Feb 29, 2024
Residing as an apprentice in ThunderClan, Adderpaw is being mentored by Leafhusk, who adores him way more than he would care for -- she was like a proud mother, and the thought would make him grimace (but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips with admiration). His clanmates wouldn't exactly call him a "chatterbox," but would address him as more of a loner. He has a fonder speech with the life that scatters the forest floor beneath and above him than the life surrounding him. The young tom does not want to make friends, nor does he care that he doesn't have any. His friends are the critters around him, because at least they listen. ── 𓅫 ✦
    . . ★
    AMAB (he/him/his), demisexual/romantic
    adderpaw prefers masculine pronouns, and would find feminine pronouns uncomfortable and cause him confusion. however gender neutral terms he will respond to if directed towards him.
    . . ★ 7 moons, created 02/29/2024
    born in greenleaf, ages realistically (+1 moon) every 29th. created at seven moons old, and will not age differently unless for any major plot.
    . . ★ Apprentice, mentored by Leafhusk
    former mentor: Mossywing, reassigned due to the now elder's lack of patience with a struggling apprentice. further behind other apprentices and may have to be stay in his role longer because of it.
    . . ★ Born in ThunderClan
    loyal to thunderclan and thunderclan alone -- this means the clan itself and not his clanmates. feels wary around other clans, but will converse with them if forced by his mentor or another clanmate.
  • . . ★ Long-haired brown tabby with yellow eyes, ref
    Lying in the soft moss bedding of the nursery, curled into his mother's belly with soft purrs of comfort, Adderpaw's name had already been chosen before his mother could debate another one it seemed. His long coat heavily reminded the she-cat of the very same snake he is named after, presenting many different shades of brown in his tabby patterned appearance. He was all brown, with hints of grayish, red and cream browns only noticeable in the view of absolute sunlight shining itself on his pelt. His stripes were dark brown and slashed through his coat like a storming river, a long one going from the usual tabby ornamental design that adorned his forehead to the base of his tail, the color almost seeming to melt into his tail fur as it all became one. White of course could be found in his pelt, but it was soft and sometimes it could be easy to overlook -- it could be found on his chin, his left front paw, and in what almost looks like white eyeliner around his eyes that aren't too thin but aren't too thick either. The tom has a black nose and black paw pads, with glaring yellow eyes that only look at you through a half-lidded bored and uninteresting glance. A permanent frown could be seen as soon as eye contact has been made (with a look of distain as well). His stature is small, his overall appearance just smaller than the rest of the apprentices that he is training with. Despite this, he has massive paws that often cause him to tumble over himself and cause a heap of embarrassment.
  • . . ★ ISTJ-T / Level-headed, blunt + clueless
    Adderpaw is the soft spoken apprentice sitting in the corner of every meeting twiddling with his paws and the twigs beneath him. After getting bored of that, an onlooking apprentice may tell you that he had begun to excessively grooming himself to make sure his coat stays as pristine as he can. He knows the size of his bubble, and if anyone dare tries to poke into it he will make sure to let you know. Whenever speaking to others, he will be as blunt and brutally honest as his tongue allows since in his mind it doesn't register as rude towards others. He believes in telling someone the truth instead of hiding his feelings to make them feel better, which often pushes others away from him and leads him wondering why he has no friends. But if you asked Adderpaw if he cared about that, he would swear up and down to StarClan that it has never bothered him. But, when faced with a very intimidating and serious conversation against him, Adderpaw will refuse to speak up and defend himself to whatever he is being accused of. This makes it easy for those the young tom may look up to or trust to make him a personal rug to walk all over and ask too much of. He is absolutely clueless and oblivious to others' emotions towards him and will take everything at face value. He must have things explained to him in order to understand what is going on, a result of his constant zoning out in the back of trainings with Leafhusk. Adderpaw is also extremely tidy, not obsessively but close enough that it is a noticeable trait that clanmates have noticed from him. His nest is always clean, and his pelt always well-maintained as to give off a look of him "having it together."
  • GEN 1 / Son to Quailheart x Cloudgrumble
    quailheart and cloudgrumble were not lovers in the slightest. forming an attraction towards each other, the two shared a night -- thinking nothing more would come out of it and they could put the past behind them. however, quailheart found herself pregnant with three of cloudgrumble's kits and could only express that her life was over. giving birth to adderpaw and his siblings, the two were involved in his life but were not parents to them. this resulted in adderpaw's reclusiveness from his clanmates, as he was not properly introduced to socializing.
