FATE IS COMING (nine lives ceremony) THAT I KNOW

// tagging the rpers of the StarClanners! @ava @Marquette @Jay @Rai @HaggisBeast @Icey ! @empyrean
The StarClanners can go in any order, all I ask is that Emberstar gives her ninth and final life + is the one to name her Howlingstar, just like canon as she is the previous leader :)

The journey is grueling, hunger gnawing at her stomach the whole way. Alongside two of her sons, she travels through Fourtrees and waits patiently at the border for a WindClan dusk patrol. While displeased, they at least escort them to the thunderpath without too much questioning. The ThunderClanners don't dare reveal the purpose of their journey, although it may be easy for some to guess. The medicine cat with the deputy is a familiar sight, albeit one that had been unexpected.

It's the trek up Highstones that really exhausts the woman. Jagged rock jabs at her calloused paw pads while she picks her way uphill, following Berryheart's lead. He knows the way, after all. And to know he makes this journey alone every moon? Unthinkable! But soon, they arrive at the cave's entrance, the one Berryheart dubs Mothermouth. She leaves her sons outside and travels into the narrow passageway, darkness engulfing her. She carefully picks her way through the blackness, whiskers grazing the sides as she follows the faintest trace of cat-scent, likely form the last time the medicine cats were here.

Time goes on and she feels as if she's been walking for forever. Am I lost? The thought plagues her mind, and part of the tabby wants to yowl out for her medicine cat's navigational guidance. But alas, there is light. A bright, blue light that grows as she draws closer before she finally steps into a cavern bathed in cerulean. She gawks, awe-struck, her own face painted white by the bright reflection of the moon on the magnificent crystal. It's absolutely stunning.

Berryheart's instructions replay in her mind. She must touch her nose to it. Gathering herself, the woman strides forward slowly, lacking the usual power she holds as the mere sight of the stone humbles her. She lies down, touches her nose to the cold surface, and waits.

As she awakes, she feels an emptiness within her. Little does she know her existing life is being stripped away as she sleeps, soon to be replaced by nine new ones. A gasp leaves her as Howling Wind looks around, finding herself is a starlit clearing surrounded by full, thriving trees with green leaves and powerful roots. It looks like newleaf!

The fur on the back of her neck rises as she suddenly feels eyes on her. Glancing over her shoulder, the woman blinks in surprise when she spots starry figures begin to approach. Strangely enough, she doesn't even feel afraid. Here, she is at peace, and she knows these cats mean no harm. As they draw closer, she even begins to recognize one or two...

Stars in his paws, Rain traverses the sky lit forest with ease. He knew Star Clan’s hunting grounds like the back of his paws. He knows it has not been that long but it feels like seasons have passed since he had come to these sacred grounds. And yet, so many leaders now walked among them. He had been sad to see Ember go but he is glad they could meet again, and more than that he was interested to see what kind of leader this Howling Wind would shape up to be.

He is among the first to answer the call to give the new leader her lives and so he is the first to step up, letting his paw motions be swift as he moves to stand before her, his green eyes shining with the light that surrounds them. Howling Wind, you stand before us because you have been called to serve your clan as their leader. I am honored to be able to give you this life. Once, they had been rivals. They had fought but under a pine group leader had Howling Wind served, prof that cats from all walks of life could get along. Ones past does not determine one’s skill as a warrior. I myself was born a kittypet, after all. With this life I give you acceptance, may you use it to withhold judgements on clan mates who have walked a different path than yours with that he bows his head, touching his nose to her forehead. A life is bestowed.

Rain’s life would feel like warmth, when his nose makes contact with her fur images of his past would swirl through her brain, images of his kittypet life. She would see the nest he had grown up in alongside his sister, River, would see his twoleg feeding them, would see him curled up on her lap while she gazes at him lovingly and then a coldness would overtake the brown tabby she cat. She would feel cold, accompanied by an image of that same twoleg laying on the ground, not moving, of days spent scavenging in dreary alleyways, of dodging rain drops, and then finally, of learning to hunt. To fight. To survive.

When he steps back he smiles slightly, encouragingly before nodding his head and then turning to rejoin the ranks of his fellow star clanners.

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A black and white queen watches Rain bestow his life, her apple-bright green eyes shining with starlight. When the silver tom rejoins their ranks, Twilightfall steps forward, padding towards Howling Wind on light feet.

"Howling Wind," she trills, blinking softly at the tabby warrior. "It's been a long time." In life, she'd been a marsh group soldier, then a ShadowClan queen, staying in the nursery as long as she could to help her friend Sandra birth her kits, to help Briarstar corral her's when leaderly duties drew her away.

