
primadonna girl ♡
Feb 21, 2024
In Mockingbirdcry's eyes, her curiosity relating to how the council as it currently sits feels about their Clan's transition in leaders is a perfectly normal thing, acceptable even. In those of others, she understands ( to some degree ), it might be misconstrued as rude . . . doubtful, even, of the proficiency of either side of the still - flipping leadership coin. Not so; her interest ( or nosiness ) in the opinions of the current council members during this ever - awkward period between the downfall of one leader and the impending ascension of another is born not of disbelief ( or belief in incompetence, rather), but of simple interest . . . curiosity about the tidal wave this will send through the ever - crashing sea of Clan politics.

One member, in particular. She seeks out Sharpshadow's opinion on the thing not only as a matter of course for any council member, but also from the unique perspective of having endured an ( overlong ) tutelage under their incoming leader's guidance. Mockingbirdcry dares not ( verbally ) question his competence as a mentor, or Sharpshadow's as a pupil, given the exceptional length of the chimera's extended apprenticeship, one she'd watched with some curiosity from the permanent sideline of the nursery . . . but she does wonder at it. Regardless, the lead warrior's thoughts will be appreciated as any high - ranking cat's, doubly so given her personal familiarity with Smogmaw.

" Sharpshadow, " she greets in courteous tones despite the hoarseness of an overtaxed voice, fluffy head dipping respectfully low in acknowledgement of his superior status within the Clan. Ever one to bow to hierarchy, Mockingbirdcry makes no exception now; the queen cants her head to the space near the chimera's side ( but not too near, manners must be minded ) in a wordless request to sit. Once granted, she makes herself comfortable on crumbling mud, tucking her heavy tail about white paws, its split - hued underside marred with splashes of mud and tufts of errant greenery.

" You're well, I hope? " As ever, she camouflages instinctive candor with polite chit - chat, lest she offend @SHARPSHADOW by striking immediately to the marrow of the issue . . . though, of course, the degree of groveling necessary varied wildly from cat to cat. Feathery ears twitch in acknowledgement of her companion's jittery reply, chestnut - dark eyes roving wide across the camp, their smooth arc ending firmly on the now - unoccupied surface of the Clanrock, its trademark lichens momentarily unstirred by power - infused paws. " So . . . "

" . . . How are you feeling about our impending leader? " She fixes Sharpshadow with an unflinching gaze, lacking in any insecure flickers of deeply brown pupils, the wide doeish nature of her eyes somewhat countering the laser - focus of the queen's stare. For a moment, it seems as though every silent judgement outpours in her eyes . . . and then it's quickly corrected, oak - hued gaze softening with an accompanying cushion to the starkness of her question. Mockingbirdcry's voice is a polite rasp as she self - corrects on instinct, " I'm merely curious about what it must be like from a council member's point of view. "

OOC : Please wait for Sharpshadow to post!
  • Nervous
The dip of her head makes him uncomfortable, immediately. Respect offered to someone that was more - or - less an imposter within his rank. Maybe, fluttered low in that rasping voice, like a bird sizing up its prey, its mocking ( ha... ) in the way that most ShadowClanners did not care to hide. She doesn't mean to be rude. She really doesn't. She's just so perturbed that she ends up wordlessly staring at the queen with prey - like eyes and a similarly stupid face. Mockingbirdcry asks to sit by him. He doesn't know why she'd ever want that, but okay. He shrugs.

You're well, I hope? Sharpshadow's jaw unhinges just to say, " Uhhhhh... " How "okay" can anyone really be right now? Plus, this is one of those obvious questions people ask when its not their actual question. When they're waiting for you to incline your head and say: quite, so they can strike with what actually matters. Whether she was honest and said, not particularly, or nothing at all, the queen would probably just nod and say: good, good...

A sigh through his nose. Here it comes: the actual question. And... what is she supposed to say to that? Pallid eyes meet charred wood, narrowed in opposition to her a judgement. An uncomfortably prickling works its way along his spine. And then she... changes somehow, pretends that she doesn't mean anything by it. Yeah, well — he isn't stupid. As a council member she says. Whatever. " I f-feel the same as any of you do, " she says, winces at her own stutter. Though, who was he to say he knew the thoughts of the collective? He bites his lip, wishing he could take it back already. " I mean — y'know, " did he have the right to say—? " It's change. Change is weird. " Everyone thought that, right?

He glances around. Maybe to look for... loud whisperings like he was the protagonist of some made - up story. " But, its... Smogmaw, " she says. And she lowers her voice, knowing the possibility of Smogmaw appearing behind her is not impossible. " And, y'know... he's not a stranger or anything, I guess. " Was that a... safe enough opinion to have? " A trash - eating ShadowClan leader isn't new. "