private Fate's design [Sedgerunner]

Leaf-bare was finally easing its grip on WindClan and, truth be told, Badgermoon couldn't have been more ready. They had been fortunate to not starve or freeze - the sickness which had swept through camp and confined so many warriors to the badger set had been the winter's cruelest act. Nevertheless, it had been a season full of struggles, and if nothing else he was ready to eat well again. The time of full bellies was soon to be upon them, and even though he knew it was still too early for there to be much of a difference, he had not been able to resist a predawn hunt. The air was chilly and a light fog hung low over the soon-to-be-revived grass as the tom prowled out of camp, white-tipped ears pricked and freckled nose twitching, seeking any sign of prey. Nothing disturbed the early morning stillness ... until he heard the soft patter of pawsteps from behind him. Badgermoon turned his head in surprise, not having expected to see anyone else out this early. "Good morning." he called softly through the fog, squinting to see who it was. He caught the vague shape of a slender figure and two blurs of green and tilted his head. "...Sedgerunner?"
