pafp FEAST MY EYES ON LOWER THINGS | marsh rabbit sighting

Aug 20, 2023

It was a rarity to happen upon a Shadowclan cat that wished for Chervilshade to participate in something, let alone leave her to her own devices. At most, cusped palms had been gifted with pitiful stares, rounded as though the reflection of the celestial would have made it all the more palpable for the dilute tortoiseshell. Little Ghost did not mind it, not when it afforded her the grace of quietude, an ever-fluttering butterfly that she could only capture for so long before it would evade shaking grasp. So, when Jitterbug asked her (moreso dragged her along) to come out with them to the marshes, a fluttering voice could hardly lift itself to utter a 'no' and a shadowy countenance could hardly grimace into any sort of ugly feature. Jitterbug, erratic fly of a cat that ey were, appeared to be the polar opposite of the shy, destitute Chervilshade. The pair had grown up together, though she hardly could remember the days that they could have spent together, all blurring together in a heavy mass that weighed at her very head as a mist-woven crown. In the midst of a forenoon's bout of light, the two warriors set off for an impromptu adventure, though Chervil's gait was honeyed as though the thickness of nightly penumbra had hovered over her every motion. She did not wander out often, as her tasks were often relegated to menial jobs within the comforts of Shadowclan's walls. "What are we looking for? Asked the dilute tortoiseshell to Jitterbug, to which ey provided her little answer that would befit a beclouded mind, as if such words hardly moved her as a ghost would stir upon the surface of the earth.

Owlish eyes trailed along each jagged end of the bowing boughs, as though their silhouettes wavered just upon her vision, and they would surely grab her if her attention were elsewhere. Birds upon their wooden thrones glared down at her, perhaps judging her too harshly for how brittle she looked to them, predator becoming the prey that she tore at. She tried to ignore them, tried to ignore the balm of heat that pressed against the furrows of her shoulders and beaded sweat into her crevices. That was, until a flash of dusky brown flashed upon her periphery, a brief significance. "L... look!" Chervilshade suddenly shot downwards behind a rustling thornbush, though even in her prime was her crouch unrefined, as though she were crafted of flyaway papers and pitiful hands. Panic set quickly upon her heart, injected and flowing into her veins, though she quickly realized that it was no slavering hound nor blood-hungry fox. It was... a rabbit? "I... I've n-never see... seen one a-a-alive." A marsh rabbit stood upon the late morning limelight, though it seemed to move with the fleeting wits of the shadows around it, as though the blot against the monotony of the territory had been dictated by a mere galanty show. She wondered if Jitterbug aimed to hunt it down or would simply mesmerize themselves in the awe of such a rarity.

( Please wait for @JITTERBUG )
Jitterbug's paws barely touch the ground as ey flits through the marshes, a faint smile spread on eir face. The reward of dragging Chervilshade out of her usual gloom has eir whiskers twitching with satisfaction. Ey is a whirlwind of energy today, darting from one shadow to the next, not leaving any stone unturned. When Chervilshade finally speaks up, asking what they're looking for, Jitterbug just tosses a mischievous smile her way and keeps moving, once more abandoning the path to take a look at something it spots on the ground nearby.

"Looking for? Dunno, maybe treasures, maybe trouble," ey chirps, voice easily cutting through the marsh mist. It's followed by a few more quiet chirps, a mimicry of the birds that live in the trees above. The specifics of what they're doing and what the goal is don't really matter to em, more set on just spending time doing something with someone. Chervilshade had just happened to be the one ey saw first, at least the first one that ey recognized and didn't mind spending time with. "Depends which finds us first."

Her sudden movement and words catch Jitterbug's attention, and ey skids to a halt, practically twitching with curiosity, teeth clicking together a few times. "What? What is it?" ey whisper, interest bubbling up in eir chest. Ey quickly moves to her side, crouching down in a clumsy mimicry of her posture, not really hiding but more like a leaf fluttering to the ground beside her, drifting to a gentle stop atop the dew-touched grass of the forest floor. When she proceeds to point out the rabbit, Jitterbug's eyes widen, content with the discovery.

"Oh, that's cool," ey murmurs in a hushed, awe-filled tone, as if ey'd just discovered a hidden treasure. Ey tilts eir head, considering the small creature with a few different ideas running through eir mind. "We could try to catch it," ey says quietly, eyes locked onto the rabbit. "That would feed at least a few of us. Or," ey pauses, a little grin spreading across eir muzzle, "we can just follow it and see where it goes. Ever followed a rabbit's trail before? Maybe it'll lead us to a whole burrow of them." The last sentence is whispered with a conspiratorial grin, eyes sparkling with the idea of it.​