private fiery chariot .. lux

Moving over the rough, sun-baked terrain proved as uneventful as ever... it was a near-daily occasion, to travel this way and that way and then back and forth again. Most of the trip consisted of oddly shaped-hedges and stain-toasted fence lines.... the occasional garbage can, a dumpster... gardens to weave between, butting a head into particularly well-scented patches. Plodding along the high-vantage of the neighborhood fence, Edenpaw let travel-weary eyes drift between the back yards of the nearby houses and the distant, sprawling fields that SkyClan lay just beyond. What an adventurous, exciting life they lived then, to have a paw in both worlds!

Tawnystripe was a kind enough mentor so they didn't often worry about if they could possibly oversleep for training. Patrols were declared in advance too... so unless something crazy came up (they wouldn't want to be there for a big fight... sure to lose in their current state), everything would be fine.

Taking a pause to admire a little patch of the sun's rays that hit the planks just right, they settled into a comfortable crouch with a small tail lashing to keep balance. "Goooooddd night SkyClan," they purr in a hushed yell, giggling at their own silly antics. It wasn't like anyone back there could hear them... but it felt mean not to! Hazelbeam had talked about little rituals for better sleep- this might just be their brand of ritual instead!

"I'll have to tell ask her about it when I go back," the apprentice meows to themself, blinking eyes wide before glancing sharply back down at the alleyway. They'd sworn a shadow moved that direction... Hopping gingerly back on the ground, the white and black feline crept nervously around the side of a garbage can...​
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
The ever-so-energetic tom wobbled, nearly hitting the trashcan in his haste to not drop the last bit of food he scrounged up, stomach nearly ripping itself from the inside out. He hadn’t had a good meal since forever ago, although Lux was mostly to blame, getting caught up in one of his ideas to really pay much attention until it was blaring red right in his face. Oh! Oh! Shit! No! He scrambled, nearly dropping it again if it wasn’t for his fast reflexes shooting a paw out to catch it.

He breathed a sigh of relief, shoulders dropping with a quiet whine, tossing his helm up to stare at the blanketed sky, dark and twinkling. He blinked sluggishly, pivoting on wobbly paws to scurry off, rounding the trashcan until he nearly slammed into another, dropping his edible (?) dinner with a cackle, optics wide. “Oh, shit!” He yelped.

Lux wheezed, floundering to sit on his haunches, morning the dropped food. May you rest in food paradise. He pouted. Awww man. Now what was he going to eat? Meh. He lifted his helm, blinking rapidly at the other, expression curious. “Oh! You’re one of those cats! Hey! Hey! Nice to … bump into you?” He paused, nose crinkling. “Welllll.” He drawled out, tapping his chin, lips pursed. “More like I almost ran you over. Sorry about that.” He laughed, childish optics crinkling.

“Name’s Lux! I’ve seen you around. Never really bothered to talk to you, but coincidences, am I right?” He grinned, drawing his gaze to their paws. He had a habit of staring at anyone he was talking to, but his eyes were creepy and odd and Lux didn’t want to scare the poor thing before they even talked.

He shoved the belittlement that rose like an angry thorn, instead plastering a cheery smile, optics crinkling.
thought speech