FELT LIKE BLISS // moving in



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The meeting had been adjourned for hundreds of heartbeats now, but many still lingered to congratulate new warriors and talk of success. Figfeather had just managed to wiggle her way out of it all and headed for the warriors den to lay down her new nest. It was so strange to think that the bramble bush would now be her den, not the holly bush that she had lived underneath the past several moons. She’s made the change in dens once before, but now the nursery felt so far away, like she had lived there in a previous life… She supposes one day she’ll feel the same about the apprentice’s den.

Thinking of the past makes her think of Daisyflight. Of tussles with Snowpaw and pranks on Butterflytuft. The change to the warriors den would be good for her, now she wouldn’t find herself looking for Snowpaw’s pelt in the morning… and so use to not sharing dens with Butterflytuft and Daisyflight she prays she is not reminded of their loss at all.

Only their nests still reside inside the brambles, their scents pungent.
Figfeather frowns and goes to the opposite side of the den, finding a very poor location to make a nest along the outer edge. She’d freeze her pelt off on a windy night! With a twinge she realizes she failed to listen to Twitchbolt’s advice, and now he was gone too.

Figfeather stifles a heavy-hearted sigh and tries to distract herself by focusing on the exciting aspects of this change. She was a warrior now, she could hunt and expedite the territory as she pleased. Apprentices like Chyrisalispaw wouldn’t be able to belittle her anymore, she was a warrior of SkyClan and even he couldn’t deny that anymore. A look of triumph washes over her face as she kneads her new nest carefully. The red tabby only ceases in her task when she hears paw steps sounding right outside the brambles, warriors must be coming to return to their nests- or to welcome the new warriors inside. ”Oh- hey!” The she-cat greets a tad prematurely, but confident that someone was about to show their face.
( ) A familiar face of cram and tan would push into the warrior's den, eyes of haunted aqua blinking slowly in surprise at Figfeathers' greeting. Despite her initial shock, however, the molly's maw would melt into a calm smile as she cooed, "What it is, Figfeather, moving into the new pad are you?"

Her voice was as airy as it always was, but there was a slight hum of sadness to it. The news of Snowpaws' capture had hit the molly especially hard, but she never showed it to any except her own family, feeling as tho she had no right to truly grieve the loss of her former apprentice after all the times she had failed him.

So as she slipped further into the den, her eyes would remain half-lidded as she walked over to the nest Thistleback had made for her and took a seat, "Your new name is groovy, you should be proud of it."

It was an attempt at conversation, her way of trying to lift the she-cats spirits after all that had happened, not that she thought she could really just make all the pain go away, the last thing she wanted was for the new warrior to sink into the same depression she had.


I keep trying to find me

Sparkstorm approach next as she scrambled pass the form of the former deputy, green eyes bright with excitement as a clump of feathers and flowers clamped lightly within her jaws while her tail was raise in greetings towards the newly named warrior before she set down the items in front of Figfeather and beamed at her. "Congratulations, Figfeather!! Here I got some gifts for you and your new nest. If you like theres also an empty spot next to me if where you picked gets too much" the warrior expressed happily towards Figfeather, and then she paused and her smile dimmed a bit.

"They would be proud of you when they return home, all of them. I'm sure they'll be home in no time too so stay strong" she said lightly, giving no mind to the other she-cat who was there...whar were their name again...? Deersong? Didn't Blazestar say something about her abandoning Skyclan? She couldn't remember it but it did not matter now, five new warriors! Sure, it perhaps was no time to celebrate but they all should at least be congratulated for all their hard work. "Figfeather is such a suiting name for you too!! Let me know if you need help settling in too" the warrior expressed brightly as she nudged over the feathers and flowers for the newly made warrior's nest.
Tallulahwing does not sleep in the warrior's den. It's one of the cons of being a daylight warrior, she supposes. She loves her housefolk, the brush they run along her dark pelt after a long day of patrolling and hunting for the Clan, the warmth of their nest -- but it's not the same. There must be something comforting about the rise and fall of her Clanmates' flanks around her as she slumbers, something reinforcing that camaraderie.

She blinks with some regret at the entrance to the warrior's den before entering herself. She gives Figfeather and the other she-cats present a mischievous look. "Now, don't let this little missy here try to steal the best spot for herself!" Tallulahwing's gaze falls over multiple empty nests, and she struggles to keep the smile on her maw. "Don't worry, young'un. When you're a senior warrior, you'll be close to the middle." She purrs, her whiskers twitching. She carefully sidesteps the fact that she will never share a den with her former apprentice, regardless of how many moons pass.




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Figfeather is subtly shocked to see the feline she had greeted was Deersong. It was strange to see the cream colored feline around again after being distant for so long. It was difficult to treat her as a warrior and not the deputy she had once been, the red tabby had always been respectful of authority- maybe even to the point of paw licking at times. ”Mhm. …Or at least trying to… there’s not much for room.” An airy laugh sounds from her throat and she stops kneeling the nest. When Deersong tells her to be proud of the name she smiles and dips her head in agreement, Blazestar had chosen well. The name was fitting, it was her.

