FEELINGS I CAN'T FIGHT [ hailstorm ]

A hunting patrol. One he formed with just a bit of thought, at dusk, when some of the nocturnal animals would be poking their heads above the surface and were ripe for the picking. He didn't take a whole bunch of cats with him- just one. It was best at this time, sundown where the normal bustle of the forest seemed to quiet, and a whole new kind reared it's head. Of course, this was one of Batwing's favorite times of day. It lacked the warmth that sunhigh did, but this was just as good. A hum left him as he sat by the entrance, postured and waiting for the other part of this patrol. His vision scanned, waiting for the other to pop their head from the gorse tunnel. Hopefully, they wouldn't be late- after all, he wanted to see the last sunrays kiss the ground before they were gone. ​


Hailstorm never did mind what time to go on a hunt seeing as he normally went a little earlier just after the first patrols are sent out, he likes the cool and quiet of the morning though when he was invited for a hunt with Batwing at sundown, well, he didn't mind in the least and was eager to agree to such. Now as he stretched out his legs behind him rather lazily, he would go meet up with the rest of his hunting party - just the one. His nose twitched lightly and spotted the other waiting for him at the mouth of the gorse tunnel, a smile would form on his face as he decided to speak announcing his arrival to Batwing "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long for me," His eyes shone with slight amusement though he'd take a few steps forward until he was just outside of camp but proceeded to stop waiting for Batwing to follow along. But he genuinely meant what he said, he had been caught up briefly talking with another warrior upon recent events though he tried not to dwell on it too much especially now that he was going on a hunting patrol with Batwing.

His jaws parting in a brief yawn and took a few steps further with both ears lifted upright as if trying to catch the sounds of any nearby prey though all he could hear is the faint call of birds. It was likely hungry hatchlings demanding to be fed seeing as the forest now was hushed, most creatures built for the earlier morning now being lulled into slumber. "Where were you thinking of taking us?" Hailstorm inquired quietly with a small smile still present on his friendly face, he was definitely calm individual when need be but only a few knew that he could get a little doses of adrenaline and become a little crazy. That was underneath the wraps of his chill personality anyways, his eyes focusing on Batwing waiting for his response.​

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There was the bundle of white fur he was expected. As the bigger of the two approached, he pushed to his paws, stretching out his muscles. Perhaps it was just to take up the time, but damn was he trying to distract himself. Thoughts akin to those he had with Leopard the other night started to slowly piece together and he made sure he didn't reach up and whack himself. Stop being stupid, Batwing.

His throat cleared, and his head shook in a negative response. "No, not really. I may have come out too early myself." He responded, his eyes finally meeting the other's. The boars weren't something Batwing wanted to tussle with, so had he have known what took Hailstorm so long, he wouldn't have complained at all.

A tiny smirk slipped onto his muzzle as Hailstorm yawned, and Bat tugged his vision away, turning his eyes towards the east of the camp. "I'm thinking between the Great Sycamore and Snakerocks." Upon announcing it, he began to quietly pad in that direction. In the cast of night, the inklings of sunlight dwelling, Batwing seemed to relax- this was his preferred time of any day, where the hustle and bustle of other cats dwelled and it could just be him- or one or two others- alone with his thoughts. "Say, Hailstorm? What is your favorite type of prey?" Batwing murmured, gently breaking the silence.​


Hailstorm nodded slowly to what Batwing had said though he kept a smile present on his maw knowing that he oftentimes would get up at earlier hours to catch prey by himself, it was relaxing to say the least so being able to go hunt out now with Batwing would be pleasant. He just knew since he had a feeling about it "Maybe, I still feel a bit bad though for keeping you waiting." Which was very true even if Batwing had come out before him and was waiting for him the entire time until he had gotten up, well, he could imagine other clanmates potentially getting irritated with him for that. His ears would twitch lightly hearing that they'd be heading out to an area near the Great Sycamore and Snakerocks. With a slow nod, Hailstorm would follow after Batwing since he had already taken the lead of which he didn't mind in the least. His mind started to wander though he didn't get much of a chance to form a proper thought when he heard Batwing begin speaking to him.

