fear can't stop me [open/RTA]

Sweetpaw .

you'll never walk alone
Nov 2, 2022



Sweetpaw couldn't say he loved the winter season. It definitely had its perks; snowball fights with Patchpelt, giant cuddle piles for warmth, making snowcats- it was all good fun, for sure. But like, it would have been more fun if it only lasted for a week or two. As it was, they were almost a full month into having snow pressed against the territory. The wind was bitterly cold and everything was frozen and dead, the prey hard to come by and herbs even scarcer. It caused the novelty of the snow to wear off fast for the green-eyed boy, and while he still took the oppurtunity to enjoy himself when he could, the nagging feeling in his gut always left him feeling a little guilty that he could find joy when cats were getting sick and going hungry, and it always caused him to work a little harder, hunt a little longer in an attempt to make up for it.

He didn't mind it, really he didn't. Sweetpaw had only joined the clan a mere two weeks prior, and while he'd come to them with the basic knowledge of how to survive on his own, he was still pretty green with his skills. Add to that the fact that this was his first winter, and you could see why he might be in need of as much practice as he could get. He knew he was lucky to have found Thunderclan when he had, or there'd be a lot more nights where he went to bed hungry.

He tried not to think about that too much though, because when he did a thought always began to form in his mind when he did. He never let it take hold fully though, because it was a bitter, depressing thought and Sweetpaw really wasn't in the habit of mentally toruring himself like that. He knew it had to do with his mother though, and how she surely must have known the cold and sickness was coming but encouraged them all to leave anyways.

It was around noon when Sweetpaw came padding back into camp with the little patrol hed been out with. He hadn't managed to catch any prey from the trip, but he had managed to find a large clump of moss hidden up under the roots of an old tree. It couldn't feed the clan, but it could still be used for something else.

Without breaking his stride, the speckled tom made his way toward the elders den.

"Oh! Sweetpaw, is that for me?" came a voice as he entered, one he recognized easily.

Sparrowspots was an elderly NPC shecat that Sweetpaw hd gotten to know in the weeks since joining. She was a kind and patient molly, and had been one of the first cats to talk to him after he'd come to camp for the first time.

"It is!" he replied as he placed the moss down at his paws before turning green eyes on the elder. "You said the cold was making your old shoulder injury act up, right? You have to wait for it to dry out a bit, but it'll hopefully help keep you a little warmer." he explained.

"Such a thoughtful boy, and you don't even have a proper mentor yet." she replied thoughtfully, her smile gentle but fond as she regarded him.

"I'm sure Emberstar is working on it. And I'll come back later on to help you fix your nest. Let me know if you need anything else, okay ma'am?"

After he was finished in the elders den, Sweetpaw made his way out into camp, emerald eyes glancing around to see who was around. He didn't think he had anything in particular to be doing right then, so maybe there was someone around that he could pass the time with? In truth, Sweetpaw was still getting to know a lot of the other cats. Some had been quick to approach and befriend him, sure, but others were wary of the outsider who'd joined them on the brink of leafbare or were simply too busy trying to keep things running to really spend any time around him outside of work. And that was fine! But it didn't mean he couldn't look for oppurtunities to change that.



Wildpaw had been sniffing around the freshkill pile for something to sate his hunger, and with the newly returned patrol there were at least a couple morsels present that he could snatch up. However, when he went to grab a vole one of the warriors stepped in and warned him to share it with the other apprentices and to avoid being greedy. It earned an eye roll from the fiery tom but he could see what they meant all the same. Prey was becoming harder and harder to come by now and they had to ensure that nothing went to waste and that everyone got a share. Wildpaw exhaled sharply through his nose as he glanced around the camp for someone he could tolerate being around long enough to share his food with.

That's when he spied... Sweetpaw? That was the name, right? Wildpaw wasn't keen on sharing with the former outsider but he didn't have many cats to pick from at that moment. "Tch! Where's Patchpaw when you need her?" He decided to just lump it for the time being, his hunger being the deciding factor. "Hey! You! We're gonna share this vole, got it?" Wildpaw wasn't keen on giving Sweetpaw any other option, so naturally he fell back on his skill of expressing aggressive kindness.​

Shallowpaw had been distracted to blankly stare over at the nursery den there Sunnyday rested inside. He had heard what had happend to them neither was he allowed to visit them in case the sickness would spread. He was not the only cat who had catch a cold after all. He wasn't fine with this decision not liking that he was out here while Sunnyday was stuck inside unfitted to do any of his regular duties thanks to the sickness. He wished he could see them right now. Maybe he could sneak inside when nobody was looking...

The dark lynx blinked his eyes, snapping out from his inner thoughts when the unpleasant voice of Wildpaw self-invited itself into his ears Shallowpaw would glance away from the nursery to spot Wildpaw who had approached one of the new apprentices who not all that long ago had joined them. His name Shallowpaw had not yet been memorized. His ears twitched upwards a bit, his blank stare not revealing much as he got up on his paws to approach although his intentions was to just pass them by not stoping to stay long for an conversation. He had places to be. " Maybe he isn't hungry." he would point out not understanding why Wildpaw had to be so forceful about it.


From his... colleagues, he had learned of ways to help with the aches and pains that burrowed within the bones of the elders. Most of his attention was directed upon his mother, admittedly- her condition had been improving, but he wished to ensure she was not on a decline. Incessant checking was likely to annoy her- most of his observation was done in his typical silence, and leaving her alone from time to time allowed for different faces to visit her, too. Therefore he still had time in the day to pay attention to those who needed more regular care; the elders, specifically. It was a task to learn their many ailments, and yet another to comprise ways to aid these issues, but... he would not learn if he did not try.

