A patrol with Azaleapaw -- not their first choice. Sunflowerpaw's been avoiding the molly ever since they saw the throat-torn rogue lying at her paws, ever since the image of her bloodsplattered fur burned itself into the back of their eyelids. It's cowardly, maybe, but something in their chest always twists when Azaleapaw is around, knowing that an apprentice the same age as them could do such a thing. So, obviously, they are not exactly thrilled about being stuck with her. But there's other warriors there, they can just stick by the rest of the patrol and get this over with.

The group had just been leaving camp when the first drop of rain had hit their muzzle. Surely it'd be fine -- just a light drizzle, probably. But the clouds grew darker, darker, and the drizzle heavier, and now they find their pelt soaked down to the bone, the sky opened up above them. Lightning cracks across the clouded sky, a roaring crash of thunder booms overhead. The patrol scrambles for shelter.

Sunflowerpaw blinks through sheets of rain, searches for one of the many tunnels and burrows that litter the moors. As soon as they have one in their sights, they move. Stumbling steps skid against mud-streaked moorground as they hasten to the burrow. It's not a proper tunnel, just the old abandoned nest of some long-gone creature. Sheltered from the rain, they shake out their long fur, creep towards the back wall of the burrow. Ears lie flat against their head in time with the next crack of thunder. They turn to the entrance of the burrow, looking out at the rain-filled sky, wondering if any of the other cats will join them in their hiding spot.


  • // @Azaleapaw

    A thunderstorm rolls overhead, taking shelter in the tunnels within the camp how does the clan pass the time?
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • 64267309_IEuvGOmxnhCCLcz.png

She hated the rain. It made her look ridiculous, the way her soaking wet fur clung to her body and made her look as unintimidating as possible. Even the weather hated her. Though she supposed the weather hated everyone. Sometimes.

The thunder made her flatten her ears. She didn't like such sudden loud noises, and the brief flashes of lightning set her nerves on fire.

She followed Sunflowerpaw, the first cat she laid eyes on through the water in her eyes. She joined them in the burrow moments later, sopping wet and wondering if she should even shake.... There wasn't much room, and she would get them soaked again after they just shook themself.

She looked over to Sunflowerpaw. It dawned on her that she didn't really know them.... Now she was stuck in an awkward situation with someone she barely knew!!

"..... Wonderful day we're having." She said. Why can't the clouds cry somewhere else!


A voice sounds from the dark of the hollow earth, and Sunflowerpaw startles, eyes darting over. They'd been looking out to the moors, hadn't even noticed the apprentice tailing them. A flash of lightning illuminates the other cat's form and -- of course. Of course Azaleapaw would follow them into the burrow, why would suspect any different. They don't acknowledge her for a second, still holding onto the hope that one of their other patrol members will follow the two into the burrow so that they don't have to be alone with her.

But as the silence stretches thin, it quickly becomes apparent that no one is coming to save Sunflowerpaw from finally acknowledging their clanmate's existence for the first time since they saw the bloodied rogue at her paws. Belatedly, they register the words that Azaleapaw spoke. "Wonderful day we're having." An awkward and frankly insulting attempt at conversation. "No it's not," Sunflowerpaw murmurs bemusedly, before flicking their gaze over to squint at Azaleapaw, suspicion in their golden gaze. Does she like the thunderstorm? Clearly not, her ears are flattened just as theirs are. Mouse-brained thing to say then, if it's not true.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • 64267309_IEuvGOmxnhCCLcz.png
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She blinked slowly at Sunflowerpaw. Did they think she was serious? Did her delivery of the line fall flat? She wasn't usually expressive with her voice, and her expression even less.

"It was a.... A joke.." she said.

She felt awkward.

She sat there in the burrow, grooming the excess water out of her fur. A look outside at the pouring rain reaffirmed her assumption that the rain wouldn't stop any time soon. They were stuck in here.

"So.... We're stuck in here for now...." She shuffled her paws. "How's.....Training going?"

Truly, she was an expert at conversation.