fast - pafp - 400 on the dash

Apr 27, 2023
This thread is open to kits and one or two more apprentices that are willing to get into trouble as well until further notice!//
please let scorpiankit post first!//

Milkpaw couldn't say he had a bad life. His mother and father were in the picture, and his siblings. But for some reason, he got in trouble a lot. and that wasn't fair! His sister did stupid things too, like whining. Why can she sit there and whine and cry all day about her paws hurting when they were supposed to be training? Then try to duck out of it?

Well, he needed his own friends to explore the territory with and train with. So the four moon old child, white as snow with lilac spots across his pelt, would march right up to ScorpianKit. "You seem fun," he said abruptly, remembering the other kitten. "You wanna go on an adventure? We can go train and explore the territory!" he said, crystal blue eyes full of excitement instead of annoyance now. "You can bring you're friends too, it'll make it so much more fun!"


"You seem fun," comes a voice, unprompted. Scorpionkit turns to look -- oh, Milkpaw. He's one of the littler apprentices, left the nursery for good not long before they saw past its walls for the first time. He seems fun too, not all serious like some of the other apprentices. Always getting in trouble with the older cats, they like that, means he's not scared. Just like her.

Adventure, he offers, exploring and training. A wide grin splits Scorpionkit's maw, mirroring Milkpaw's own excitement. "I'm in, I'm in!!" she cheers. Admittedly, she doesn't have any friends outside of her siblings, but she won't let that stop her. Of course, she is quick to call her favorite target for mischief. He's not far, she'd already been making her way over to him. "Juni! Hey Juni we're going on an adventure! 'Less you're too scared," she teases, singsong-voice more excited than mocking. Eager green eyes scan the camp, searching for more of her siblings to recruit for their adventure.


  • // @Juniperkit hope it's alright to ping you! saw you were interested in discord :]​
  • SCORPIONKIT small but deadly.
    — she/her. 1 moon.
    — windclan kit.
    — a high-energy bundle of ambition. fearless and thoughtless.

    casual character, inconsistent activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled134_20230408125428.png

she is not far from juniperkit when scorpionkit beckons her brother to go on some sort of adventure. hollykit stops running her pink tongue over shaded fur instantly, tilting her ears closer to her siblings for a chance to hear better. the tabby's teasing was anything but quiet, so it didn't prove difficult to hear.

she wanted to go, she wasn't scared. hollykit marched over, chest puffed and spiky tail held high behind her. "i'm coming too," she announced haughtily, green gaze shifting between her siblings and the apprentice. but, where were they going exactly? she began to have second thoughts. they weren't gonna do anything dangerous, right? "um, where are we going?"


Pale yellow eyes narrow as snippets of conversation drift through her ears. She turns her head to the source, frowning as she sees Milkpaw speaking to Scorpionkit, then Scorpionkit calls out for Juniperkit, says they’re going out on an adventure. "Not so fast" she says quickly, eyes remaining narrowed as she glances around for the kits mother while she makes her approach. Not only to see if she knew what was going on but in hopes that she would materialize and deal with this situation herself. Bluepool was not the most fond of kits, but she didnt mean she wanted to see them get hurt or possibly worse. There were a lot of dangers out on the moors. That and she was a lead warrior now, she had to at least be a little bit responsible.

”Scorpionkit, Hollykit you can’t leave the camp unless your mother or Sootstar herself say so and I don’t see either of them anywhere near here do you? And Milkpaw" she takes a deep breath, trying to maintain some level of control, keep the annoyance from creeping into her voice "Youre an apprentice now, you should know better than to try and take a bunch of kits out on the moors what could you possibly be thinking" she does not want to scare the kits but perhaps if this continued it would be necessary. She frowns as she looks down upon the small group, shortened tail flicking irritably behind her as she awaits the apprentices answer.

I just noticed the part where warriors couldn't post yet was cut out 😔///

Milkpaw smiled as scorpiankit was eager to join. Already inviting one other kit. And as another jumped in ready to join he raised himself to look bigger. Great! Four cats is perfect for a patrol! He thought, a toothy grin towards the kittens. He wasn't much bigger than them, himself.

But he thought he was the biggest, baddest cat known to the clan.

"We're going to this place I just learned about today-" His words went hushed on command as Bluepool began heading their way, here to ruin the fun. His ears folded back and the tip of his tail flicked in an aggravated manner.

"We weren't going anywhere! It's called imagination," He huffed, extending the word imagination, and his crystal eyes rolling. "But you're a lead warrior now, so you don't have time for imagination." He was probably already in trouble, and if he could cover it up, then he would.

