fight song - playing clan

Little Wolf was preoccupied that day, which meant her kits had been left under the watchful eye of one of the queens she would sometimes let watch them. The day was still young but already Howlkit was bored and in need of something to keep her occupied. After pondering what she could do, going back and forth between teasing her siblings or playfully attacking one of their temporary guardians, she decided she wanted to play a game. She wanted to play out clan life. She had seen some of the older kits play such a game before but had not really done so just with her siblings. Howlkit hoped that by suggesting the game she might be able to get one of the good roles such as leader or medicine cat, which were nearly always taken when she had played with some of the older kits.

Turning on her siblings, she was quick to voice her intentions. "I'm boeerrrrreeeddddd," She declared, dragging out the word for emphasis. "We should play a game! D'you guys want to play clan with me?"

@CRESCENTKIT @BURNKIT ! @MORNINGKIT @Fireflykit // will be private for the most part but feel free to have your characters watch or share their input on their little game
while their mother was out and they were left to be watched by another queen for the time being, crescentkit had plopped herself down in one of the empty nests and began to run a small, bristled tongue along cream-colored fur to ensure that she always looked her best and that not one strand of hair stood out of place. sure, it may be excessive or ridiculous to others but crescentkit took great pride in her appearance and always aims to look better than everyone else. including her siblings.

her minstrations were paused when howlkit turned over to them to announce her boredom before quickly suggesting they play a clan game which had the bridge of her nose crinkling slightly. "but i just got done fixing my fur! i don't want to ruin it by rolling around in the gross dirt!" the words came out in a huff. "i'll only play if i can be the healer, that way i can stay looking as pretty as ever without needing to wrestle and getting dirty."
[ penned by cobi ]

A game? Can I play too? I want to be the leader!” Fur would bristle with the thought. It was exciting to finally have some fellow kits to play with aside from her siblings; offering a new take on games to play. With any luck, they would allow her to be included in their game. It sounded fun, and like something she wouldn't be hurt by playing. What better way to get to know her denmates than by playing with them?


If there were any kits in all the clans who would be experts in playing clan it would be Burnkit and his siblings. They came from a big family of cats who held highly esteemed positions in both Sky Clan and Thunder Clan. It was in their blood! Their grandmother was a deputy, their father leader, and their uncle a medicine cat. That of course, in his mind made them experts. When Howlkit invites him and his littermates to play clan he almost wrinkles his nose. Why should they play clan when they could live it? Still, the idea sounded fun he supposed. His eyes snap to Crescentkit as she voices her complaints and he lets out a little laugh. "Healers get dirty too!" he says while stalking closer to her menacingly, tail waving in the air and threatening to pounce. He never gets the opportunity though.

He looks up as Dewkit speaks to them, rolling his eyes as she invites herself to their game. Proclaims she wants to play as the leader. "Aren't you a little old to be playing clan?" he asks, knowing full well she is not much older than them "Besides why would you be leader? Were a leaders actual kits so it should be one of us!" he boasts shamelessly, his eyes darting to his siblings for back up. He didn't even care if he himself wasn't made leader, he just didn't want her to get it.

// sorry he's a brat ):

Howlkit rolled her eyes a little at Crescentkit's response. "Don't be boring, Cres," She chides her sister. Her expression softens when her sister offers to play as the medicine cat instead. Howlkit didn't really approve of her reasoning for such, but she supposed having one healer around wouldn't be too bad. After all, what kind of clan went without a trusty medicine cat? "Fine you can be the medicine cat if you really want," Howlkit conceded. "We'll need someone to get visions from StarClan. And it's only fitting that the boring job should go to the cat with the boring role!" Howlkit started to giggle, completely oblivious that leaders could get visions too.

Dewkit, one of Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose's children comes over and asks to join. Dewkit wants to be leader though and Howlkit isn't sure how she feels about that. She wanted to be leader! This was her game and she wanted the top job. Still, if Dewkit wanted to be leader there were plenty of clans to pick from, and maybe they could assign her one of the bad ones. Given her name, RiverClan seemed like a good fit. River. Dew. River and dew - it was a perfect match! "We can all be leaders," Howlkit assured Burnkit and Dewkit. Except for Crescentkit, she added silently. "There are five clans after all so there can be five leaders. I'll be Howlstar, Burnkit can be Burnstar, and you can be Dewstar...of RiverClan! Get it? River and dew? It fits!"
His sister calls for a game, and Firefly almost sprints over when he hears it. If they were playing it, would they make him sit out and watch? He didn't want to be left out, it wasn't fair! Just because he couldn't see very well in the day.. He huffs to himself as he marches over, half-squinted eyes fluttering from his own focus.

"Then I wanna be Dewstar's medicine cat! We'll be super cool together, right, Dewstar?" Fireflykit meows with an excited grin. His sister complains about her fur getting dirty, and he couldn't help but agree- though, he was different in a way that he'd just wash himself after. As long as he got clean after he got dirty, he didn't really care much, y'know? "Fireflyflower, doesn't that sound so cool? Like a firefly landin' on a flower!" He chuckles softly at his own name, before his attention is stolen by Burnkit.

"Oh noooo! Burnstar, you're burnt! Lemme get some.. MUD!" Fireflykit squeaks out, gathering some damp dirt in his paws before he shakily chucked it at his little brother. Then, even if it hit or didn't, Firefly shuts his eyes and runs behind one of his other siblings, grinning at them.
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Morningkit trails dutifully after her other siblings at Howlkit's call for play. Though her eyes gleam with anxiety, the little tortoiseshell point's tail is twitching with excitement. Play acting can be scary, sometimes. She becomes terribly self-conscious, wondering if she's pretending right -- is she convincing? Do they think she's dumb? Is she bad at it?

But she wants to get it right. At Howlkit's directive, that all five of them get to be leaders, Morningkit smiles. "I can be Morningstar, but... but what Clan should I lead?" She closes her mouth, brow furrowing thoughtfully. She's sure Howlstar will pick ThunderClan or SkyClan, and since her sister has assigned Dewstar RiverClan, she isn't sure what's left.

Her thoughts are interrupted by Fireflykit's exclamation that he wants to be a medicine cat, too. A medicine cat to Dewstar. Morningkit playfully pushes her forepaw against him. "You and Crescentkit are both gonna heal? We won't have anyone left to fight in our war!" She doesn't mind, though. Part of her wishes she'd thought to be medicine cat first so she could just watch the others brawl...

Her eyes go wide as Fireflykit decides to lob a pawful of mud Burnkit's direction before ducking behind her. She grins, hiding her mirth behind a spotted paw before whispering, "I can't save you now."

- ,,

Fireflykit elects to be a medicine cat like Crescentkit. Howlkit pouts a little at that but soon shrugs it off, at least with two siblings as medicine cats she, Burnkit, and Morningkit could be leaders...even if one of them would end up with ShadowClan or WindClan.

When Fireflykit throws mud at their brother, Howlkit's eyes go wide in false shock. "Burnstar are you going to stand for that?" She asked. "Or will you show those RiverClan scum who's boss?" It seemed it hadn't taken long for these fake clans to be pushed to war. Howlkit gave a sly look to Morningkit and Burnkit. "If you ask nicely maybe me and ThunderClan will come to the rescue. And maybe Morningstar will help us too!""