private FELLOW PASSERINE [ family bonding ]

( ) the sun dips low on the horizon as a cool evening settles along the low river. the moon soars gently up into the sky, heralded by crickets and frogs that croak and chirp. the water trickles by, offering a comforting sound as the kittens gather beside their den and chatter begins to build. willowroot watches her brood with a warm heart and a soft smile, tipping her head as the undergrowth rustles and the rest of her little family pushes into camp. she'll hail them over, offering space with a flick of her tail, and they'll bring fish over. it's meal time for willowroot's family, and they do meals together.

as the apprentices bound towards their siblings, willow will stand to greet them, offering a lick upon each of the long-furred heads. when poppysplash arrives, she'll press herself against her mate, purring. "ah, all my minnows are back in the pond," she'll murmur, eyes glowing with delight. "little 'paws, how was training today? tell your little siblings all about it, darlings!" she encourages, settling back down with a small trout between her paws. these are the most important moments in her life, she decides. half a thought flashes, a memory of herself, buck, and raccoon, all chattering and laughing like this moons ago. but she blinks and pushes the memory away. she's present in this moment.

// tiny fam bonding thread :D feel free to reply or not!! no pressure <3
@POPPYSPLASH. @ashpaw! @Hazepaw @Mosspaw @ANTLERPAW @BUCKPAW @carawaykit @TIDEKIT. @Bumblekit
Mosspaw picked at her fish absentmindedly. Her mentor's fate still hung heavy in her mind, eating away at her attention and passion. Willowroot's mention of training made her ear flick, and for once she did not jump at the chance to show off what she had learned. Only after a beat of silence made clear that no one else was going to go before her did she finally speak up.

"My training went well enough." She declared evenly. It was the best she could say that was not a complete lie. "Iciclefang was teaching me today."
Tidekit was never the one to really chatter too much - she was a listener, after all. She was also an observer - making notes in her head in case an event was brought back up again and commenting on things when she thought it was necessary.

Naturally, Mosspaw's unusual hesitance was picked up on. Amber eyes locked onto her sister and she tilted her head. She seemed to recall that her mentor was ill. That must have been why Iciclefang was the one teaching her. But was it because Mosspaw was worried about them, or was it because the routine of training with Aspenhaze had been thrown off. Perhaps it was both. But Tidekit was Tidekit, and Mosspaw was Mosspaw, and she could not simply read the black tabby's mind. So instead, she would try to be comforting.

"It's okay if it didn't go exactly right. You... you have the right to struggle sometimes, especially when things are as serious as they are now." She hoped her feelings shone through her words and conveyed her sincerity.



carawaykit was hungry, waiting not so patiently for her siblings to return from training so that they she could quell the rumbling in her stomach. her banded tail waved happily amongst the arrival of mosspaw, a large grin showing white kitten teeth on display.

mosspaw's recounting of her training left much to the imagination to carawaykit's dismay, black ears drooping slightly. surely there was more to tell, her sister was an apprentice after all! hunting and fighting, swimming in the daunting river, but all they got was "well enough". she didn't give up hope, though. perhaps hazepaw, antlerpaw, or buckpaw would have something exciting to feed her mind.

tidekit spoke calmly, compassionate words that made her feel bad for not spouting them first. maybe next time, she'd be sure to beat her littermate to it. "tidekit's right! things are very serious," she chirped proudly, tail flicking to curl over her back. there was sickness and other issues everywhere right now, it seemed like something new popped up every day. carawaykit couldn't wait until she got to be an apprentice so that she could fix it all.

  • IMG_0077.png
  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, two moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Playfully, Bumblekit aimed to nudge up beside Carawaykit, her tail waving high as she flashed them all a toothy grin. They listened to Mosspaw's rather lame attempt at avoiding the question, her small ears twitching with curiosity. Briefly, she considered being a menace, but the sincerity pouring from their siblings made her reconsider it. Stepping past Carawaykit and off to the side of their parents, she nodded along with Tidekit's caring tone.

The moment gathered a purr in Bumblekit's throat, sweetening the feline's next exclamation. "Exactly! Don't beat yourself up over it, ya know?" It was clear that the severity of the situation didn't really gravitate toward the onyx kitten's thought space. Instead, she went for happy gestures and abundant purring. Mealtime was one of her favorite parts of the day, where she could goof off and indulge all at once.

Of course, the other plus was her family, but that wasn't something Bumblekit could say without feeling bashful. Rather, the lanky she-cat preferred to bounce about and politely wait for her other siblings to arrive. She expressed love in more silent gestures of polite nudges. To keep her growling stomach at bay, she chittered her tongue absentmindedly, watching a small insect scuttle in and then off.

Hazepaw rubs their whole side along Mosspaw’s as they join the family circle, nosing at their mother’s shoulder and brushing their tail against their tinier siblings as they do so. They’ve always liked these simple moments, with no responsibilities and the easy affection of their parents and littermates around them, but their recent spat with Catfish has made these respites even more enjoyable. Bumble, Caraway and Tide are a welcome distraction from the sight of their (former?) best friend sitting on the other side of camp, out of reach.

It’s a little funny to see the small kits try to comfort Moss so enthusiastically. There’s nothing her sister likes more than to raise her own standards constantly so as to never meet them, or so it seems to Haze. She doubts the efficiency of comforting words such as it’s okay if you struggle on the overachieving apprentice, but it’s very, very nice of them all. She gives the nearest one a gentle nudge of her paw in appreciation.

”News?” They ask Moss, tilting their head towards the medicine den. The mention of Iciclefang reminded them that her usual mentor fell sick; they wonder if Moss is worrying about catching yellowcough as well, or if it’s only worry that’s giving her such a long face.