private feel how the winter succumbs to the spring | herb patrol

Nov 17, 2022
Ravenpaw led his chosen trio of apprentices down a well-trod path that would take them closer to the banks of the River. "As you know," His soft, strangely-accented voice was quiet and contemplative. The last time he had gone out looking for this herb, he had been woefully unsuccessful. "More and more patrols are coming back with bleeding wounds. ThunderClan, WindClan, rogue, whatever you may like. The last patrol took a sizeable chunk of the marigold stock, which Beesong uses to combat infection." Speaking his knowledge out loud was one of Ravenpaw's favorite things to do. Knowledge was not meant to be a secret, but to be shared. He did not know how much of this would stick in the apprentices' minds, but at least they would have some context for this excursion.

He paused for a moment, realizing he had said Beesong instead of I.

"Of course, you are not forced to spend your day looking for marigold. You can hunt if you please." One large ear twitched. "But if you do see a small yellow-flowering plant, please alert me. I will confirm it is marigold." Ravenpaw trailed off, nose already twitching as he could scent a patch of comfrey nearby. That would be needed for healing Catfishpaw's injury. "That is it. Do not eat anything you should not." He wandered off a little further, making sure to keep the three of them in his surroundings as he hunted for that comfrey patch.

// they will find 4 marigold from this patrol. feel free to have your character discover one or even a different (non-medicinal herb) that they might confuse for it

@troutpaw , @Stalkingpaw. , @LITTLEPAW.

Troutpaw's ears twitched as the moved and stepped closer to the river. It was one of her favorite collection of noises- the water running and dipping into itself, the soft trickles and the louder splashes. A hum left her mouth briefly as she listened to it, but as Ravenpaw spoke, Troutpaw focused on the medicine cat apprentice anew. Beesong was mentioned, and she swallowed gently. She hadn't been there, but the loss was just as stinging for the rest of the clan. She cleared her throat, trying to knock the thoughts away.

A smile replaced the worried look on her face as Ravenpaw finished giving his instructions. "Marigold, got it!" Ravenpaw announced, turning to move towards the banks of the river- slightly away from the rest of the patrol. A small, yellow flowering plant. Her tail swayed as she padded, keeping an eye on the river and another on the green. She paused, squinting at the distance. She moved away from the water into the green, lowering her head down.

Before her nose was a yellow-orangeish flowering plant, but just to be sure before grasping it, she turned her head back towards the dark-pelted apprentice. "Hey, Ravenpaw! Come look at this?" She asked, looking back to the plant. She honestly had no clue what she was looking at.

(Up to you if it is or not!) ​
stalkingpaw | 08 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Stalkingpaw does her best to commit ravenpaws words to memory - but, she's not actually sure what marigold looks like. Its a yellow flower, so she's hardly ever paid attention to it, instead focused on prettier blooms in her favorite shades. But she'll certainly still do her best. When the medicine cat sees them off, she's quick to wander - enjoying the breeze and the sun and the sounds more than she's actually paying attention to the task at hand, but she does at least make a few cursory glances.yellow.... yellow... yellow... oh! - "Erm - is this it?" she shouts immediately, gaze drawn to one such bloom as a white butterfly lands upon it. Troutpaw seems to find something as well, and so she settles in to wait, tail swishing absentmindedly. At least she has the butterfly to watch while she waits.

// also up to you if its actually marigold
Ravenpaw raised his head upon the call from Troutpaw. A dose of comfrey was held safely within his jaws. He was pleasantly surprised that both Troutpaw and Stalkingpaw had decided to search for the herbs after all instead of doing their own errands. He hated to admit that most of the time, his job demanded far too much work for a single cat, being as young and inexperienced as he was. Letting his nose guide him, Ravenpaw approached the two of them and leaned down to the patches.

He could not always rely on color alone, as his vision was limited in its hues from what he could tell of how the others spoke of colors. He knew for a fact that marigold was yellow and both patches had that same color. Even if he was unsure, the scent gave it away.

Ravenpaw's throat erupted into a pleased purr—an extraordinary response from the gloomy medicine cat apprentice. "Well done." He praised. "With this, we will have replenished exactly the stock I lost from the WindClan battle. Now," He released the comfrey and bent his nose down to the flowers. "Watch me pick them up. Carefully, so as to not damage them, and leave enough of the roots for it to grow back." He grasped a stalk of marigold and dispatched it quickly between sharp teeth, beckoning for the two of them to do the same.