Limping over to the elder's den, it befell Berryheart's attention that by the entrance huddled a clowder of apprentices, as if they had just left the den. Flecks, one of said apprentices, seemed to just be leaving- unusual. Apprentices tended to dodge the elder's den if they could help it, what with it usually being the destination of the most retch-worthy chores...

Askew eyes peered into the den, settling upon a new piece of moss resting by one of the elders. He linked in slow contemplation before turning his gaze to the apprentice, at whom he directed a dip of his head in silent appreciation. The favour was not solely for him, but it was a kindness that had outstretching paws; it reached him, even if indirectly.



Sweetpaw liked to help. It made him feel good knowing that he was making someone elses life a little easier, that their day might be a little brighter because of something he'd done. And honestly, feeling useful and needed was nice.

This need to help was perhaps one of his greatest assets as a cat; putting the needs of others before his own, understanding the value of justice, wanting to protect those that couldn't protect themselves. He was aptly named, yes, a sweet boy with a thoughtful disposition and more patience than most probably deserved, but he wasn't a soft cat. He didn't cry when he was knocked down, didn't give up when he failed at something. Clever and tenacious, sweet could be downright fearsome when it came to protecting those around him and making sure they had what they needed

And yet, that same fire that burned so brightly to keep those around him warm and safe from the cold and shadows had a habit of betraying the boy at times, burning him with his own kindness. He would put too much trust in the wrong cat or forget to take care of himself in the pursuit of caring for others, and the fire he emitted to care for others would turn on him to leave a fresh mark on his heart, tender and painful. Thunderclan seemed a fitting place for him, though. The cats here all seemed to care, in their own way at least. Everyone put in the same effort and they all looked after each other. The kits were never told to leave. Sick cats were tended to rather than avoided like the plague. It was... kind of beautiful, if he was honest.

"Hey! You! We're gonna share this vole, got it?"

Green eyes blinked owlishly up at the the other tom, pulled from his thoughts as he was caught off guard by their sudden.. everything- appearence, loudness, demand. He was a little embaressed to admit it, but it took him a moment to realize that the aggressive tone of the others voice was a bluff, having nothing to do with what they were actually saying. While he had never interacted firsthand with the masked tomcat standing before him, he'd learned quickly enough of their temper and aggression from rumors, and for the briefest of moments Sweetpaw thought he'd done something to earn their ire. But Wildpaw wasn't mad, he just wanted to share his prey with him.

The realization caused whatever tension he had to bleed from stiffened muscles, a green eyes brightening a bit as his lips pulled into a cheerful smile. "Sure! Thanks." he replied, not wanting to be impolite. His earlier surprise and whatever nerves he'd felt seemed completely forgotten now that he was confident Wildpaw was being kind and not hostile.

" Maybe he isn't hungry."

Green eyes shifted to land on another apprentice, Shallowpaw, and he offered them an appreciative smile as they tried to stand up for him. It was admirable, especially when the cat they were correcting was one who was rumored to be as unpredictable as Wildpaw. And maybe it was for that reason specifically that Sweetpaw was quick to interject, the speckled tom quickly speaking up in hopes of defusing any tension that might rise between Shallow and Wild.

"That's okay! I'm happy to share, and I was getting hungry anyways, so it's actually really good timing..."

He thanked the stars silently when his stomach chose that exact moment to let out a loud rumble, to which Sweetpaw offered the pair a sheepish smile before pretty green eyes landed back on the tom across from him. "Um, your names Wildpaw, right? And Shallowpaw?" he asked, gaze flickering back to the other tomcat before returning to his dinnermate. "I'm Sweetpaw. You probably know that already, but since this is the first time we've ever spoken to each other it seems fitting to say it anyways."

Was he getting a little nervous? Was he rambling?? Stars, he hoped not.

He was grateful then for Berryhearts sudden appearence, the older tom slipping by them to peer into the elders den. Sweetpaw watched them with curioisty, knowing they were the healer and hoping that everything was okay, only to find himself caught off guard for a second time when they turned back to him and nodded in thanks. His brain lagged for a second, this first and sudden interaction with the medicine cat leaving him momentarily lost in his own confusion just as Wildpaws sudden demand for a shared meal had, but as before, Sweetpaw was quick to recover, hastily nodding back to the other.



Not hungry? Now that wasn't believable in the slightest. Wildpaw turned his gaze towards Shallowpaw with nothing but raw bitterness in his eyes. "Cram it! Loser! I know what I'm doing, and it doesn't involve sharing with you!" He would have told the three-legged apprentice to go share with the likes of Sunnyday, the coddling old fool, but... well, for once that felt below the belt given that the old tom was currently down with a sickness.

He snorted sharply through his nose as his attention soon drifted to the likes of Berryheart, the temptation to snap lingering on the tip of his tongue. Though his stomach gave a growl and reminded him of the main task at hand. Yes, he needed to eat. At least Sweetpaw was game, though the thankful attitude was already beginning to grate on Wildpaw. The youth gritted his teeth before looking away from Sweetpaw. "Yeah, whatever." He wasn't used to others taking his boldness and remaining seemingly upbeat. Well, except for Patchpaw, though little seemed to faze her. "That's my name, so don't go forgetting it!" He gave the vole a nudge with an air of impatience at that point. "Now hurry up and take a bite."