Dec 12, 2023
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    STRYKER ; BLACKSTRIKE ; grateful to have kept a reminder of his father in his name
    still viewed as an outsider within the clan by some, blackstrike tends to keep his head down and stay in his own lane. he is friendly and confident but rather quiet, which can make him seem a bit strange. he is most well known for being a strong fighter, and is constantly seeking out sparring partners.
    ⤷ named for his shadowy pelt and skill in battle, and as an homage to his father
    — male; he/him; amab
    — shadowclan warrior
    — 31 months / ages every 1st
    — penned by foxlore; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    shorthaired black solid with low white / carries chocolate, dilute

    Slender and long-legged, Blackstrike has rather dainty features and a short, ruffled pelt. He is coated in mostly night-dark fur, with snowcapped forepaws and a blaze of white trailing up his face. His eyes, wide and bright, are a mismatch of blue and yellow. His pelt is consistently well-groomed, though a few stubborn cowlicks around his shoulders refuse to lie flat. He is a cat practically built for stealth, with light, careful pawsteps and a tendency to sneak up on others by accident.

    Good fighter and hunter, quick and light on his feet but sacrifices some striking power for agility.
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    A quiet tom who keeps to himself, Blackstrike is all too aware of how others view him. He doesn’t mind being distrusted by most, and strives to prove himself capable and trustworthy by helping others where he can and providing a supportive ear when needed. He is willing to take all types of abuse without retaliating—not quite rolling over and letting others walk all over him, but merely allowing insults to roll off his back like water drops. He refuses to rise to the bait of others or stoop to the level of petty squabbles, but will respond eagerly to friendly challenges. He does his best to make himself as unobtrusive as possible, taking care not to get in the way of others. He is typically resilient and difficult to upset, and tends to go with the flow of things rather than disrupt the status quo. He hates to admit to his own loneliness, but he craves company and is unlikely to go anywhere or do anything without another cat to accompany him. Overall, he is friendly and confident in himself, and does his best to project a generally positive image to the rest of the world. Generally good at emotional regulation, but can become hung up on disagreements and cannot move on until they are settled. He is typically the first to apologize to others, even if he feels he is not in the wrong. When asked to make a decision, he looks to others for confirmation, and is easily paralyzed by indecision.

    Neutral Good. Scout Rogue.
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    Striking Serpent xx Lani | sibling to 2 NPCs
    ⤷ mentoring none
    Mate to none | Parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Forestshade

    holds others at arm’s length until familiar, but not necessarily distrustful. casually flirts on occasion.
    SMELLS LIKE: marsh water with a whiff of carrionplace
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    Stryker was born in the swampland, a member of the marsh colony along with his family of five—his mother and father, plus himself and two littermates. During the Great Battle, he witnessed the deaths of both his parents, and he was told by an older marsh colony member that both his siblings were killed as well. With no family to keep him tethered to the newly-forming clans, he left to wander the lands outside of the clans. Following the thunderpath eventually led him to the twolegplace, but he didn’t remain there for long, driven away by the much larger kittypets and street cats. After departing from the twolegplace, he followed the thunderpath back to a comfortable place north of ShadowClan territory. He has spent time living in the carrionplace, but has done his best to avoid it for the past year, fearful of passing ShadowClan patrols.
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    [center][box=70%][justify][font=arial][color=#85734f]➼➼[/color] Text
    [TABS][tab=➴][color=#080901][b]ooc: [/b][/color]—[/tab]
    [tab=i think i found a home][fleft][img width=200px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png?1673979638[/img][/fleft][size=5][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/feathers-made-of-red-smoke-stryker.11029/][color=#85734f][b][font=georgia]STRYKER[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=#cabd9b]❯❯[/color][/size][color=#080901][i] he/him, former carrionplace loner[/i][/color]
    [color=#85734f]➼[/color] thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    [color=#85734f]➼[/color] currently on a probationary period; shadowing forestshade.
    [color=#85734f]➼[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    [color=#85734f]➼[/color] penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/77/][color=#cabd9b]foxlore[/color][/url][/tab][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box][/center]
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Open to: injury
Closed to: maiming, killing

Average height and dangerously thin.
Average in terms of strength, but light on his feet and skilled at dodging attacks. Characterized as an amazing fighter, very fast and strategic. Strikes are relatively weak, but as he grows less malnourished he will grow stronger.

Will aim to incapacitate or force a surrender. Will only initiate fights if a clanmate is threatened, but will readily defend himself if attacked. Will run if obviously overpowered or outnumbered. Will attempt to deter obviously apprentice-aged opponents from fighting him, and will only fight them defensively.

— Stryker is skilled at dodging attacks and sneaking up on opponents. This does not mean that he has to be successful though! I write battles very aggressively, but I won’t get upset if your character dodges hits, notices him sneaking around, hits him when he's trying to dodge, etc. I want us both to be satisfied with the results of the battle, so feel free to DM me if there’s a certain way you’d like for it to pan out!

— Please note that I will not roll for attacks/damage/etc. Almost all attacks will land on my characters (unless I’m avoiding certain injuries), and I take my characters’ strengths, weaknesses, & experience into account during fights.​