Now she is of one Clan, StarClan, and her old loyalties have mostly died away.

"With this life, I give you motherly love," she murmurs, blinking as she grazes her spotted nose against Howling Wind's blush-colored one. "You've had many kits, whereas I had only the one. But now your brood has expanded. You must defend every member of your Clan the way you would defend your children, must guide them the way only a mother knows how to."

The energy that flows from Twilightfall to Howling Wind is not gentle -- it will exhaust her, leave her breathless with its fury, with its pain. Twilightfall's life had been filled with screaming, internal and external, after her only son had been taken from her. Howling Wind's paws will shake with the weight of that sorrow, a pain she will come to know well before she joins StarClan.

"Good luck. I wish you and yours well." She parts with a bow of her head, then turns tail to disappear into the throng of StarClan warriors..

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This was her first time meeting a living cat here and she enthusiastically rose to the occasion as sad as it was to have a grieving deputy arrive. Emberstar had joined them not too long ago and she had been surprised but also excited! It was hard to feel sad when instead of losing someone you were getting them back. The solid white kitten sits impatiently wriggling among the other cats present there to give the tabby her lives. She waited her turn as patiently as a kitten could wait for anything and once it arrived she gave a little hop to stand.
She waddles forward on tiny white paws trimmed in stars and leaving sparkling pawprints in her wake, she moves with more confidence and less bumbling about than she had done as a sick kitten and her head is held high with a cheerful smile etched across her maw.
“Hi, Howling Wind! I remember you, your face was always so…” Dovekit’s nose scrunched up, she narrowed her blue eyes and forced her expression into something more stern and intimidating before breaking into a laugh as she trailed off. The deputy and her had not gotten to speak much, her time in the medicine cat den and with her fretful and worried father kept her mostly secluded from the majority of her clanmates and she never got to live long enough to meet them all properly. In StarClan she would finally get that chance eventually with all of them but hopefully not too soon!

She strains to lift herself up on the tips of her paws, tail straight in the air as she bounces upward to try and touch her nose to Howling Winds, hopefully the black tabby leans down enough to compensate!
“With this life I give you playfulness, you’re duty bound to your clan and your responsibilities are so much heavier than ever before but in times of great stress never forget we were all kits once. Some of us never get the chance to outgrow those times and some of us could do with looking back on them more often! Enjoy the simple things in life like chasing moths and playing games with friends! Don’t take these things for granted and don’t forget to relax when you can!”
The tip of her nose sparks feelings of exhaustion, a weight pressing down and dragging a haggard form before bursting with softness and light; swelling into the nostalgic scent of milk and moss nests, kitten cries and warmth.
Delighter with herself the kit gives a little nod in farewell before turning to rejoin her fellow StarClanners in their line.

After the tiny former ThunderClan kit gives Howling Wind her life, a skinny shadow becomes opaque in the moonlight. Her eyes dance with fire, a wink of mischief, and the faint tortoiseshell spotting on her left side shines golden in the light.

"Long time no see," she lilts, her steps exaggerated with swagger. She had known Howling Wind most of her life, though she was one of many older cats who had cuffed her ear for being insolent to her elders or for sneaking prey when it wasn't warranted. Flickerfire looks at her without reproach now.

"Ya've got big pawprints to fill," she says, her heart leaping into her eyes as she says it. "But yer tough enough. Know how to keep those frogbrained ThunderClanners in line."

The dark tortoiseshell bumps her nose against Howling Wind's. "With this life, I give you sacrifice." Howling Wind's brain will be scorched with agony, with the overwhelming stench of blood, with Flickerfire's torn limbs as she bows up to the dogs for the last time with Emberstar coming back to life behind her. "You have to protect those you love until your last breath," she says fiercely. "You have lives to spare where your Clan has one, and I know you love 'em... so if you have to put it all on the line, don't be afraid."

She backs away from Howling Wind, just as the painful breaths, the whispered prayers, the howl of hounds will bleed away from the new leader's mind. Flickerfire flicks her tail as if to punctuate what she's said, then disappears into the crowd of StarClan cats.


When she had heard that there would soon be a cat coming to receive their nine lives, Lilykit had instantly been curious. The forest of stars had always been her home. Unlike the majority of the cats here, she had never experienced the world on the other side. She had never felt the sting of the leaf bare air, or felt the pain of an empty belly. Here, the weather was always warm, and there was so many mice to hunt...or play with in her case.

