pafp FAUST ARP | playing?


Jul 20, 2024
The last time she'd played with an apprentice, she'd been quite rudely reprimanded for the game she'd chosen. Budkit had been there, but she doesn't know that Budkit really liked that game, either, which quietly wounds her. It had been a good game. It had all the necessary drama that games should have, and a lot of biting and tackling which was always fun, and even love, the elusive thing. So why had she been punished? It was so... sad. Or frustrating. She isn't sure how to discern the one from the other.

But for all of this heartache, Oleanderkit is not easily deterred from trying again. She is a scientist at heart, and the heart of science is repetition, and so she will repeat and repeat. Change a variable here or there and see if something new happens. Today she will ask a different apprentice to play a similar-but-different game, which means her experiment is mostly sound.

It is by chance that she selects Lionpaw, son of her beloved Doeblaze, to become her willing victim. They've not spoken much, mostly on account of Lionpaw's being an apprentice, and so having much better things to do than play with little kits like her. It seems unfair that queens are the only cats that can afford to pay mind to the younglings. Maybe Lionpaw would take pride in giving them a break? But whatever they think of this intrusion does not stop Oleanderkit from doing the intruding.

"Lionpaw," Oleanderkit calls, tone measured and dulcet, "will you play with me? I have a cool new game I want to try, but Budkit was asleep otherwise I would've asked her." It is a lie — Oleander had not asked Budkit at all, or checked on her, prior to approaching Lionpaw, but she would wager a guess that they might feel bad enough for her to agree if she frames herself as more alone than she is.

"It's a game called, um...." The girl's face screws up in thought, because it's quite a hard game to name, with multiple complex pieces and story arcs and the whole shebang. She should add a character creation element, she thinks. Or maybe a crafting system. But as it is, the game is mostly about fighting and dying and things like that, which she did get in trouble for last time, but she thinks she's changed it enough to get away with it now. "It's called, um.... I dunno what to call it. But it's cool! So you should play. And I'll be SkyClan and you can be FlowerClan, 'cause that's the other Clan that I came up with." She admittedly doesn't know enough about the other real clans of the forest to make them a central antagonist to her storyline, so her own creations will have to do.

  • ooc. please wait for @LIONPAW !
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 03 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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Reactions: LIONPAW and Thorny
It isn't often nowadays that Lionpaw finds himself empty-pawed and without a task at hand, but after a long morning of patrolling, he had been deemed worthy enough of a break until combat practice later on in the day. He enjoys being out with his mentor instead of sitting around camp; doing his duty to SkyClan makes him feel closer to warriorhood even though his name was a few moons out of grasp. However, resting his muscles, retiring to a corner of camp for a while and slowing down is nice every once in a while...

When a particular blue ticked torbie kitten wanders up to Lionpaw, though, they are then reminded of why they liked patrolling better.

Kits... Lionpaw was not particularly good with. He hadn't been great with other kits himself as a youngster, and really nothing had changed since growing into a teenager. Lacking the natural charisma of his littermates and always more soft-spoken, they were not the ideal playmate. So, needless to say, the chocolate torbie point is confused when Oleanderkit approaches him with the intent of dragging him into a game.

"Maybe you should ask Candorpaw 'n Hollypaw instead..." The apprentice murmurs with uncertainty, twitching his whiskers and furrowing his brows. Everybody always liked playing with them better.

Then... Lionpaw finds that they cannot resist for much longer. Oleanderkit was someone they admittedly possessed mixed feelings about; she was an innocent kitten who had grown attached to Doeblaze. It seemed that the warrior made for a fun playmate, a side of her that Lionpaw had never really known in his youth. Perhaps a selfish, shadowed part of him didn't want any other children to experience such a fondness for his mother, but... she was just a kid. She didn't know any better.

The torbie point hesitates for a moment, "Uh..." before exhaling and straightening up, trying to quell the skepticism that plays across their features. "Nevermind. You said, er, FlowerClan?" Gee, Lionpaw had not played pretend in a long while. "Is SkyClan friends or enemies with FlowerClan?" They hoped that they'd be "fun", just this once, as their littermates were.


Kit games were never really something Owlheart involved herself in, whenever a more social kit approached her she kind of just froze. This wasn't ideal, especially since she would be in the proximity of kits a lot in the coming moons. Still, there was relief that it wasn't just her that didn't really know what to do in these situations. Finding herself reflected with an apprentice while she is a warrior feels a little unbecoming but unsocial bufferflies seem to be able to pick eachother out. There's a curiosity to her as she watches Lionpaw, trying to figure out how he will navigate the situation from the safety of the sidelines as Oleanderkit approaches him. She seems to be on the eccentric side, it wasn't a bad thing, she found it rather endearing to see kits like that. Immediately it seems to clash somewhat, her ears flick as the torbie point seems to deflect to their littermates instead.

Eventually she seems to wear him down and he agrees to playing pretend with her. It's inspiring to an extent, it made her realise that her own kits may try to involve her into games like this. Better to try out playing imaginary games now while there wasn't an extra social pressure of being the parent to any parties involved. Nerves were alight but she presses on, this would be good for her she reasons. Surely if she gains a head start in learning how to interact with kits now she could be a decent parent. These concerns are present yet she tries to push them aside slightly, finding it unfair for Oleanderkit and Lionpaw if her head was in the clouds while she tried to participate.

"Could I join?" There's an attempt to not sound nervous while asking, for the most part she succeeds in that goal other than a slight wobble to her tone. "I could... Be part of FlowerClan?" There's a fine line between joining and overstepping, it's one that Owlheart wishes to not teeter past. Oleanderkit has seemed pleasant, she would hate to leave a bad imrpession though. "Or I could be a different clan?" she suggests trying to give the she-kit a chance to assign her to whatever role she needed.