fight the fade ;; coyote


Sep 7, 2022


Leopardcloud was never graced with much patience when it came to her sickness. Medicine cats had done what they could, but the most that helped her was the mint that allowed her to breathe easier. Poppy seeds would make her drowsy, a zombie- she hated them. She wanted to spend her last days or moons alongside her children, watching them train and become the little warriors they deserved to be. When she was gone, she would know that she would see them again one day- she'd done everything she could, that day. She'd done her best.

Trapped in thought, Leopardcloud dazed off into space where she laid outside of the medicine cat's den. Dawnglare was gone on a herb hunt, and she was left to relax in peace without the medicine cat hounding her about staying inside away from the cold. She didn't have much strength to stand, let alone walk very far, but she was fine with that. The sound of ruffling catches her attention, though, and she looks up to see her son holding a bundle of pretty flowers for her. She smiles then, leaning down to sniff them.

"Aren't you kind. What're these for, kiddo?" She asks the little tom, pulling him close with a weak paw so she could groom the growing blonde mane at the top of his head.
I won't apologize for being who I am
Stuffed to the brim was his cream colored maw, carrying an assortment of wildflowers of various shapes and sizes. He'd spent all morning searching for them, carefully plucking the delicate blossoms to bring back to his big sister. With a smile that reached his eyes the scruffy little tom placed the bouquet released the bundle from his mouth, setting it upon the ground right by Leopardcloud's paws. At her inquiry the boy lifts his head. "I wanted to thank you for you know...just always being there for me. I know I can be kinda troublesome sometimes." He murmurs, his smile morphing into a more sheepish expression. Coyote is then scooped closer by the molly's paw, her tongue beginning to rasp across the top of his head. He settles in, tucking his paws beneath him before trying to glance up at the mottled tabby above him. "How's your day been so far? Thistleback promises that he'll start training me really soon. I can't wait for you to see some of my new moves!" He exclaims excitedly, tail twitching back and forth.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

Emerald hues glance over the flowers gifted to her, memorizing the color and scent of each and every flowerbud he had painstakingly collected for her. Perhaps she would ask Amanita to make her a crown of flowers from these buds when her son was gone, for such a beautiful bundle should be made eternal in memory. Maybe, she wondered, the flower crown would stay with her even when she passed on to StarClan. Her tongue rasps over the growing tom's head, shaky with every stroke over golden fur- there's a rumbling in her chest, a purr of contentment. She was fine with this, basking in the presence of her son by her side. He settles down then, and Leopardcloud smiles at his comfort. Bittersweet as it was.

The little coyote speaks of his gratefulness, and Leopardcloud feels emotions well up inside of her. Sadness, adoration, love. Could she ever explain the feelings she felt when she peered upon her son, so handsome beneath the light of the sun's rays? He was a mirror of herself through and through, and she found pride in that fact. She leans down, cheek rubbing against her child's own- he knew her as his sister, and perhaps it was better that way. One day, he would know the truth. But not now, not when he had just became an Apprentice. She could feel she had a bit longer with him, and she wanted to spend it with him and the rest of SkyClan. She owed him that, after all, since she had ripped him from everything he had once known; WindClan was no home for Coyotepaw. "When I took you from our old home, you were too young to remember much. I promised you that I would protect you, back then, Coyotepaw. Troublesome or not, you are my blood and flesh and I love you. The stars can forgive your troublemaking." She chuckles softly, panting as she lowers her head down onto his back, allowing herself to rest. As much as she wanted to, grooming him took a lot of effort and energy.

Through every pant, every soft breath as she collected herself, Leopardcloud remained purring in contentment. This pain, this agony- she could suffer through it, if only to see her beloved brethren survive and become strong. He mentions training with Thistleback when he returns, and Leopardcloud lets out a hum of satisfaction. "You've adapted well to this place. It is your home now, little warrior. Thistleback is a perfect mentor for you. Listen to him well." She remarks softly, moving her face just a bit to meet his eyes. He asks how she feels, how she's doing, and Leopardcloud gives a guttural laugh. "The cold is getting to me faster than I thought. The nights are becoming longer. But I must tell you something, Coyotepaw. And you must listen well, yes?" The tone she takes is serious at the end, yet not scolding- she is calm despite her serious tone.

"I am dying, little coyote. Slowly, that is. I'd guess that I won't live through leaf-bare." She admits with a sad little smile, placing a shaky paw on her son's own. She spares a glance at the bouquet of flowers, grief sweeping through her at what is to come. She had accepted her death long before, but she had never prepared herself for the possibility of having kits. Coyotepaw and his sibling were unfortunate in this fate. "I've been sick since I was young, but nothing helped to cure this illness. But I am not scared, and you shouldn't be either."
I won't apologize for being who I am
His eyes were half lidded with content as her tongue rasped over the tuft of his little mane with each shaky pass. Leopardcloud's cheek brushes against his own, prompting a rugged purr from his slowly but surely deepening vocals. Honeyed ears perk forward as he listens to her hushed words and a soft chuckle escapes him. "That's a relief." The little tom was glad to hear that he was not too troublesome to be forgiven by the molly or the stars above, he just hoped it would continue so he could hold onto such grace in the future. As she slowed down and eventually came to rest her head upon his back Coyote's eyes fluttered wide, turning a bit to see her clearly. But the silence is only momentary though the heavy panting does cause him to worry. Why did Leopard sound like she'd just run a marathon?