A small kitten would peak her head out from the safety of Emberstar's legs. With her mixture of blues and creams, it was hard to misidentify the Molly. She lifted her tiny head to wait for her signal, and when it was her time she would shyly make her way towards the soon-to-be leader. Stars glittered her pelt, and shone brightly in her small little eyes. "Hello there." she would greet, offering the larger cat a shy smile.

She would stretch her chin upwards, but with her petiteness, the tabby would obviously have to lean down quite a bit. "With this life, I give you faith." Unlike the previous lives, this one would bring a sudden feeling of intense warmth. Howling Wind would then begin to feel a tugging pressure on her, similar to that of a hug. "Always remember, even on the darkest days, we will always be here. We will always watch over you, and your clan. Never let your clan loose its faith."Once the life was given, she would take a step back, and curiously tilt her head to the side. Emberstar had said that her mother was a red tabby, so this must not be her. She contemplates asking Howling Wind about her mother, but decides to bounce back to the safety of Emberstar.
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A tom of muscular build approaches next with jet black fur and a smug grin plastered across his facial features. An air of mischief gleamed in his eyes, almost as though promising to keep the she-cat on her toes. "Hey, it's been a while. Heard you pulled through that awful attack by Trufflepelt, that musta taken some real strength and stubbornness." Blackmoon remarked with a chuckle as he took a step closer. "Though you're gonna need a whole lot more strength than that to keep the rabble safe, which is why..." The tom closed the distance and he moved to touch his nose to Howling Wind's own, sending a rush of power throughout her body to help her rise up when all else might attempt to drag her down. "With this life, I give you strength. Even during the clan's toughest of times may you find the strength within to stay standing and to never fall. Know that I will be there at your shoulder supporting ya. May you never buckle." To stand tall in the face of it all, he imagined that would serve the she-cat well.

With steady steps he begins to back away as to fall in line with the other StarClanners, his expression gentle and proud as he looks upon Howling Wind. A part of him wishes that he could still be there in life to stand by her, to be there in physical form to help defend the clan, but he knew that he had served ThunderClan as well as he could. Now it was his turn to watch over them from the stars. "You're gonna do great, darlin'."
A small shape moves on spotted paws toward the new ThunderClan leader. Morningpaw's fur sparkles as it never had in life -- she appears a cloud lit by the sun. Her blue eyes are round with hard-achieved wisdom, with shadows gathering in their depths. Sorrow. Regret, despite everything.

"Oh, Howling Wind..." Her small, girlish voice deepens slightly with all she feels. It takes everything inside of her to stay composed. What she wants to do is run to her grandmother and bury her tiny face in her white chest. Let the tears soak in. Be embraced, be comforted. "Grandmother. I've missed you." She brushes a freckled paw against her eyes before evoking a smile.

"I've been watching you, and everyone, you know. Mother and Moonpaw and Burnpaw... Fireflypaw and Howlpaw... Berryheart, all my aunts and uncles... even Blazestar and Dawnglare." Her tail sweeps the silver-stained grass beneath her. "You're so strong. They need you now more than ever."

She begins her slow, hesitant walk until she's beneath Howling Wind. The tabby will see the tears shining in her granddaughter's eyes, but she will see past them, too -- the strength that resides there, the StarClan warrior she's become in such a short amount of time. "With this life, I give you hope." She has to strain to touch her nose to Howling Wind's, and unlike previous lives, this one will be warm and sweet, like newleaf sunshine breaking through dark clouds. She will feel the love Morningpaw had held for her, still holds for her, for her parents, her littermates, her kin, her Clans. "Even when it seems bleak, and things go wrong, never give up hope. It will guide you like the stars in the sky, and your paws will always find the right path again."

She hates to pull away from Howling Wind, hates having to leave her family behind again, but she must. Her duty is done. She wants to tell her grandmother to tell Moonpaw and Burnpaw she loves them, to greet her mother.

But Morningpaw is not here for that. She is here to give Howling Wind the nine lives a StarClan-blessed leader must have to lead her Clan.

"Goodbye," she whispers instead, and she bows her head before backing away from her grandmother again.

The clans do not know him, but he walks with them all. Gray Wolf hails from a time long before the clans, his era of living cut short when his leg had gotten caught underneath the paw of a monster. Infection had snuck in, slowly draining the life out of him, but not an ounce of love that he held from his family had been sucked from him.

