camp feline purrfect / intro





She finds herself at a loss for words as yellow irises stare downwards into what was to be the catalyst for what could only be considered the worst day of her amazing life. She feels the tears start to well up, her throat start to burn as the aching feeling to scream tears at her insides, and the fur on her tail stand. She bites on her bottom lip for to let anyone see her in such a frazzled state would be embarrassing. Evidence of her mistake. Evidence of her failure. No, it was more than that, it was proof that she had a destiny and it was far far from this puddle.
"Oh no oh noooo..!" The calico she-cat mutters in a high pitched tone. If she were any more upset the feline might even hurl from just how catastrophic this event was. Thinking back on it, she doesn't understand how such a tragedy could befall her.

Lovely Applestem would find herself doing the unthinkable- her job. The large she-cat was tasked with something that not even an apprentice could fail at: keeping an eye on an unturned stone. Perhaps this might seem like an absurd task to the average clanner, maybe even to the average kit, but her previous mentor had said this task was just for her! With only the kind of smile a rough gentleman such as Featherclaw could muster, the tomcat had said, word for word, "Applestem, you are to sit in this clearing and keep an eye on this rock. Every single day, I want you here." And she did exactly that! Every day, no matter how boring the task may have seemed, the she-cat watched diligently over this stone as though it were her own child.
Of course, that was just what she would claim if anyone finds her out here. Yes, it was true that her previous mentor had given her this task right before her naming ceremony. It was supposed to be a test of her patience, to see if she could focus on such a mindbogglingly stupid task if ordered. This was only supposed to last a week. Yet, when that week had finished and her test was concluded, it wasn't as if Featherclaw had ever asked her to stop! Nono, if she were ever caught in this clearing with this silly rock not doing her job, she had the perfect alibi. In this place, she could do whatever she wanted! It was just a bit outside camp yet it felt completely isolated from that world. Every tree was her nail trimmer, every puddle her diving spot, and every bed of soft grass her napping station. It was the perfect get-away.

Yet, now, here she was, staring down at her ultimate shame. For you see, the calico had broken a nail. Her nails were now uneven! It was awful! Embarrassing! She should count herself lucky it had not broken at the quick, and yet she could only hold in tears. She was just scratching on her favorite tree! This was so unfair!


Cries crawled their way toward the sun, sprawling through the air- a distraught cry, and from who? Worried bug-eyes sprung wide, and the undersized apprentice had split from his patrol in order to get to the bottom of the mystery. It was a sad sound, almost like a lament- paws too big for the body they carried endangered a fall, but he got there. Fading into his vision sat the patchy form of Apple-something, one of the warriors- ah, Applestem! She was hunched, looking at something... what was she so sad about?

For a long time, Fernpaw had thought that adults just didn't get sad- he'd recently learned that was far from the truth, though. They needed support too, sometimes, and he was here to offer it! A small, juvenile smile set upon his fishlike features, Fernpaw fumbled over to the warrior, huge eyes aquiver with worry. "Heyy, what's- what's wrong...?" Voice quavered, he cocked his head in curiosity. She didn't... look hurt, anywhere- no blood in the air, unless he was missing it. Maybe it was a heart-wound...?
( penned by pin )

A S H P A W.

Along comes Ashpaw, too, trailing behind. Always chasing after company now, she skittered after Fernpaw, one of the kids she'd grown up with. Or. Is currently growing up with. They aren't done growing up yet.

Perched near the edge of camp, gazing into glistening shallows, she'd caught sight of his mad dash in her periphery—and bolted after him, half curious, half scared. And fully curiouscared. (That's a word she just made up.)

She skids to a stop beside him now, standing close. Maybe too close. She doesn't know. They were friends before... well... everything got awful. Does that mean they're still friends now?

"Hey Fern," she whispers, a little breathless from her own sprint after him—

But now she sees who he was running toward, and the look of absolute devastation on the pretty molly's face sets Ashpaw's heart thumping wildly. What—what happened—? Is it something bad and awful, what—?

"Can- can we help?" she tacks onto Fernpaw's question, anxious, softer-spoken than his but still audible. Probably. "Um, you seem... really hurt... are...?"

Are you hurt, did someone hurt you, was it Spi—?

