fascination | settling in

Although she had officially been a SkyClan cat for some days now, Howlpaw was still getting used to life in her new home. It wasn't entirely unfamiliar to her thanks to her occasional visits before the new Warrior Code was established. Day-to-day life wasn't too dissimilar to that in ThunderClan either, but there was still enough unfamiliarity here to keep her on her toes. One thing Howlpaw was keen to do was to get to know her clanmates a bit better. She knew most of them in passing beyond a select few, but for the most part, many of them were like complete strangers. Grabbing a mouse from the fresh-kill pile, Howlpaw pads over to the nearest cat she can find. Without asking permission first, she sits down next to them. "Mind if I join you?" She asks with a cheerful tone.
It was a light meal today, as Finchfang only felt comfortable taking a thin shrew from the pile; those few pieces of prey which were fatter and juicier-looking ought to go to elders, queens, or kits. He had only begun crunching into his food when a small chocolate-and-white form dropped down next to time. He stiffened in surprise: it wasn't as if he disliked his Clanmates, certainly not, but he wasn't used to being approached. He wasn't used to being chosen, quite frankly, as lonely as that sounded. Was he lonely? He'd never really thought about it before. "Of course not." said the brown tabby, in a tone that suggested he was almost in disbelief that someone would ask his permission. What was he supposed to do now? Make chitchat, he supposed - right? "You're Fireflypaw's sister, aren't you?" he inquired in his quiet voice, hazel eyes flicking over to linger on the apprentice. She was so...young...and he remembered with a twinge of discomfort that her sister had been killed so recently. Was bringing up another sibling painfully insensitive?

Twitchpaw had found himself genuinely surprised to learn that Howlpaw and Fireflypaw had decided to stay in SkyClan, permanently. Not that he was in any place to judge- they could do what he wanted, it was none of his business, was it- but he supposed it would be good for Blazestar to have some of his children about. Near him, where they could comfort him- hopefully. Though- the leader's sapphire gaze had been devoid of light, lately. A shed skin walked their camp-grounds, not their leader. Twitchpaw worried that the Blazestar he had once known had died with Morningpaw, and not even the presence of Howlpaw and Fireflypaw would be able to bring him back.

He could only hope, though. Hope that they were all healing, in their own ways... somehow. If it was even possible. Really he had no idea what it felt like, and it was stupid of him to pretend he could empathise. He'd never had siblings, an only child since birth- and for the kid's sake he hoped his own parents weren't planning on having any more. It was... difficult to attempt to understand what it was like to lost something he'd never even had, let alone lost too.

Well, there was only one thing for it, wasn't there? To- to help Howlpaw feel welcome. Maybe even a little bit better. But where to even start with the maze of conversation? He wanted to get involved, he really did, but he'd never been much good t approaching people if it wasn't an accident. "AHEM- uhm... mind if I join you, too...?" Wary question, it did not go without a slight twitch, namesake shown off. All he held was a tiny mouse, and he'd probably not even finish all of it, but... company was always nice.
penned by pin ✧

"Oh! The more the merrier, right?" Batpaw chirps as she makes her way over to her mentor, smiling at the other apprentices. Company would probably make eating more enjoyable, given how little prey there is to enjoy at the moment, and enough so to eclipse the fact that the stockpile is dwindling. From what she's heard, it's a trying time for prey, but for what she's lived, Batpaw knows little else. Well, that's what living is for: knowing more! And what a way to pursue that purpose than by getting to know Howlpaw and Twitchpaw better? Her smile holds in place as she settles in to Finchfang's shadow, paws tucking close to her body.

Finchfang seems surprised at having been asked, though for what reason, Howlpaw cannot say. Still, she's glad the older tom hasn't sent her away. At least that means she can eat her meal and have a good chat at the same time. At his question, she nods eagerly, taking a quick bite before she gives a verbal response. "Yep! Fireflypaw's my big brother," She confirms. "We have two siblings in ThunderClan too - Crescentpaw and Burnpaw." And Morningpaw but she's dead and you probably already know that.

The thought of Morningpaw gives her pause and a reflective expression takes hold. Twitchpaw and Batpaw's request to join snaps her out of her thoughts and she nods. "Sure!" She says, beaming at the pair. Her hazel eyes then look to Finchfang, realising she should probably ask him too before inviting every apprentice who walked past to join them. "Do you mind if they join?"
"If y'mean the best big bro ever, then yeah! This is my baby sister." Fireflypaw chimes as he finally walks over, his name mentioned almost bringing him about like a charm of luck. One, two, three, four- a step, four steps. It's all natural, all habit. Avoid this stick, step over this plod of snow. Safe. Eyes flutter shut, tail guiding him around from the side to make sure he didn't get too close to any sticks. Step and snap, break your dad's back- after all.

