pafp FEELING ESTRANGED | starclan questions


New member
Apr 12, 2024
If there's one thing this little kitten is relentlessly curious about, it is StarClan and their ways. Born on the night of the eclipse, Shroudedkit and his siblings were dubbed 'bad omens' by their superstitious parents. And, well, he believed it. It's why he always woke up on the wrong side of the nest, picked on other kittens, and never seemed to have any fun. He was a bad omen, wasn't he?

It's also where his ever-growing need to know more came from. It seemed every cat had a different perspective of StarClan. Antlerpaw says they're just like the living, just watching over them from above. Ivytwist said they don't care about the heat that beats down on the ThunderClanners. But Bugkit, his friend, says they can, if only they find an orange tabby to bop on the nose.

What did Shroudedkit think? Well.. he thought thinks that they're strong enough to curse a litter of kittens with a blackened sun, for a start. But there's too many blanks to fill in, too much unknown, and it bothers him not to know of the ancient cats who sent them. Thankfully, there is a cat in this Clan that does, and he intends to find out.

As the sun begins to dip past its peak and cats start their evening meals and sharing tongues, Shroudedkit parts from his siblings to find the medicine cat lounging in the shade with a piece of prey. He approaches confidently, not really caring whether or not the older tom is up to chat; if Shroudedkit's mind is set on something, he will always see it through. "Gentlestorm, tell me about StarClan!" the kitten demands upon approaching. No 'excuse me' or 'please', for Shroudedkit isn't known for his good manners and formalities.

"What do they look like? Bugkit says they're really big and invisible. Have you ever seen them?" And, just like that, the stubbornly quiet kitten has questions pouring out of his mouth. Never before has he beamed with such anticipation, but his thirst for knowledge begs to be quenched! "Have you ever gotten an omen? My mother says we are bad because the sun turned black when we were born. Did you see it? Did they tell you anything?"

// please wait for @GENTLESTORM !
  • SHROUDEDKIT ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 5 MOONS,, ages every 10th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​

  • speech is #E4D6CE