pafp feel invincible || moss-dodge-ball


Dec 30, 2022
//set after the bear fight patrol

he's lying near the edge of a tunnel, bored out of his mind since his last patrol ended, no one to talk to or bother at the moment; he's hunted and marked borders and there's not much else to do today. no bears to be afraid of any longer.

he notices a kitten.

this one's a sweet, dreamy little thing; appears distracted at the moment. eyebrows quirking upward, primrosethorn figures this is as good entertainment as any. his paw fumbles for something and lands upon some moss gathered near the tunnel's edge. quickly he forms it into a ball and launches it at the child.

"oy!" he calls, voice loud and sharp. he brings his forepaws in to crouch, assuming a more playful position than lazing. he grins, wide and unsettling. "think fast ... i'm a windclanner, attacking you! don't let it hit ya!"

he speaks loud enough for other kiddos to hear and join in if they'd like. "here's the rules: it's moss-ball, but if the ball hits you, you're out. but if ya can catch it in your teeth, whoever threw it is out. last one standing wins."

he turns that grin more directly on @swankit as he finishes, "you'll be an apprentice soon, eh? here's some early training."

he leaps fully into a play position, paw resting on the gathered moss and ready to form more.

————— ☾ —————

Swankit has made a now familiar routine of drifting through their temporary camp. Without a nursery to hide in, he's left to pace the length of the tunnel, too closely watched after his sleepwalking to dare leaving. He's even more tired now, with how fitful his sleep has grown, and at times he almost cannot tell the difference between his waking wanderings and his sleeping ones. His mind is faraway, escaping from the dreary and cramped tunnel to his own imagination.

Until, that is, suddenly comes under siege.

He's thwacked on the head by a wad of moss. "Oy!" comes the shout of... a warrior? One he recognizes, from when he awakened from his nightmare not long ago. Not an expected culprit... Swankit blinks, slowly, not quite comprehending.

Moss-ball, certainly not Swankit's game of choice. He's more inclined to games of pretend, but Primrosethorn seems to be halfway there, at least. The phrase early training has Swankit's mouth quirking unhappily. He's not looking forward to training... He knows how early some of these mentors wake up their apprentices.

Still, he decides to humor Primrosethorn. The warrior was kind to him when he woke still stuck in a nightmare, so he holds enough gratitude to play along. "Ah... Okay..." he mumbles. Not the most enthusiastic agreement. As Primrosethorn calls start, however, he glances around for help. "Um. Oh nooooooo, I'm under attaaackk......" he warbles, a plaintive call for allies. There's no time to wait, though, the WindClanner looks ready to strike.

Not many places to hide, so he picks up the moss-ball that hit him, lowering into a crouch. He waits, eying Primrosethorn dangerously, but does not yet launch his attack. It'd be too easy for a trained warrior to catch it, after all. He holds it awkwardly, caught in a standoff, waiting for the right time to strike.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 3 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
Swankit's warbling cry gains Applekit's attention. She doesn't really know what to do in the tunnel. There were no good places to nap and no good places to play. She doesn't even feel like playing lots lately, anyway. Chilledstar left with a patrol to get rid of the bears and Applekit doesn't expect any of them to come back, really.

When Swankit says he's under attack. Applekit almost thinks it's real for a second. But it's not. She can barely make out the chatter of Primrosethorn nearby. Applekit scrunched up her face. She doesn't really know how to feel. She doesn't jump in instantly. Instead, she lingers with a cautious gaze, frowning. She didn't want to be a scaredy-kit, though. And Heathershade said she can do anything.

Tentatively, Applekit crawls over, cream tail-tip flicking as she assesses her opponents. Swankit looks more intense than she thinks he ever has in his entire life, but he isn't doing anything. Tired of waiting, Applekit squeaks," Throw it! "