FIGHT CLUB? |☀| rampaw

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
To put it plainly, he wanted nothing to do with Nightbird at that moment. Not earlier, not then, not later. If she wanted to shove his face into the dirt and then mock him on top of it all, then fine. It wasn't as if he needed her to begin with. He was fine on his own. He would become a better warrior than she ever would be, and he would do it himself.

Lightpaw had finally been given some time to himself, nobody trying to drag him around for one reason or another. It wasn't enough. If Nightbird wouldn't teach him how to fight, then he would do it himself, away from prying eyes who would tell him otherwise. The young tom slipped out of camp, grumbling to a warrior that momentarily stopped him that he was just ordered to go collect some moss, that he would be back soon, and hurried off before he could be stopped. Thankfully, he was let go.

Through the forest he trekked. His feathery tail swished from side to side, but it wasn't enough to quell the rampant frustration that bubbled within. It never was. He was never good enough. Why? She loathed him, and he knew it. He was a joke. Unreliable. Okay, then how did he become reliable? Protecting his Clanmates! Making sure nobody else died because of him. Her solution? No combat training.


Mismatched paws carried him on and on, frozen leaves crunching beneath and breath that wavered with suppressed tears billowing around him. It was the gurgle of a half-frozen stream that slowed him, the biting air carrying the scent of WindClan. He had hit the border. Lightpaw looked behind him, gazing into the trees. This was as far as he could get from camp for now. It would have to do.

With a sigh, a breath, and another sigh, he did his best to compose himself. He was his own mentor for now. Focus. What first? Claws flexed against the chilled earth, and he shook out his pelt. He could still feel her beneath his grip, that SkyClanner he had fought with. By the time he had turned to see the enemy lunging for him, it had been too late. He swallowed back the lump in his throat. Abruptly he twisted, lashing out at the empty air. A pause. Again. Again.

He lowered himself, muscles bunching. For a moment he stopped, Nightbird's warnings to not use such a move so often hanging in his mind. He shook it off, and sprung. Claws stretched out, slashed at his invisible opponent. It was there he continued to practice for a while, envisioning all the ways he could have saved her. If he were just stronger. Faster.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
to be as far from camp is not such a surprise for ram, he's actually more surprised his mealy little friends hadn't shown up somewhere. maybe popping out of the snow-covered ground like hares and darting all about him. taunting him, laughing, or anything that they could do without getting in trouble. but for now he enjoyed the quiet, he thinks. he's trying to catch something to bring back and show off. show firepaw how it's really done. but instead he catches a thunderclanner far from his camp. a golden sheen to the pelt, and ram can't help but think he's sorta familiar.

in truth, he's never seen the other. only heard stories and tales about the ones that had gone to the gathering. ram was stuck back, cleaning nests as a punishment. he hung on every word told to him by his peers that had gone. and he heard about that sad tale about that mixed-blooded thunderclanner. the skyclan leader's daughter. or was she actually a skyclanner? he wasn't sure, just knew that one parent didn't see their daughter come home that night.

"hey, ain't you that tom?" calls ram from over the border, watching the clearly troubled male with curiosity. he would swear he meant nothing by it, he was just curious. just wanted to know. "that one from the skirmish? was that girl really squashed?" his wording is cruel, but he doesn't know how else to ask it. it's a hard topic, but he had heard so many rumors. that this guy pushed her, that he slain her. maybe that's half-true. he doesn't know. he also doesn't catch on that the other might want to be alone.

instead, ram just sits and stares. the task of bringing home some great kill was long from his mind. now focusing on the thunderclanner, and what his words will be. his paws twitch, playing with the snow before him. he probably shouldn't even be talking to the golden tom, but he doesn't see the need to be completely separate from all other clans.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Lightpaw had only just stopped to catch his breath when an unfamiliar voice calling out caught it in his throat. The tom nearly gave himself whiplash with the speed at which he turned his head, green eyes locking defensively onto what could only be a WindClanner, staring at him from across the border. What the fuck was he talking about?

That one from the skirmish? Squashed? Was he- was he talking about Morningpaw? He was dumbfounded, nearly slack-jawed in the way he returned the gawking. "Are you- are you serious?" he choked out after a moment. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" The second question held decidedly far more heat than the first. Squashed? Lightpaw almost wanted to laugh, but there was no humor bubbling in his chest.

