pafp fess up to my fears // eat'n bugs

maggotpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple

Maggie has never been a picky eater - as a child born during a famine, and with a foster mother whos focus was only ever on her own kits, she'd had to. Even now that prey is more plentiful however, the she-cat seems to have a taste for the strange. Be it wriggling tadpoles or fluttering moths, anything is fair game in the apprentices eyes. Today is no different - except, that she is not alone. A tentative truce - she doesn't really like any of her clanmates, unless you count magpiepaw, but when opportunity shows itself one must strike. And sometimes, like now, adults were foolish enough to share their foodstuffs. Sharp teeth crunch heartily into the insects at her paws as she hovers beside needledrift, contented with the fruitful scraps of her efforts to 'be friendly'. Really, it'd only been a simple 'hello' and 'mind if i have some' but it'd certainly done the trick. Mmm - crunchy.

// @Needledrift late again oops