He made a face briefly before picking up the pace slightly until the larger tom was walking alongside Batwing, he gave a thoughtful hum "Uh... It's either between rabbits or a pheasant... Squirrel is good too..." Hailstorm couldn't quite decide which was his favorite at the given time, he supposed that it was the fact that he'd eat anything. He wasn't incredibly picky, hell, he would probably eat a lizard or toad (not really) if given the opportunity. The thought of prey made his stomach growl slightly and he would dip his head in slight embarrassment "Whoops... Sorry... I can't really decide, they're all pretty good. What about you?" His whiskers twitched lightly and he looked on ahead for a moment before turning his gaze over to his hunting companion once more. "What's your  least favorite prey and what's one piece of prey that you would never try if you were given the opportunity?"

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Batwing's ears twitched as Hailstorm admitted his guilt, and a tiny mirthful laugh left his lips. After all, Batwing found that time spent together could just make up what they had lost. His head turned over his shoulder to watch Hailstorm nod and follow, then looked back forward. Thoughts dwelled in his mind for but a moment, and he finally spoke again as Hailstorm stated his prey favoritism. Which, he was a bit relieved. They wouldn't have to fight over the mice. His ears twitched, a smirk touched his face as he looked over his shoulder. "Hungry? It's a good thing we're going to be hunting, then."

His paws were continuing to carry him as he decided to answer Hail's question, finally. "Mice. I do love a good mouse." He chuckled, his nose tipping in the air- scenting the path along the way. Because if there was anything, he was going to find out just what it was, and grab it. "My least favorite? Ah.. smaller birds. There isn't often meat and it's more feathers then food. Never try? Probably frogs. That seems.. awful. Slimy. They're covered in.. mucus." Another snicker left his voice.

Batwing finally paused, coming to a stop and lowering his voice. They were in the right location- it was just time to find the pieces of prey. His nose lifted, tail mirroring the action to signal Hail there was something nearby. Batwing shifted and moved, claws hooking into a tree and scaling it. Crouching along the limb overhead, a tilted glance given to the bigger of the two on the ground, before looking back up. On the limb a few hops ahead was the squirrel. Hopefully, Hailstorm moving around didn't scare it off. ​
( ) Large paws kept carrying him forward and he couldn't help but let out his own chuckle when he heard what Batwing said next, he could feel the warmth returning to the tips of his ears and face ducking his head in slight embarrassment "Yeah... I might've forgotten to grab a bite earlier but it is a good thing that we're hunting." He agreed shaking his head lightly continuing to walk along and listening closely to what Batwing said next about mice being his favorite prey and Hailstorm took mental note of that for if he ever saw his friend around camp so they could share prey though a mouse could only fill so much. Maybe a rat... Rat were just mice but bigger, right? Whiskers twitched in amusement at his own thoughts but would concentrate on the tomcat that was walking beside him.

At the mention of frogs and how they were covered in mucus, his nose wrinkling in disgust but decided that he would lightly tease Batwing as he bumped shoulders with him briefly as he said with a massive grin present on his face "Really? I mean, I wouldn't eat a frog either... But what if I dared you or invited you to eat frog with me? It'd be rude to decline," Of course, Hailstorm was joking since he would likely gag at the feeling of mucus covered toad on his tongue but the thought itself was funny. The both of them potentially grimacing with a frog between their paws, he could imagine Batwing telling him to take the first bite... And he would.

Hailstorm was about to say something else but shut his jaws noticing how the other warrior paused in his tracks and it took him a moment to realize that they had arrived at their destination. His eyes focused on the smaller warrior as he scaled up the tree, Hailstorm keeping still not wanting his large paws to crunch a twig or the leaves that were scattered all over the forest floor though he did carefully lower himself to the ground so he wouldn't be completely visible to the squirrel that was above him.
A scoff left him as Hailstorm joked about the frog, but a warm look was returned to the bigger tom, his ears twitching- still paying attention to the forest around them- as he regarded him. "Dared me? I don't know. Invited? Yeah, it would rude to decline. Guess I'll be eating frog, as soon as you manage to catch one." A laugh left him as he looked back forward.

Then he was up the tree, focused and staring at the squirrel with intense focus. His ears twitched and rotated, quietly thankful that Hailstorm took notice. Batwing settled himself, then rushed forward, his teeth sinking into the squirrel without hesitation. He didn't hunt so hot on the ground, but up in the trees? Kind of unstoppable. He scaled back down the trees expertly, stretching his body with a grunt. He lay the squirrel between them, looking up at Hailstorm with a crooked grin. "How well do you hunt hungry? Or do you want to ah, take a bite first?" Batwing asked. ​