"Did'ja get your nest all set up, Howl? Oh, some flowers would look so pretty in it! Imagine if they match 'yer eyes." He hums softly, nuzzling his face against his sister's own. He'd always been particularly affectionate with his siblings, but now that he only had Howlpaw to see constantly, it felt a bit lonely when she wasn't around. Batpaw and Twitchpaw are present, and the odd one out of the two sounds like he was going to faint from asking if he could hang around. "Y'know, Finchfang's super fast. Ever seen 'em run through the forest at top speed? I have. It's pretty gnarly." He grins towards the apprentices, proudly bragging about the warrior he had not-so-subtly befriended.
Tan tail curled like a ring above his back, the apprentice though hungry and sweating at the brow from exerting himself in training. Prances like an arrogant mule across camp, he catches wind of the exuberant Fireflypaw, boasting about Finchfang’s speed. A group rallied up for dinner, Scorpionpaw casually threads his attention to the conversation.

" hey it’s uh… cool you chose Skyclan Howlpaw. Hope you feel… at home " he feels weird being too nice, the smile feels strange on his blonde maw and he quickly extinguishes it upon the chattery. A snobbish smirk gradually spreading on his chin.

" psssh, rubbish. I could beat him!" he snorts out toward the warrior. It was a mighty bluff it was, Scorpionpaw had no prayer against a full grown warrior. " Right Batpaw! I could beat him, huh?" he wags a paw toward the green eyed black furred apprentice obviously trying to coax her onto his metaphorical team.

  • ✧ S C O R P I O N P A W
    — nine moons
    — apprentice of Skyclan
    — gay crushing on n/a
    — mentored by n/a
    — spiky furred tan and brown tom with orange eyes.
  • 84fedde5368a3afcc4a742ceae3857ab.jpg

Basilpaw does not know if he would have been able to make the same choice as Howlpaw and Fireflypaw. If any of his family was still alive, if any of his siblings still walked this earth, he would do anything to be with them again, of that he is absolutely certain. He's almost angry at the callous way Howlpaw and Fireflypaw just show up here. Why would they want to be here when they had such a big family waiting for them in Thunder Clan? Its selfish but he is jealous of their blood ties, jealous that they have the very thing that he craves and yet they squander it.

But still, he is also selfishly glad they are here. They are loyal Sky Clanners but most importantly, they are younger than him and could take some of the older cats eyes off of him.

He comes to sit next to Twitchpaw, a friend, not bothering to ask permission to join but he flicks the brown tom on the shoulder in way of a greeting. He rolls his eyes at Scorpionpaws words, how was it cool that she had chosen to remain loyal to a clan that was hers by birth right, by that same logic Sky Clan was lucky Basilpaw hadn't run off to be with his mother in an owls nest somewhere. Its a dark thought and in no way does it make sense other than in his twisted brain but still. "I bet Howlpaw could take all of us! I heard that Thunder Clan trains their apprentices with claws unsheathed! Is that true Howlpaw? Was your training over there hard?" his mismatched eyes land on the chocolate colored apprentice, eyes looking over her for scars or gouges that would signify a battle-hardened cat but frowning when he doesn't find any.

Speaking of Fireflypaw, it does not take long for Howlpaw's brother to join the little group, perhaps drawn over by the mention of his own name. She rolls her eyes playfully, when he nuzzles against her, and asks if she has put any flowers in her nest yet. "Not yet, unless you expect me to use weeds," She responded, nudging him slightly.

Scorpionpaw says he hopes she feels at home and she smiles and dips her head a little. "Still a bit strange being here all the time," She admits. "but we're getting there!" Her brother then makes a mention about Finchfang, asking if she'd seen him run. Scorpionpaw dismisses it with a snort and claims that he could beat him, nudging Batpaw for backup which makes Howlpaw laughs. Her laughter fades slightly when Basilpaw, one of the older apprentices, suggests that Howlpaw could take them all. "Oh, uh, I don't know about that," Howlpaw chuckled. "I didn't even really start combat training before I left."

Twitchpaw took the invitation, but the look upon his face stayed the stunned picture it always was- one might think he was forced to sit here had he not asked for the company. Settling, the flick of Basilpaw's tail against his shoulder caused the scruffy tom to lurch backward, startling at the sudden contact. Incredulous eyes wavered upon his fellow apprentice for a few long moments before his expression softened slightly, ever-so-slightly, and he muttered "Sorry." Still, though, he did not move closer.

Clearing his throat, his attention flickered back to the other apprenticed, trying desperately to dredge his mind back up from the loop-de-loop it had just been subjected to. He supposed- Howlpaw wasn't very old, was she? Even with ThunderClan's training regime, he'd no idea what she'd already learned... though it was apparently not fighting. Maybe a good thing... he wouldn't imagine she was in much of a mood to get in another fight. "W-well- you'll learn some- cool moves here, then. Probably." Daisyflight had taught him some fun methods of using the environment against his opponent- and maybe she'd learn to use the trees to her advantage, too. "You, uh- gonna learn to climb?"
penned by pin ✧