border feel like explosions when you are around } windclan patrol

AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKERunning was not one of Rattleheart's strong suits. There was a reason why he wasn't a moor runner - besides just his small size - and he had never really yearned to get out onto the moors and start tearing across the flowers. However, Sunstar had told them to test just how quickly they could use the new tunnel to get to the Riverclan border, and he had no intention of blowing off the leader's orders. Which was why he had looked towards the cats sent to accompany him as they reached the entrance, hoping they would all take a deep breath along with him. "We're going to see how fast we can get there, alright? Try not to bump into each other, but no slacking off either. We need to know just how much time might be needed for us to help if Riverclan tries anything. I'm counting on all of you." That was all he offered before he went plunging down into the darkness, letting dirtied paws that were usually scooping away dirt carry him as fast as possible through the narrow route that approached the bridge and gorge alike. He could hear the frantic pawsteps of his fellow tunnelers behind him, encouraging him to keep up the pace so that they wouldn't go crashing into each other and cause a pile-up.

He was out of breath by the time he pulled himself out of the exit to the tunnel, chest heaving and jaws parted in a pant as he looked towards the rest of his patrol. "Well... at least it's certainly fast when you're at full speed. Take a second and catch your breath, then we'll do the marking. And... and make sure the exit is hidden. We don't want any Riverclanners finding out about it." Rattleheart's already normally rough voice was made even more hoarse by the lack of full lungs, causing him to pause a bit with each harsh intake of air. It was a minute or so before he was able to move freely again, stepping away from the exit to the tunnel and closer to where the gorge cut between their two territories. His pelt was even more dirtied than usual thanks to the dashing, but he doubted any of the Riverclanners would notice or even care. Most of them had no idea of what Windclan's tunnelers even did, besides the most basic ideas of what the rank might have entailed.

It wasn't until he spotted movement on the other side that he finally tensed, jaw clenching a little before he looked back towards his own patrol. "There they are. Remember, no intentionally trying to cause trouble. Don't let us just torment us if they open their big mouths, though. They seem to have a love for babbling." His long tail twitched behind him as he lowered his head once more, rubbing himself along any free spot that he could find as they headed towards the bridge. Though he knew no one was exactly going to go flying over the gorge, it was better to be safe than sorry.

  • // @downypaw @DUSTYFOOT @Silverpaw. @whitedawn @spotkit @Marmotbite.
  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
The scent of Windclan tingled her nose and for a moment, she pondered if she was mistaking it for something else. But... she had an remarkable sense of smell that even Smokestar acknowledged and named her after. Cobalt blue eyes shut for a moment and she relaxes her body focusing on the scents, taking a deep inhale and her ears swiveled and flicked with the wind shuttering her ears. Their scent was stronger near the bridge and the gorge? Quite the interesting placement to be near, and yet she found herself slowly moving in the direction. What would Windclan be up to and why were they close to such a dangerous area? Windclan must've been feeling quite courageous to test the waters of Starclan themselves that would easily take a life if you misjudged it.

As she found herself closer, the scent of dirt stained her nose and a decent amount of the Windclanners on the patrol were drenched in dirt. Something was fishy in her mind and she doesn't accuse anyone contrary to Rattleheart's judgement. The large cinnamon spotted tabby would allow her gaze to flick across the group before extending an introduction. "Windclan. How fares the moors?" Troutsnout would inquire as she dips her head in mutual respect to those gathered, not saying anything else as she stood on her side of the border. Her jaw was clenched tight as she glances at their surrounding as she rubs against a nearby stray tree as it catches cinnamon and white tufts of fur.

Sprinting through the tunnels reminded them all too much of their escape from WindClan. With each footfall they could once more hear the calls of Sootstar's warriors, snarls pinging off the decaying walls, filling the darkness with the sound and scent of terror. This time, Rattleheart is their Cottonfang, but Downypaw is no longer a helpless kitten needing to be dragged out by the scruff. All they can do is run along with the others, ignoring the burn in their limbs and the split in their ribs.

The patrol emerges. It takes all their will not to simply keel over into the cool plush of the riverbank's grass and stay there for the rest of the day. Instead, she hovers near Rattleheart, hoping the distance between territories would be enough to conceal the ceaseless trembling in her legs. Hot, heavy breaths billow through gritted teeth and flaring nostrils. The seal point hopes the first among the RiverClanners, a clay-colored tabby, wouldn't notice how strangely winded they are. And well, if anyone questioned it, they could always just say they were just a little moor runner running the moors, as one does.​
The younger warrior pads after Troutsnout, his apprentice alongside him. He was slowly, yet surely, introducing him to the borders they share— that being SkyClan, ThunderClan, and WindClan. There has been a brief period of peace between the clans; much to his relief. He know this peace won't last forever, but he'll take it when he can. So, he feels a bit of relief as he pads so close to the WindClan border. There is still tension in the air, but he feels a tad more confident that neither clan wants a fight to break out at the gorge. His olive green eyes look over to the moors, eyes falling on some WindClan cats who are patrolling their side of the border. He gives them a polite nod of greeting, before looking back at his apprentice. "B-be respectful Pebblepaw," He advises his apprentice, as this is his first time encountering WindClan at the border. "We-we don't get along too well with WindClan... It's best not to r-rile them up."

"...C-can you explain to me how a WindClanner's slim and sleek body benefits their lifestyle on the moors?" He mews with a swish of his tail. He's hoping Pebblepaw will quickly observe the WindClan cats across the border. WindClan cats are the smallest and can run faster than any clan cat— their bodies are built perfectly to run across the open plains. "A-anything come to mind?" He mews again, before glancing over at the patrol. He sees cats that he isn't entirely familiar with— some warriors with their apprentices. He wonders how long they've been apprentices; if they're new to apprenticeship just like Pebblepaw here. He rubs his pelt against a nearby tree, ears briefly pinned back as the WindClan patrol continues to move along.

  • apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons

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( ) he pads alongside his mentor with long strides, smooth fur barely hiding the excitement that jumps inside of his body. his first border patrol, and he's been selected to go to windclan's border. it's a big responsibility, and one pebblepaw intends to take extremely seriously. the blue mottled tomcat knows a lot about the clan he now faces, mostly from nursery stories and rumors spread by the elders. heknows they used to be bloodthirsty and scary, with an evil queen at their head. he also knows that the evil queen had been defeted by a noble knight who now rules the moors. windclan has gone through many seasons of change.

pulling up to the border beside foxtail, the apprentice is delighted to see a group of windclanners are marking their side of the border. he flicks his tail at his mentor's warning, nodding solemnly. kneading into the earth below him, pebblepaw tips his head, ember eyes so very similar to his king of an uncle flashing across each pelt and frame of the opposing cats. "windclan run really fast, which means they can catch rabbits. so, i guess their because their bodies are light and small, they find running easier?" his voice is confident but ends on an uncertain note, gaze returning to his mentor for confirmation or denial of his claim.

  • // " speach "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.