Field of Dreams (Vultfam)


New member
Dec 31, 2022


Flarekit leap and bound across the open fields of the camp. A few times, they found themselves collapsing on the ground from trying to run with their awkward proportions, but laughed it off in joyous abandonment. Today, the siblings had something amazing planned and it was all thanks to the news about Vulturemask becoming the new medicine cat. As far as Flarekit knew, no one had told Vulturemask about their secret surprise and they preferred it that way. No matter how anyone else felt about the news, their surprise would be the most special. Flarekit never knew that he had an interest in plants like Sunflowerkit did, but nevertheless, Flarekit was happy to know that information now. It just meant that they could participate in more plant adventures and help Vulturemask at the same time. It also pleased them to know that they could learn more about the plants they were collecting since Vulturemask would know a ton.

Drifting off from the rest of their siblings, their nose twitched wildly as their eyes scan for a particular plant. Flarekit knew, deep down, this wasn't a competition, but they couldn't help, but feel a little prideful at the idea that their gift would be the best kind. It didn't matter that Vulturemask and the others had the pleasure (or displeasure) of smelling the remnants of this plant before. It was their favorite and thus, it was the best gift. The only downside was the taste, but everything else about it was great, especially the smell. Thankfully, for them, their prize soon appeared before them in droves.

Taller than the surrounding grass, the leaves were clustered together. They were relatively skinny-looking and flat. As they got closer, the powerful scent drifted off from them. Flarekit had no clue that this plant was either wild garlic or onion, but it didn't matter. Impulsively, Flarekit started to rub and roll against the plant leaves with a warm purr. Naturally, they would get a bit dirty from rolling about in it, but the extra debris and dirt wasn't something they were concerned about. It was too much fun! However, once they remembered their mission, they snapped back into focus. All of their choices seem good, but for Vulturemask, they only wanted the best one. And that meant, they had to find the smelliest, tallest, and prettiest of them all. It was time to start searching.

@sunflowerkit @Dreamkit @VULTUREMASK
( ) Oh, Sunflowerkit is so excited for this. They trot alongside their siblings with a bounce in their step, tail held high in the air. They always knew there was something special about Vulturemask, and now it seems that everyone else saw it too. He's going to be healing cats, and doing so with plants (!!! how is that even possible?), so naturally, the siblings had picked out a perfect way to celebrate. And it was going to be a surprise and Vulturemask was going to love it.

Sunflowerkit has taken it on themself to supervise, as they are the resident expert in collecting plants of all kind (and now maybe they can teach Vulturemask too!!! unless he already knows everything?), but they keep getting distracted by trying to figure out what to give him.

Their first thought was thistle, but they've tried to take those before, and the prickles always stopped them. So, something else then. But what?

They watch with curiosity as Flarekit veers away from them and their brother, making no move to stop them. The best finds, after all, tend to come when one ventures off on their own. Sunflowerkit knows this well. They can't help but be nosy, though, trailing after Flarekit, who seems to be searching for something in particular. Knowing their sibling, it comes as little surprise when they see their quarry: the smelly, tall-growing plants that the kit seems to love so much. Sunflowerkit can't say they understand; the smell always seemed a bit overwhelming to them, preferring sweeter scents like honeysuckle. Still, though, it'll make a lovely gift. Giving someone your favorite plant is always a good idea.

But oh, Sunflowerkit can never decide which plant is their favorite! That makes this so much harder...

Sunflowerkit pads back towards Dreamkit, watching him for a moment as they think. Well, if they can't choose based on themself, it only makes sense to pick one out for Vulturemask specifically. They wrack their brain, trying to figure out the perfect gift. And it has to be perfect, after all. This isn't just for anyone, this is Vulturemask, and he's becoming a medicine cat. That is, quite possibly, the most exciting thing imaginable. So clearly, they've got to find something really good. Luckily, they happen to be an expert.

Without thinking, the kit finds themself tracing a path towards a recent discovery. A beautiful plant that they left right where they found it, too scared by the many times their flowers had withered upon being plucked to risk keeping it. Still, it was hidden away enough that it still felt secret, something just for them. And now, for Vulturemask too. They pick up their pace, pawsteps growing confident and determined. Yes, actually, this will be perfect. The flowers remind them of Vulturemask, anyway. That's a big part of why they love them.

The cold killed most of the flowers, is the problem. Sunflowerkit has only known winter, in the short few months they've been alive. Flowers--life, really, of any kind has always been a scarcity, a wonder to the kit. They don't know, now, that spring is on its way; in a few months, there will be color and life like they've never seen before. They do not know that what they've found is a sign of things to come, a flower bloomed too early, heralding a spring still a while away. A fleeting thing, that will be gone with the next cold snap.

Still, though. A marker of change--for the better, hopefully. It's fitting, even if this meaning is lost on the kit.

What they do know though, as arrive at the outskirts of camp and push away the overgrown wild-grasses burying their treasure, is that Vulturemask will love this. There are only three flowers, well-hidden amidst a tangle of vines. Hellebores, though Sunflowerkit does not know their name. More importantly, black hellebores.

A small smile lights the kit's face. They're the same color as Vulturemask's fur.

The flowers are beautiful, blue-black fading to red-violet at the edges, with a golden center, and delicate veining along each petal. Maybe Sunflowerkit was wrong before. Maybe they do have a favorite. And oh, even beyond the similarity, Vulturemask loves the dark and the night; black flowers will be perfect for him.

Yes, this will work nicely. With careful precision, Sunflowerkit bites off each flower at the stem and sets them on the ground. It takes some difficult to carry all three, leaving the kit with a mouthful of leaves and petals as they awkwardly hold all three by the stem. It's a comical sight, the kit's face all but completely obscured by flowers too big for them. Still, it is most certainly worth it.

Satisfied, Sunflowerkit makes their way back towards their siblings, catch clutched in their jaws.
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