Sparkstorm is the next warrior in the den, her jaws clutched with a bounty Figfeather paid no mind to initially. Until they were dropped at her paws, a gift? Figfeather’s eyes sparkle with appreciation, ”Oh- h-thank you!” She always feels bashful when on the receiving end of gifts. She felt if she didn’t react perfectly the giver might think she didn’t like it, which wasn’t the case with Sparkstorm’s gift at all. She eyes the clump of feathers and flowers and begins to organize them in her nest, ”This will feel great after a long day of patrolling. Thank you!” Again she expresses her gratitude before the other warrior tells her to stay strong and that her kin would be proud of her. Figfeather forces herself not to think too much about it and nods, happy to have the strong support of her clan in these trying times.

Tallulahwing enters the den warning everyone not to let her steal the best spots. The red she-cat scoffs with amusement, ”Easy for you to demand when you get a big ol’ den to yourself!” Figfeather knows how big twoleg nests are now after being inside one. Fanta got to laze and drift asleep in all the most comfortable of places! …


Figfeather has to do everything she can to get the tabby out of hr mind. Another friend lost, and Figfeather had purposely pushed her away. It was for the best, right? SkyClan is where her loyalties lied, she was born in the clan not a twoleg nest, she had to focus on the wilds and not a girl who lived with two legs.

Luckily Tallulahwing helps her get back into a jesting mood, ”When I’m a senior warrior?! So even older than you!”

Sparrowpaw couldn't help the smile on their face as they sat back, watching the Clan swarm around the newly-named warriors with purrs and words of congratulations. It was infectious. They still weren't quite sure that they understood it, but they were happy for them all the same.

It was Figp- Figfeather breaking away from the group that caught their attention, ears pricking as they watched her hurry over not to the apprentices' den, but the den for warriors. A realization had their smile shifting into a small frown, and while many others tailed after her, they did the same.

By the time they edged close enough, many warriors were already conversing and laughing with her, and they were quiet until they found a decent opening to slip their own soft words in. "So you're... all leaving the apprentice den?" It was Figfeather who let them join her in her nest when they awoke from poor dreams. Did that mean they couldn't anymore?


Just as a pawful of new apprentices joined SkyClan's warrior population, she'd be leaving them to the quiet nursery; and, though for a different reason, she thinks she can understand Sparrowpaw's dislike for the situation. Both of their dens would be much too quiet now.

"That's the nature of graduating. The apprentices get privacy, and the warriors all get to be together so that if something happens we're all in the same place." Orangeblossom meows to Sparrowpaw around her quietly jingling mouthful of the tinsel toy Ashenclaw had gifted her, whiskers twitching in welcome to Figfeather and greetings to the other warriors on her way out. She seems to be in high spirits despite the announcement of her (upcoming, temporary, forced) retirement, and she makes a small noise akin to a purr as she thinks a little harder on their shifting sleeping arrangements and strikes on one.

"You do get Shardpaw now though, so it definitely won't be quiet in there." With that she continues walking, heading across camp to the nursery at a light jingle unless she's otherwise stopped.

// out for now, she will come back to get her moss shortly
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જ➶ All the commotion and so many apprentices leaving the den. It makes her kind of sad honestly because she couldn't spend as much time as she wanted with them anymore. No more staying up late to gossip among themselves, or telling silly stories. Her mood dampens even more and she frowns a little as she hears the words from the warrior's den. She guesses it's okay given that they do get to see each other sometimes. So it's not all bad and one day she will be in there too! A warrior all her own and she grins brightly as she clutches the feathers in her maw. Quickly she makes her way over and spits them out onto the floor. "Here Figfeather! I got these for your nest and to commemorate your new name! It'll make things all comfy." She beams with a bright smile despite being sad at all the apprentices that have become warriors. Then she looks to Sparrowpaw and nods along to what Orangeblossom says.

"Plus I'm still there too! I won't be a warrior for a while yet but hopefully soon!" She definitely has a long way to go. But hey, that is what being a clan cat is all about!

He's dawdling in comparison to his sister. While Figfeather is quick to move her things to the warrior den, Greeneyes finds himself slow to do the same.

He doesn't think he's stalling - after all, his littermate seemed to duck out of the circle of congratulatory praise at the first chance she could. But, either way, the move from the apprentice den to the warrior's den is a daunting one - one that Twitchbolt had told them would be more crowded than what it was now.

If only any of them had known then.

And, while Greeneyes' things still remain under the holly bush he'd been sleeping under for what's been, at this point, most of his life, the tom still finds himself sticking his head into the bramble that covers the warrior's den, gaze going wide as he takes it in. He'd never really been in here up until now, never really been able to take it in as he does now.

"Woah..." he says quietly, looking around. He'd thought the apprentice den was crowded, but this? He steps forward, moving to leave the entrance open for anyone else coming back and forth. "It's... kind of weird in here."

Did Butterflytuft think the same, when she moved her things in here? Did her nest lay close to their mother's, somewhere within the rest of the nests strewn about?

Nevermind that. Greeneyes needs to find where he's going to put his own nest, for when he finally decides to gather his own things. A corner, hopefully, like the one he'd spent his nights under the holly bush. Later he can dwell on his what his family has lost - on Butterflytuft and Daisyflight's empty nests, on his brother's own nest, left to remain in the apprentice den when the rest of their family's belongings lie beneath the brambles.