"Squashed?" he finally uttered aloud. "She was fucking murdered! It's not a fucking joke!"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
when the other finally pays attention to ram, he's taken aback. he doesn't think his words were that big of a deal, maybe thunderclanners were just softer. they gotta tiptoe around the subject. he has half a mind of telling the other tom to quiet down, but just lets him continue to small rampage about his words. "well that's why i was askin'!" rampaw barks out, a bit louder than he wanted. he wasn't trying to make a joke, he just wanted to know what happened! what is wrong with this guy? so touchy.

"so, who did her in? were you there?" ram pokes further, getting closer to the other, but staying mindful of the border. after seeing the aftermath of the whole river skirmish, he doesn't want to see it again. he's sure that sootstar would have his head, and ram would much more prefer to keep it on his body.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Why the fuck was this guy getting snippy with him? Leave it to WindClan to be a collective of assholes and be so casual about death, hearts frozen by the cold wind they oh-so-loved. Lightpaw lightly shook his head in disbelief, now turned to face the other apprentice entirely as he took steps closer to the border.

Clearly not having taken a hint, the other opened his mouth again, and continued to treat it like it was nothing more than passing gossip. His claws sank into the ground, rooting himself while his features darkened. "A fucking SkyClanner, that's who," he snapped. "I was more than there. She died in front of me." Weak, so weak. Too slow, too pathetic, too unreliable. Once again, the frustrations threatened to bubble over, vying for an out.

"What do you care, anyway? It's not like a WindClanner could ever give a shit about anybody but themselves. You're just here to laugh at us," he accused hotly. "So go on. Say something else. I dare you." Lightpaw's eyes narrowed. The small voice in the back of his mind warning him off was all but drowned in the sea of noise and static that shouted at him. All that was left was an inflated sense of disbelief, of offense at perceived sleights and crimes, bouncing off of each other and growing ever louder. If that's what it took, he would make him shut up.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
the windclanner tenses as the other comes closer and closer to the marked borders. he thinks of telling the other to back away, that he doesn't want to start a fight over something like this. but then again, it's been awhile since he's gotten to spar...his harassment of yewberry had been worth it, but the chores following it hadn't. even firepaw hasn't been able to quench him. and this guy seemed stupid enough to do anything with a bit of pushing.

a low whistle comes from rampaw, hearing that the other was actually involved in the skirmish. "a skyclanner?" he echoes after the thunderclanner, a bit impressed with the wimpish clan. he hasn't seen them do much of anything. they're like yewberry, spineless. just a bunch of kittypets trying to be like the actual warriors. that must have been hard to swallow. losing to a kittypet.

he's about to say something else, but then the lightly gingered tom turns on him! shock runs through the chimera's features, before turning into frustration and anger. "ya think i care about some cat in another clan? i've got my own shitheads to deal with!" the tom barks, rage coating his tongue as he closes in on the other. how dare he! he knows nothing about him! rampaw was just curious, and if the other apprentice can't even entertain a conversation, then he's as hopeless as the rest of those cats. "at least i can be trusted to keep others safe from a skyclanner, guess you can't say the same though...." it's a challenge, the chimera's eyes narrowing on the other as his drawl thickens every word he spills. his claws spill from their sheaths, writhing in the blanketed ground. they could've had a decent conversation, but ram has to defend windclan's honor.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
The ensuing shock and anger that swept over the WindClan apprentice sent a spark of satisfaction washing through him, but it was short lived. Lightpaw's lips began to curl back to expose teeth. "Way to prove my point," he bit in the middle of the other's speaking, but each word that spewed from his foul mouth served to only piss him off more. He wanted nothing more than to forcibly shut him up. Maybe WindClanners didn't know a thing about respect and never would, but he would damn well try.

The next thing, however, made him feel as though he were plummeting. Lightpaw would barely give him time to finish his challenge before he was leaping over the border, claws outstretched and guttural snarl tearing itself from his throat. His goal was to plunge his paws into his enemy's chest and bowl him over, fighting to pin him with claws sinking in for a hold. "Fuck you!" he spat. "You piece of fox-dung!"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]