The blue tom shimmers bright, the clans may not know his name, but the love his family harbors for him alone was enough to lead him to StarClan when all aligned. Here he was fell fed, well taken care of, he might never get to experience the pleasures of clan life among the living but he could here with all of his new friends. Still his heart would never stop aching until he reunites with those the beating organ yearned for… It was a conflicting feeling, wanting to vanquish ones own loneliness and heartbreak but not wanting their lives to halt. Gray Wolf decided a long time ago he would wait for them all, he’d wait for them for hundreds of moons and guide their paw steps from the heavens.

The earth was gifting him today with a reunion. Padding out from the starry crowd Gray Wolf stands before Howling Wind, he is still mature in appearance but his leg is healed. He looks just as he had the day their first litter had been born, the day he had been at his happiest. Warm and adoring eyes look Howling Wind up and down, the moons have touched her yes- but beautifully. He cherishes the sight of her, the way starlight lit up her fur and casted a sparkle in her eyes.

“Howling Wind, there is not one in the forest more beautiful than you.” He swoons, always had he been a gentleman. He had been with Howling Wind for over half of his life and never had ran out of compliments and words of adoration to give her. He couldn’t help but allow a compliment to be the first words he speaks to her in… oh, so many moons…

“I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments within ThunderClan. Knowing that my children and mate thrive brings me immense peace. I am able to rest happily.” The blue Tom purrs, a hearty smile growing on his face. “We reunite today so I can give you a life. I am honored to attribute to your strength.” He steps forward to his mate, he’s quite small in stature and may have needed her to lower her head. “With this life I give you the knowledge to learn when to fight and when to choose peace.” Power begins to surge from Gray Wolf to Howling, bestowing a feeling of wisdom upon her.

“As a leader of ThunderClan, it’ll be up to you when to call your clan-mates to battle and when they should keep their claws sheathed. Sometimes this choice is tricky, not so obvious as some may believe it to be. How many times do you forgive a trespassing clan before taking action? How many insults do you allow your clan to absorb before raising a claw? When is it better to shatter the peace than flimsily try to uphold it? That is for you to decide now, Howling Wind.“ Gray Wolf steps away from his beloved tabby mate and blinks warmly at her. He knows all too well she doesn’t need his wisdom, but he hopes the life he has provided her serves her well.

He knew it would, but it hurts to walk away from her. It takes everything for him to move his paws, for him to leave his mate once more. But it is not her time, ThunderClan needs her now more than ever. “My love for you and my children still shines as bright as ever. When your time comes, I will be there to greet you. Until then lead valiantly, lead with honor and passion.” He looks at her, a sad smile on his face, “I will be with you always.” With those final words, he steps back into the ranks of his StarClan companions.
IT WENT FROM A SPARK TO AN OPEN FLAME ⋆⁺₊⋆ Emberstar watched as her former deputy received each of her lives in turn. It was strange. She had never thought to see it from the other side. Her tail touched Lilykit's side affectionately as the child returned to her side. She was one of many friends that the former leader was glad to be reunited with. Emberstar had resolved, privately, to keep watch on her until it was Sunfeckle and Rabbitnose's time to join her.

Starclan had given her all that she could hope for, nine lives to protect her clan, a second chance with all those she had lost, and now an opportunity to give another the same gifts she had been blessed with.

The tiny molly pulled herself from the ranks of Starclan cats.

"Heya, Howling Wind." The words were said slowly, it was the last time she would get to use that name, after all. This was the end of a lot of things, and that was a little sad. It was also a new beginning though, and she tried to focus on that. She remembered how wonderful it had been for her, how comforting.

"With this life, I give you kindness." Emberstar told her old friend, touching her nose to her forehead. A surge of warmth passed between the two cats, like the embers of a campfire at dusk, or like the sun shining on your face, or like the feeling of a sincere compliment. "Use it to cherish the ones you love for as long as you're able, and to forgive those you don't. Sometimes even when they don't deserve it. You must choose to be kind as often as you can, too often if you can afford it. It's all that makes life worth living." She took a small step back, to look the older molly in the eyes. "It will be worth it." She promised.

The old Thunderclan leader dipped her head in respect to the new. Her time was over now. The weight of her responsibilities dropped from her shoulders, they were no longer hers to hold. "I hail you by your new name, Howlingstar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and Starclan grants you guardianship of Thunderclan. Defend it well, care for the young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with with pride and dignity."

With her duty done, a smile burst forth from Emberstar, brimming with pride. "You're going to be wonderful." No duty or obligation or relationship or responsibility bid her to say that, she simply spoke it straight from the heart.

With one last nod, she slipped back to the rest of the star-pelted cats. ​