private feels like just yesterday // slateheart

periwinklebreeze 22 moons demi-boy windclan queen
Slateheart, while never really numbering among Periwinklebreeze's small group of friends, is a cat he's always liked. Admired even - and a name change under new leadership had hardly changed that for the queen. Admittedly, Peri is withdrawn upon Slateheart's return - grief he cannot shake clinging to his chest like a parasite. The tom is a good warrior - and he is far kinder to his kittens than gravelsnap could ever claim to be. He'd seen them that day, truthfully, and while perhaps it makes him a bad parent, he'd been unable to step in between Dustkit and Gravelsnap the way the black furred tom had - his own affection and hurt staying his paws until it was already too late, and Slateheart had stepped in. He'd been relieved, no matter how guilty he'd felt afterwards, that he hadn't had to do anything at all.

In the end, it takes a few day for the boy to pull himself from his head, to make his way over to Slateheart at last, rabbit in his jaws. Sunflowermask and Spotpaw are missing, held elsewhere. The won't be coming back - and if they do, it will be in Starclans paws alone. " H-hello, " comes quiet voice as he places the prey down - the food more a peace offering than anything. As a queen, he now has first pick of prey, and it's a strange thought. Still, more often than not he forgets to feed himself, focusing on his charges instead, and when he remembers it feels strange to eat alone - it's far better to share, even if greenleaf means they will not lack for prey, not even with the fire that has ravaged the territory. " Do y-you mind if I s-sit here? "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live?​
Don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids?​
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Admittedly, Periwinklebreeze's withdrawn behavior doesn't alarm Slateheart too much. They'd never been particularly close enough that he'd consider them friends, with their only likeness being through their bonds with Gravelsnap. And, Periwinklebreeze wasn't really a cat Slateheart felt the need to keep his eye on. Admirable in their own way, he supposes - being a single Queen and a lead warrior - but not something he would particularly miss more than he'd miss any other WindClanner.

But.. there is something to be said in the way he looks at him. Like since he's return, Slateheart means more than just an average Clanmate; he is a symbol of death, of loss, of something that will not return. There is grief in Periwinklebreeze's eyes, and the cold disappointment that awaited him when he stumbled into camp was unmistakable. Uncomfortably, he'd prefer to go back to the way things were as mere passerbys, co-existing in this life.

Really, the queen's approach today is as surprising as his strange reaction to the black-furred warrior's return. Being a reclusive cat himself with little to no friends and even less charm, it didn't take long to recognize that if any cat approaches Slateheart, it usually means by necessity - they need to talk. It would be silly to ignore the correlation between Periwinklebreeze's behavior as of late and their approach now. He does his best to keep the nervousness out of his expression. " Not at all, " Slateheart replies, patting the ground next to him with a small smile.

SLATEHEART ( he/him )​

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