She swallows through a tight throat and whispers into Fernpaw's ear, "You—you were on patrol with your dad, right? We should, um, we should get him. This seems bad."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here
  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and emotionally abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend
    - spent a couple months depressed
    - returned to ic/ooc activify

GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : his attention pulls from stalking a small vole when he hears it ; a shrill, distant sound, twitching the bulk of his tufted ear and it’s enough for his icy gaze to pull back towards his little patrol, head lifting. the vile darts away, rustling the remaining leaves of wilting bushes and long, curled whiskers twitch in annoyance, but the sound was agonized, squealing like a wounded kitten and . . a certain ginger - striped apprentice was nowhere to be seen, “ where’s fernpaw? “ it’s a quick sound, even quicker in his low timbre of a meow, rounded syllables falling rapid from his rubberblack maw. his head pivots wildly and, upon not seeing the little tom pop his head from the surrounding undergrowth, the man steps through frost - damp bushels of reed and cattail uninhibited, lifting his voice, “ fernpaw! “ the edge of panic does not show in his voice but his shoulders tense — the kitten was still far behind his siblings in training and the one he could trust least off by himself. mudpelt was going to have a . .

there. he catches the scent above aging past patrols and fish scent, spotting his ginger fur moments later along with ashpaw and applestem, the latter of which looking close to tears. despite it, it’s fernpaw he addresses first, “ you scared the daylight out of me, what happened? “ blunt. he pads forward, looming over the two orange - coated apprentices like a mottled willow to catch a glance at the paw she held so delicately upward. was she hurt? it didn’t seem like it, despite the way her eyes set wide and doelike against oncoming tears. oh, she going to cry. he resists the urge to look desperately back the way he came, “ are you . . alright?

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and ice blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a german accent, ages on the seventh, penned by antlers

  • felinedad.png
  • none.



Had she paid more attention to her surroundings, perhaps the calico feline would have noticed the small crowd that would now gather around her sniveling self. Yet, the woman was far too distracted by her self inflicted agony to realize that her illustrious hiding spot had been discovered. She gave a large sniffle in response to the young Fernpaw's inquiry, eyes glassy from the tears as she thrust her paw in his face. "Just look at this wretched thing! This blemish on my poor body! I'm a ruined woman little Fernpaw!" She cries, exposing her claws for the apprentice to see. Perhaps he would understand her dismay! "Do you see what I mean!? Do you see how scarred I am!?" She almost failed to realize that Ashpaw had appeared beside the orange apprentice as her shrieks filled the clearing. "You! Look at this! Look! Look at how ugly I've bec-" Applestem stops mid sentence and if she were more of a fool she might have even wet herself. Cicadastar was here and she was behaving like quite a child in front of someone very esteemed. She almost jumps out of her own pelt as a squeaky eek involuntarily escapes her maw. Applestem takes a large step back from the trio and attempts to regain her composure. A little clearing of her throat, a deep inhale of air, and suddenly the calico she-cat plasters quite the large smile on her face. "Aha, t-this thing?" She lifts her 'damaged' paw up, nervous energy clinging to her voice. "I was merely uhh.. playing around with the apprentices! If a uhh real emergency were to happen it's good for our young warriors to-be to be aware of their surroundings..! Yes, exactly that..." She almost feels a sense of pride bubble up in that fluffy tummy of hers as she improvises an explanation for her outburst.


As Ashpaw sidled up beside him and offered a quiet greeting, Fernpaw smiled fondly in her direction, raising an oversized paw in greeting. A ruined woman? Ruined? What had happened to her- what terrible possibility! Wide eyes of murky pond-water stared in horror up at the warrior before she at last presented what it was- a blemish. A split in her claw, something that look like it hurt but didn't ruin her face or her fur or... oh, no! He felt bad he didn't get it because it was clearly something very upsetting for Applestem, weeping like this-

Cicadastar's approach, the shout of his name, grabbed his fickle attention- wide eyes stared up at their patchy leader, who towered above him despite the little softness of worry that made him a little bit more approachable. "Oh, sorry! I just, I heard..." he nudged his head toward the weeping warrior, who was- oh. No longer weeping. He should have thought about it, really- worrying people like that! He wasn't usually this selfish, he swore, but...

Bug-eyes aswim with still-present worry flittered toward the calico femme, his tiny head lolling to the side as if it was just-slightly-too-heavy. "Shh-ould you go visit Beesong? Maybe they can fix it- no-one'll ever know!" A feeble attempt at reassurance, but it was made. His heart hoped desperately that he could help somehow.
( penned by pin )