He is spared no further time to mull over the matter once she starts speaking again, praising him for his adaptability. A puff of pride begins to swell within his chest and he gives his sister a nod. There was no denying the connection he held with Thistleback though he still remained weary of skyclan as a whole. Perhaps one day he would feel truly accepted, but as of right now he still had his doubts. Coyote remained silent, offering a low hum in response to not dampen the molly's chipper mood about this place being home. Their conversation shifts to the cold and he listens to the grating laugh that meets his ears despite Leopard's good nature. Another oddity, his sister didn't sound quite the same. His jaw parts to inquire about it but he is quickly hushed by the seriousness of her own tone.

"O-okay..." He whispers softly. However, nothing could have prepared him for the words that followed shortly after. The boy's breath hitches in his throat, shaky as he exhales. The world seems to slow, turning and spinning at the grim news as his heart races in his chest and hammers in his ears. The only thing keeping him grounded is a paw laying its gentle weight upon his own. "W-what?!" He manages to choke out, tears springing up in pastel eyes. She smiles, attempting to reassure him, coaxing him into not being afraid. But it doesn't work. Fear does indeed grip the boy and the anxiety of a future without his "sister" wrenches at his heart. ", you can't leave me," Coyote scrambles to his paws, tears freely flowing down cream colored cheeks. "I still need you!" His body is hunched yet his pelt bristles at the severity of the situation. Out of everyone, why her?
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

His reaction to the news is how she thought it would be; fear, anxiety, and a little bit of anger. Maybe not towards her, but towards the fates themselves- she would find out when she was gone, she supposed. She watches him as he stands up, the molly barely able to hold herself up after the sudden movement- his yell of I still need you! making her wince. "I'm not leaving you. I'm not dead yet, am I?" Leopardcloud asks the tom with an exhausted smile, "But you must prepare for the day that I do. I will not be around forever. You must protect your sibling in my place, Coyotepaw." She meows softly, pushing a paw beneath her body to try and push herself up. Successfully, she seats herself up and manages to stay up- if not wobbling a bit.

The cream molly takes a step forward, her paw brushing against the young tom's cheek to wipe away tears. Oh, how his cries made her heart ache.. She wanted to do more for him, to help him more- but there was nothing she could do aside from reassuring him. Was it wise, to tell him that she was dying? Probably not. He would be hovering over her for days now until she did pass, at this point. But, he deserved to know. Leopardcloud didn't want to keep her secrets for long, not from Coyotepaw. "Little coyote, you cannot reverse what is already set in stone. Do you want to spend the rest of your days grieving over me? That is not how I wish to be remembered. As the molly that got sick and died, leaving her brother to mourn her life- taking what she gave him for granted." She meowed softly, the fierceness in her eyes never leaving. Despite her illness, she was still a warrior- and a warrior ached to die with honor. Especially her.

"You are my world, Coyotepaw. My flesh and blood. Please allow me to spend my last remaining days with that face of yours. Running from the truth will only make you hurt more when the time comes to bury me beneath the ground with nature." She mews, falling quickly into a coughing fit- wet and harsh with every hack. Blood splattered the floor in tiny dots, the molly weakening until she fell to the ground again. With a loud wheeze, Leopardcloud tries her best to calm her nerves. She looks up, making eye contact with the little tom. "I love you, little one. Do you understand that?"
I won't apologize for being who I am
As her paw comes to brush against his cheek a sob breaks forth from his mouth, shoulders quaking violently. The boy slowly gathers himself and comes to huddle between the crook of her arm and chest, weeping. His head tucks down, ears flattened against his head as Leopard's words do little to soothe his woes. "But it's still not's not." He grits his teeth, little claws slipping through their sheathes to puncture the ground. The more her listened the guiltier he felt. No he didn't wish for her to be remembered as a frail, debilitated molly but at the same time refraining from being selfish for wanting her to stay was a monumental task.

Brutal coughs rip forth from Leopard's muzzle and Coyote finds his head popping back up in time to see the femme swaying on her paws. His breath hitches, staggering forth to catch what little of her he could manage as the warrior falls to the ground. Green eyes skim over her brittle form, flinching at the raspy wheezing of her lungs. If not for himself, he at least needed to be strong for her during what little time she had left on this side of the grave. "I love you too Leopardcloud, more than you'll ever know." The boy croaks shuffling forward to lay close to his secret mom. He wished to savor this moment, a moment filled with warmth and her comforting touch.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you