camp Feast of Winter Veil || Marsh Rabbit

Frostbite can't remember the last time he felt giddy and excited, but today, he feels an unparalleled amount of joy in his heart. On his hunt, he had come across a rare creature in the marsh. A rabbit. It was a big one, too, for a marsh rabbit. He couldn't pass this opportunity up, a rabbit could feed multiple cats and with the kits in the nursery, this would be a welcome addition to the fresh kill pile for those having to skip meals to make sure they're fed, as well as those skipping meals just to see others in general fed. This rabbit must be sent by Starclan, he thinks, for how lucky he feels to be here at just the right moment. It will certainly feed more than the bird he had already caught

He wastes no time stalking it, determined not to let it get away. His clan needs this rabbit. As soon as he sees his chance, he lunges for the rabbit and catches the back of its neck in his jaws. He bites down harder as it struggles, lashing out with hind legs he knows could kill him if the hit him in the ribs. With a harsh jerk of his head, he snaps the rabbits neck and the struggle ends. Satisfied and eager to bring it home, he quickly collects his bird and carries both of them back to camp.

As soon as he enters camp he trots for the fresh kill pile with his head high.

"Who's hungry?" He calls. "I caught a rabbit!" He caught a bird too, but the rabbit was the prize, here.

He's proud of himself. The extra food is sure to raise spirits around here for a short time at least.

(( @POPPYPAW apprentice tag dad brought home pizza))​
Thankfully, Thornpaw hadn't been asked to face the frigid weather for a change. Tucked inside to do grunt workike patching holes and moving nests around. Something the youth didn't mind in the slightest. After tidying up the last mess she heard Frostbite's eager call. Well. I could use a good bite. Slipping from the den and into the frigid air her expectant gaze lands on the snowy warrior. They appeared to be standing proudly with an enormous rabbit displayed. Stepping closer her eyes widened with surprise and her belly rumbled to life. She hadn't done her due diligence so Thornpaw did not ask to share but she couldn't help but speak up. "Great job, that's a huge rabbit Frostbite." A small smile played on the Apprentice's maw. Maybe one day she could also catch something so impressive.

Lilacfur hadn't yet been so lucky as to have caught a prize like a marsh rabbit. They were smaller than even the cottontails in WindClan, and their population was practically nonexistent in the marsh territory in general. It was a miraculous goal for the rosette to achieve one day, to bring home such a meal for her Clan to share, but she was not quite there yet.

Her sights were dazzled by Frostbite's entrance, dragging the dusty rabbit in. With leafbare so scarce and unforgiving, there were surely plenty of her Clanmates that would jump at the chance to try a bite. She could still remember the excitement that bubbled in her chest when she had been able to try some herself, of course sharing with the rest of the apprentices in the den that night.

"I think Ferndance's kits are eating solid prey now." She offered gently. With a litter of that size it would most likely be the first choice to send off to. The moment the words left her mouth, though, she can't help but hear her brothers voice when the former Lead's pregnancy was first revealed. She tried to ignore the discomfort that stirred in her chest, knowing ideally her apprentices would be eating first instead.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
"Oh you do spoil us, Frostbite!" Willowburn rumbled with warmth laughter as he approached to admire the catch. Oh he longed to have a nibble, but he knew that it would be destined for the less fortunate in the clan. A truth that was bitterly reminded to him as he overheard Lilacfur mentioning Ferndance's offspring. "It would indeed be best brought to the nursery so the queens and their young can feast upon it. Anything leftover after that would be best sent to the medicine den. Starlingheart is still gathering strength, being left with an empty stomach will only hinder things."
- ⋆ -

chilledstar huffed slightly at the thought of not being able to get at least a bite of the rabbit. they didn't usually care, kits ate first now. elders and queens too. but stars, chilledstar hasn't had a rabbit in a while. they're not a moor cat, they loathe about 99% of them. but they did have damned good prey. the thought of stealing it makes it taste all more good. they only sigh. if the kits ate the rabbits, then maybe they would focus on being good hunters at night so they may steal good catches for their clan. seemed logical enough to them.

"yeah, give it to the kits. they probably can't eat it all but ferndance may enjoy a rabbit."

they want it all to themself, but if they're honest about it... it may just be the hunger from lack of prey during leafbare talking.
*+:。.。 "I'm not a kit i'm gonna be a 'paw soon - but I wanna try a bite! Gimmie!" Singekit caterwauls, bounding after Chilledstar like the loyal puppy the little devil has become. Or more like a burr on their side, actually. Skidding to a halt beside his leader, Singekit sniffed up at Frostbite's rabbit before wrinkling his nose. "Why does it look like that? Why'd it's ears so long - why'd it's feet so big? Are you sure you caught food and not another one of those gross carrion-place thingies like the-" he pauses his rant to visibly shiver before spitting out, "bone spiders" It certainly fit the bill of looking ridiculous enough to not be real.
But looking around at all the cats present, he'd huff at their excitement, turning greedy eyes back on Frostbite's treasure. "I wanna try it" he hisses, trying to sound brave despite the new experience making him nervous.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently