Jun 17, 2024
He'd gotten the hell out of dodge, dodge being a nasty swamp filled with equally disgusting felines, pretty much immediately after getting his shit kicked in by that aggravating, vaguely recognizable marsh - cat. Duke'd beat it back to Twolegplace and, for all his ingratiating, earned a quick treatment for his wounds and a snooze in what's - her - face's plush nest before he'd wiggled out the door when the moon was high. He's started chatting with this pretty little thing with pale fur, but they're not quiiiite at the letting - him - into - their - nest phase, so he's back to sleeping under bushes and scrounging for prey until then.

For a couple sunrises, he's been getting pretty decent birds from this ares. Besides the defeathering and keeping one coppery eye out for another one of those roving Clan patrols, it's been a pretty relaxed few days—by his standards at least.

Dammit, he thinks resignedly when the stink of Clan - cat intensifies and he hears pattering footsteps behind him. He knew his luck'd run out eventually, but damn, it had to be this fast? Well, after he gets his ass beat, he can wait a bit for their weird group to cool off and then come back ( hopefully with a little more stealth ).

" Heyyy . . . kid, " he drawls, appending the last part hastily when he processes the young face before him. The strange Clanner's small, especially when stood up against his own looming frame, with a round baby face. Don't the little ones usually have a bigger one nearby? Shit, I'd better get outta here fast. He squints. This one looks familiar, somehow, but also not . . . it's something about those wide green eyes, the compact build, the innocent face . . . eh, whatever. Maybe one of the chocolate - furred she - cats had been from around here, but who really cares?

" How about I just leave with this and you forget I was ever here? " he offers smoothly, plastering on a charismatic half - smirk as he paws his catch—another bird—closer with a single smoky paw. " Make it easy for the both of us. "


" speech "


𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Hollypaw can't help it if he wanders off from his patrols occasionally. It's so big out here, and he wants to see all of it! He has a traveller's heart, he supposes... His mother's tales of the mountains capture his imagination like no other, and despite his want to do good, to follow the rules... It gets boring, trailing after his mentor all the time.

There is danger lurking in the unknown, he knows. Here is one of those dangers: a hulking cat with scar-crossed of silvering black. He looks a little like her siblings, like some terrible spectre of their own smoky pelts. Wounds trail across him, as much as any seasoned warrior, and upon his pelt they look not noble but frightening.

Hollypaw is not frightened, of course. She stares down this evil in the face, and she stands as tall as her stumpy legs will allow. "Halt!" calls the apprentice, pitching his voice just a little deeper. The rogue matches it with a gravelly drawl, dark and slimy. She braces herself for a fight, puffing her chest out and setting her jaw... But it seems the tom has other things in mind. No matter. "You will not leave with it!" she declares, with far too little threat behind it. Broad paws bound forward fearlessly, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I'll let you go if you give it to me," she offers mercifully. Her voice is that of Hollynose, noble warrior. Each syllable is carefully pronounced, the high-pitched squeak of his voice lowered into something he hopes sounds older. There is a gravitas in it, in an imitative way. A child playing at being leader. "But if not, we must fight! This is SkyClan territory, and we do not tolerate thieves!"

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / he, apprentice of skyclan, six moons.
    a fluffy tom with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.