly Jellypaw jumped at the idea of asking to stay home, it was a clipped laugh as she didn’t want to make the poor kid feel insecure. Instead she shakes her head, silently confirming that the question was indeed rhetorical and that she had to still start her first day regardless if she was ready or not. Sink or swim, that was a phrase she had heard before and she thought that it was pretty apt to apply, even if she couldn’t swim either, what a silly phrase. Grassy hued eyes glance down at the seal point, a small frown fluttering across her maw for a moment before she replaces it with a neutral expression. She disliked having to break the poor girl's heart by saying no and making her train, this was necessary though. How would she learn if she wasn’t carefully introduced to do them, even if she didn’t want to, to step out of her comfort zone was important.

Florabreeze beams in delight as the apprentice seems to show interest in The Rockpile, taking initiative to hop onto stones and shoving her nose wherever she could. While she was sure that she should probably call out to her to not just shove her face into random spaces. Nothing bad happens though and it was already a delicate enough dance to convince her that training was not only important but should be enjoyable. Instead she mentally stores her inquisitive nature to implement in the future and decides on saving that talking to for after this lesson. “Mhm, you crouch” she coos with a smile, brushing off the shrill yell. “I wish you could just find and eat them, that takes away the fun though” things in life can’t be that easy unfortunately.

A black striped and white splashed fluffy tail sways behind her as she considers the objections that Jellypaw raised. “You’re too big for the mice to eat, if they try to eat you then that means they’d be close right? Easier to pounce” She ends her sentence with a teasing tone and a wink, a gentle laugh twinkling through the air. With a hum she crouched next to the slumped she-cat “I didn’t know how to crouch very well either when I joined, no mice laughed at me though! I promise.” There’s hesitation before she brings her tail to lightly tap at Jellypaw’s flank, testing the boundaries on how much space she should be giving her. “How about you crouch with me? If you copy me then we could both look stupid, I think it would be nice to look stupid together” She stands up and walks to collect some stray wild flowers, snipping at the stems then bringing the flowers to set them up in front of her apprentice.

“Mice can be tricky and won’t stay still so we’ll first practice on something that can’t move. It’s okay if you don’t get it on your first try, that’s what practice is for. Copy me ‘kay?” Florabreeze explains as she trots to be by the seal points side. Crouching low into a hunters crouch she takes the time to straighten herself, while she normally towed the line on what was acceptable for a crouch she wanted to lead by example. Inhaling for a moment and upon exhaling she lunges forward to pounce on one of the flowers. Trying her best to be as slow as she possibly could so Jellypaw could see as much as possible. Standing up and cradling the flower in her paw she offers it to her as a gift “this can be a nice memory of your first day? Why don’t you try and pounce on the other one? Just like I did!”

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}