pafp FIGHT LITTLE WOLF ☆ snow play


Ferndance was not his favorite cat by any means, but you could not deny how cute her kits were and strangely well-behaved given how ridiculous she was. Then again they were kits, the air of nonsensical silliness that she often carried looked much more endearing and reasonable on a child than a grown warrior of ShadowClan. He had a bit of a fondness for Snowykit in particular, her charming little remarks on the white spotting of her face being from snow striking her on the muzzle and dyeing her pelt another color as if embedding itself into her fur was hilarious and something he felt he might've thought as a kit as well. Briarstar had not been openly affectionate by any means, no coddling or babying about of her children but she had been loving enough in her own way and he can imagine her telling something similar to try and keep snow from being flung across the marshland in a kitten war. He remembers distinctly someone, unsure if it was his mother, telling him that if he stuck his head in any tree hollows he'd come out with seeds in his nose and a tree would grow from it - putting a very firm stop to his adventurous ways when he was an unruly little furball.

Spotting the little black and white kit sitting by the nursery and looking a touch bored (or perhaps that was just how her face fell, some cats did have that kind of look naturally) he approached with a flick of his tail in a greeting and a brief glance inside to see if anyone else was there before his green eyes narrowed in mischief.
"You know, if we roll in this enough we'll look like Frostbite." He remarked with a curl of black lips and flash of teeth in a wide grin before flopping onto his back and beginning to wiggle around to dig indents into the smooth sleet and leave flattened grooves where his back and limbs pressed down, "I think white would be a great color on me."

  • PAFP - @snowykit

  • 62602478_UrpK9NsUJpgnTSw.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Black & white tom w/spearmint green eyes

Her moms do not tell her what souls to avoid, if any soul at all. She's heard stories and seen the wayward and angry glances cast in their direction - but never once has a name slipped off their tongues, followed by 'avoid them.' That said, the children are allowed to form their own opinions from the narrative. And Snowykit's understanding of the mundane day-to-day tales of ShadowClan clashes with that of what she's experienced.

Her ears fold back as Skunktail approaches her - not in fear, moreso surprise as she had been deciphering her latest not-dream. He speaks, and she remembers her sister's tall tale about the snow. She's tested the theory seemingly a thousand times yet it bore no fruit. Her paws didn't even turn white, and she's always standing in the stuff! Skunktail, however, begins wiggling in it, and Snowykit squeals.

"No! Skunktail!!" she yells, fur fluffing out, "If - if you turn all white, then how is anyone gonna know you different from Frostbite?! You'll be the same! You'll be Skunkbite instead!"

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowykit way of thinking how snow would cause ones fur to turn a different color was... amusing, of course its possible if to stand there for long enough and allow the snow to cover you, but once shaken off ones normal color would appear back and so it was amusing to her to hear Skunktail joke about rolling in the snow to look like their lead warrior, and Snowykit's tiny squeaks of protest.

Silently she approached the two, her tail thumped on the ground slightly and she hummed a bit "I'm sure Frostbite wouldn't mind, and I'm sure there'll be a way to tell the two apart" she said softly to Snowykit before glancing at the warrior. For starters, Frostbite had blue eyes while Skunktail's were green, not only that the two were quite different in how they were as cat but... she wouldn't dare say such things but only joke about the situation in attempts to convince Snowykit even more about how the snow turned one's fur white.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Shadekit's snow-based lie, spoken through giggles, had apparently made an impact. She was pretty sure that she had spotted Snowykit dabbing her paws in the snow and then turning them around, as if waiting for white to leach into her fur... although that could have been unrelated, knowing Snowykit and the litter's general inheritance of Ferndance's unconventional behavior. The dark tabby had been napping for a while, but woke up just in time to hear Skunktail perpetuating the lie. They emerged from the nursery, blinking sleepiness out of their eyes. As they stretched their lanky limbs, they kept their gaze on the wiggling warrior and the alarmed Snowykit. Snowpaw only added to the tall tale, and Shadekit giggled as they stood up from their stretch and pattered over to Snowykit's side.

With a shake of their head, they chirped, "He won't be Skunkbite! He'll have to have a- a- a cold name, like Frostbite, or Snowpaw!" They were careful to list off cats with pale fur. "They had other names before they got in the snow too much and turned white, and then Chilledstar changed them! I'll bet Skunktail's gonna be renamed Icetail when he turns all white."

With a toothy grin, they turned to Snowpaw, hoping for backup. They didn't know if the silver-patched apprentice would play along- sometimes she seemed like a bit of a grump- but they could hope. "Right?"
*+:。.。 None of the children were told which strangers to avoid, but Bonekit knew. More reserved than his siblings, he'd preferred people watching over interactions, and in the many times he's lingered behind his siblings he's watched the way cats eyes narrowed towards them, the way their mouths moved with phrases so familiar he's able to read them upon their sneers - Sprucepaw, death, and Ferndance. Spucepaw's sacrifice was a bed time story Bonekit loved to hear - the tale of one brave apprentice who gave up everything for the sake of Bonekit and his family, his dull green gaze sparkled at the thought of living up to this unfamiliar girl's memory. But it seemed the rest of the clan didn't take away the kinder moral from the same tale.
No one mistreated his siblings, but Bonekit still hovered protectively nearby anyway. Quiet as a phantom, he watched Snowkit and Shadekit laugh with Skunktail - a tom who's always been very sweet with his siblings, but who's eyes aren't free of the judgemental glint whenever Bonekit catches him looking at his mother. He doesn't like Skunktail. He doesn't trust him. So he keeps his distance, eyes narrowed to tiny slits and ears perked.

But the 'tough guy' look is ruined when a little giggle escapes him as he eavesdrops on the conversation. Icetail hah, Frostbite 2.0 heehee...

    Shadowclan — Kit
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodkit, Shadekit, Snowkit

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

swallowkit 03 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

" That's fox-dung - obviously you gotta' eat the snow to turn white - or all of us would be Snowflakefur and Icepelt by now, " Swallowkit chimes in, pawsteps thudding against the ground as they bound over. Tail flicks, slapping some of the pale flakes back into the air as it does. " You shouldn't lie to kits - we're, uh.... impress-ssin..uh, something. Yeah, " damn, he'd forgotten the word again.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'