Of course he was lying. But he was good at what he had to do. "Besides, even if we were leaving camp, which we weren't, I'm big and strong and would save them from any danger coming our way. I'm MilkStar, Scorpion is ScorpionStrike, my proud deputy. And-" He shook his head. "You get what I'm sayin' don't you?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Don't you have lead warrior things to do, besides bothering us kids anyways?"
❪ TAGS ❫ — Next to stalk up onto the scene, noggin held high and proud as he flicked a judgmental stare onto Milkpaw and the two kits he had convinced into prancing about the moors aimlessly. He couldn't claim that he hadn't been eager to patrol the lands as a young squirt, adamant about how tough and brave he was, but now Snakepaw understood the risks of such young souls walking about unprotected. Hawks circled the skies above the open grasses, scouring for mice and even stray kits to snatch into their talons. One had nearly taken Cottonpaw a short while ago.

He comes to a stop next to Bluepool, the latest addition to the Lead Warrior roster. Snakepaw is a hypocrite, acting as if he is above getting into trouble and talking back to his superiors, but there's nothing that the tom wants more than to snake his way onto the good side of Sootstar and her littermates. Everyone called them "moorland royalty", after all; was it such a bad thing to suck up to them?

"You've got quite the nerve, addressing the sister of the Moor Queen in such a tone." Snakepaw icily issues toward Milkpaw, the tip of his tail twitching irritably. Just another cocky apprentice who thought they ruled the roost when, in reality, Snakepaw was the best one out of them all. The ignorance of the kits was excusable because their brains were fly-sized, but seeing Milkpaw chewed out by Bluepool was rather satisfying to the arrogant male.

Snakepaw straightens up and glances in the Lead Warrior's direction, commenting snarkily, "It's obvious that he still has the tiny brain of a kit. He even hangs around them, too." What apprentice spent time with kits, anyway? How embarrassing; Snakepaw nearly wanted to snicker.

A smug smirk adorns his features now as he taunts Milkpaw, "Go on and play with your friends in the nursery, little kit. Us apprentices have to patrol and train." He would say just about anything to make himself seem better and other apprentices seem lesser. That was how the world worked; Lead Warriors earned their ranks by being better than their peers. Badgermoon earned his rank that way, too. Snakepaw was intent on doing the same.

"You little knuckleheaded dipshits, get back to the nursery or I'LL EAT YOU!" Phantom black and soundless steps, the dark and slinky limbed molly ambled over with her head tilted up and her teeth gnashing in righteous fury. She could care less if Spiderbloom's foolish brood got swooped up, it just meant less stupid kits to trip over in the camp but her clanmates felt otherwise and so she would begrudgingly join in trying to keep them alive for long enough to develop a few braincells, but really it was Milkpaw here who

A paw swung out to try and cuff the loud apprentice upside the ear, "Mind your tongue or lose it, furball. Respect your superiors, a good WindClanner knows when to dip their head in respect!" Says the woman who spent most of her freetime harrassing Wolfsong for the offense of simply existing but it was all in good fun and besides: she picked on him before he was a lead warrior. It was tradition now to do so!
Eye-meltingly green eyes turned to hone in on Snakepaw, she'd always liked the cut of that kid; listened to his authority figures and minded his own business, the best kind of apprentice if you asked her. Hers mostly rolled her eyes at her when she remembered the girl existed. Speaking of, "Azaleapaw, what do you think Milkpaw ought to do as punishment for mouthing off? Any good ideas?"
Her twisted and curled tail swept the ground before rising up like a hooked scythe above her back, ready to descend at any moment. Judge, jury and more importantly: Executioner.

Apprentice tag - @Azaleapaw

An unfamiliar feeling. Ears heated, face burning in a mix of anger and the embarrassment that snakepaw was trying to get from him. Not about treating Bluepool rudely, but the nasty words that made his ears curl back and a growl erupt from the white furred toms chest.

"Stay out of this, Fox-dung. No one was talking to you," His tail flicked harder in anger, and his toes would dig claws into the dirt to keep him in place.

"I don't kiss cats be-"

His words were cut off as an angry molly approached. NightShade. The molly who threatened to eat kits if they did wrong. A paw swiped forward from her tall form, across his ears and he ducked down and wrapped his tail around himself with his head down.

Submission. Silence from the apprentice as Night lectured him. Frosted eyes still held anger, hatred. They always were mad at him. And he was always in trouble.

And now she was casting an apprentice to punish him? Now that wasn't fair! He hadn't even taken them out of the camp! Why didn't cats mind their own anymore?

"I-im sorry," he said, looking to Bluepool and biting back other words about how he was only sorry to the molly and not Snakepaw. He tried to sound genuine, Nightshade having smacked a bit of fear into the young apprentice.

Was he going to do it again? Probably. Maybe. He didn't know yet.