FEEL ALIVE | play hunting


Dec 3, 2023

Nosing at his food has given the bright little kitten an idea. While he's not for games for the most part he'd calmly nibbled at the prey, now that the time for eating is over he has something he wants to try. Antkit's nosing a scrap of moss with a wig sticking out one side, a very green looking 'mouse'. He's stuck himself into a corner of the nursery, taking comfort in the for the most part, hushed conversation that seems to wash over him, feeling like the warm nest he's nosed in beside Mottledove in the cold nights.

He drops too close to the ground. His fluffy stomach touches the ground when he drops into a crouch. Antkit crawls forward, body pressed to the soft ground to bat it with a paw, round blue eyes fixed on it, as if the moss will grow legs and run.

"I caught you. You run lots. Me too." He says in the soft, barely audible tone he speaks in. His lips curve upward in a smile, temorirarly consealing his underbite. He's quietly pleased with himself. It's no hunting position, not raising any of his body, but he hooks the bit of moss with a claw drawing it towards himself. "I caught it." He proclaims quietly, more to himself than anything. He picks it up between his jaws, peering out of the nursery, it'll give him more space he thinks, finding a spot just outside to place his 'mouse' where he drops to his stomach, ready to repeat his catch.

Twitchbolt's nicked ear flicked at th noise of a muttering kitten- his attenton snapped toward a little face, peeking out of the medicine den. Antkit, wasn't it? It was odd to think that his own apprentice was not far in age from Antkit, strange how quickly the world changed, how obvious it now was that kits like this were far too young to fight. They still played games like they were practicing apprentices- this one uttering something about catching moss.

He'd found himself somewhat-alright at making good impressions on kittens, but who knew? Twitchbolt at least lived in solace that he couldn't be worse than his own parents, who hardly thought of kits as beings, but rather little cats to run your errands. He had not been exempt from that.

Seeing Antkit place the moss back down, a small but soft smile curved his lips, and interest flared in the wide olive depths of his eyes. "You'll- you'll have to show me your technique, if you're already such a good hunter," he encouraged.
penned by pin ✧

"That mouse looks pretty sick doesn't it? Do they come in that color normally?" Hazelbeam asks cheekily, brushing against the deputy in a friendly nudge as she padded forward to drop to a crouch and examine Antkit's catch. "Look at you!" She squealed cheerfully, "Already so skilled!"
Her blue gaze flitted back to the jittering brown tom with a smile, he was a little awkward with kits she had noticed in passing but he was trying his best and it was very endearing to see. Orangestar had chosen well with Twitchbolt, despite his little oddities - who was she to judge given how she acted as well?
Her attention drifted back to Antkit, just a veritable little mossball himself in shape and roundness, she adored seeing the kits here and wished more than anything to have her own eventually one day - sadly it was unlikely given several circumstances relating to that. Being unable to carry and also having such weird preferences.


  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.


YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — Curiosity brings Blazingpaw over as he watches Antkit pounce onto the make-believe mouse and its enough to make his feathered ears prick forward to take note of the little kitten's hunters crouch, he can't help but feel his face heating up with embarassment as he realizes that he knows little to nothing when it comes to fighting or let alone a hunting crouch and he was going to be six moons old soon. Perhaps he would ask either of his parents to show him so he wasn't an utter failure to his temporary mentor when he gets assigned one the next meeting. It seemed like a good idea and he could count on his parents, he blinks his emerald gaze towards Antkit once more hearing the praise that the smaller tabby was recieving from the warriors that had come to watch. Sometimes he wished that he could go and play mossball again like when he had been younger but he doesn't find himself having that urge anymore. The only time he touched moss was when he was busy changing the bedding of the elders or disposing of old bedding.

"Yeah, you're really good at pouncing." The usually fiery tom decides to say adding his own encouragement and praise for Antkit, he imagines it would only make the kitten more excited to be an apprentice one day just like he had before the incident. He briefly shivers at the memory draping his feathery tail over his big paws.


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

From his spot in camp, Silversmoke watched the young kitten carry his 'mouse' to the outside world. The tabby didn't exactly see a mouse,just a green blob of moss that Antkit called a toy - perhaps if he squinted, he'd see a shape. Others moved from their positions to surround the kitten and the tabby's tail lashed before he too joined them, sticking on the outskirts as to not appear too interested. With the kitten's jaws the way they were, he wondered in the future if he'd need to adapt his hunting to accommodate a different sort of killing bite. It wasn't like Antkit was the first SkyClanner with an underbite, but he couldn't recall ever being on patrol with someone else who had - and asking questions hadn't been a big priority of his to learn more. They patrolled, they got prey, they fed the clan - nothing else had mattered. Now, staring down someone who may need their support, he regretted not being more nosy. "You know..." he muttered, hoping to catch Antkit's attention before he pounced. "If you keep your tail straight, it will help you go faster."

Staring down at the three-moon old now, he could hardly believe that the age had been the standard for apprentices. He was lying to Antkit, lying about what a straight tail truly did, yet moons ago, another cat in Antkit's paws may have been expected to know the truth already. The world was getting less cruel, somewhere within the tom, it inspired hope. "That mossball will never know what hit it," he smiled, harsh tone growing fluttery with amusement, before he cleared his throat and looked off towards the camp's exit.