
Jun 9, 2024

Driftwood was an observant individual, it was recognizable when one was having a difficult time. Especially when anger or frustration was involved, it was rather tricky for one to burry it in the sand. An overwhelming and overstimulating feeling, explosive and unpredictable even to one self. Dangerous in some cats or destructive. It was odd, how the other feelings were more suppressable, fascinating really. The ones that fascinated them the most was ones that let their feelings go; The emotionally sensitive- or did that make them emotionally sane.. strong? Was it confidence in one self or was it lack of self control? They wondered, once poking and prodding about as a kitten- asking of this and that. It was now internal questions and self discovery if it didn't get them into too much trouble.

Driftwood had noticed and heard of some misfortunes of a litter she once shared the nursery with. There was a lot going on with the clan in general, mishap after mishap. It seemed there was no peace at times.

Their attention lingered on mix colored and lightly curled fur nearby as their coat began to soak within the river, pushing limbs off the river's shallows to paddle and tread. The sun's rays were stronger and shadows weaken, it was star-sent to have the river to aid the heat. "C'mon... the waters fine! Oh, but watch the minnows, they're especially hungry for paws today.." Joked the blue patched warrior, sending a harmless splash from her tail in the young warriors direction. "Enter.. if you dare!"


Driftwood is more than a little puzzling to him. They're just so . . . nice to him, so normal, in a way that nobody's ever been before—so strangely open and carefree, as though they don't give a damn about who he is and what he's done. It's refreshing. Confusing, but . . . refreshing, he supposes, to have a cat that doesn't feel compelled to walk on eggshells around him, bristling like he's some wild thing. Even when they'd seen the worst of him, along with seemingly half the camp.

" Ack—Driftwood! " His voice is a gravelly yelp as water sprays across his side and he jumps a little, curly ruff spiking in alarm. Inexplicably, the yelp dissolves into a husky chuckle, almost against his will as two - toned eyes flick towards the young warrior. He has to admit, the splash of water is lovely and cool against the bracing greenleaf heat under the merciless sun—and he's been working more than enough lately, hasn't he? Driftwood would make fine company.

" I suppose I dare, " the tom half - grumbles, his disgruntled nature, for once, falsified. He plunges into the river with a soft oof! that quickly turns to bubble; there's a few heartbeats of nothing but bubbles, and then the top half of his head pops up. The bridge of his nose rests just above the water like an alligator, tufted ears standing tall and damp curls plastered to his forehead, mismatched eyes blinking up at Driftwood. A white paw emerges from the water and smacks its surface, sending a spray of glittering droplets towards the other warrior as he laughs bubbles, managing a garbled, " Gotcha! "

" speech "