    Mentored by Leafhusk​
    reassigned to leafhusk during the start of his apprenticeship, it has been difficult for the two to share a bond that a usual mentor and apprentice to have. adderpaw feels dejected at the fact of knowing that he possibly forced his previous mentor to retire into the elder's den just a few moons early, and he in return now has a hard time trusting leafhusk to lift him up into the warrior he wants to be when mossywing abandoned him. he does not know how to feel about leafhusk's friendly advances with recent events considering the wolves, and often shoulders them off before giving into the pressure of not wanting to disappoint her.
  • ★★☆☆☆ AGILITY
    ★★★☆☆ CLIMBING
    ★☆☆☆☆ DEXTERITY
    ★☆☆☆☆ GRACE
    ★★☆☆☆ MEMORY
    ★☆☆☆☆ MOTIVATION
    ★★★☆☆ PERCEPTION
    ★★★☆☆ SPEED
    ★★★☆☆ STAMINA
    ★★☆☆☆ STRENGTH
    ★★☆☆☆ STRATEGY
    Adderpaw does not understand the concept of relationship whether it be platonic or romantic, small talk being the only thing uttered from his lips -- yet he couldn't stand the grating sound of it either. Empathy is not his strong suit, and he does not "believe" in emotions (this just means Adderpaw does not understand emotions and has no knowledge on what they really are and how they impact him or someone else). He is possibly one of the worst apprentices in ThunderClan, never having caught his own bird two moons into his apprenticeship and barely being able to scratch into tree bark. He is ashamed of this but doesn't know how to perform any better when he's already trying his best.

    . . ★ Single due to young age / Demisexual + monogamist
    does not understand his sexuality yet or what sexuality is, therefore this is just a sexuality for when he understands himself and relationships more.
    . . ★ Interested in no one / Not open to relationships or friends ICly
    doesn't like anyone platonically, which translates into his romantic feelings towards anyone.
  • like everyone else, adderpaw has a few mannerisms that can be noticeable to anyone he interacts with or may be observing him. below are a few mannerisms that stand out like a sore thumb, ultimately being his driving force in any type of social setting.
    ★ 1. Cleaning pelt when under any type of stress or at any feeling of dirt, even if walking he will pause to take a moment and aggressively lick at his coat.
    ★ 2. Shifting his weight when uncomfortable, often fidgeting with his paws or looking down at them to either avoid confrontation or socializing with his clanmates.
    ★ 3. If talking for too long, he develops (or shows) his stutter as he becomes more unsure in the confidence of his words, sometimes slurring together if he gets too self-conscious.
    ★ 4. Always stares through half-lidded eyes, won't make eye contact unless he deems it necessary or beneficial for the other party.

    adderpaw struggles frequently with interacting with his clanmates. this is in part due to little social interaction with his peers as a kit and therefore only able to know people based on first impressions and assumptions. this chart further explains his performance when interacting with others in his clan and outsiders.
    ★★★★☆ HONESTY
    ★★☆☆☆ LEADERSHIP
    ★☆☆☆☆ OPTIMISM
    ★☆☆☆☆ PATIENCE
    ★☆☆☆☆ CHARISMA
    ★☆☆☆☆ CONFIDENCE
    ★★★☆☆ CREATIVITY
    ★☆☆☆☆ EMPATHY
    ★☆☆☆☆ HUMOR
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
  • Adderpaw is rude in many instances in IC situations. None of his actions or thoughts reflect the roleplayer's, and anything rude said is only meant in IC fashion. And Adderpaw may be an ass, but his roleplayer is not. She is open to anyone dm'ing her for plots or for help, but is often nervous about it all so be warned :p.
    𓆤 Played by @katze *
    𓆤 DM on Discord to plot with
    𓆤 Playlist, Pinterest, Toyhouse
    * she/her, prefers to go by emily
  • Code:
    [box=50%][justify][fleft][box="50%; background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 117px; width: 110px; margin-top: 7px; margin-left: 1px; margin-bottom: -8px;"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][/fleft] Residing as an apprentice in ThunderClan, [b][color=#b4380f]Adderpaw[/color][/b] is being mentored by [b][color=#a2a27f]Leafhusk[/color][/b], who adores him way more than he would care for -- she was like a proud mother, and the thought would make him grimace (but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips with admiration). His clanmates wouldn't exactly call him a "chatterbox," but would address him as more of a loner. He has a fonder speech with the life that scatters the forest floor beneath and above him than the life surrounding him. The young tom does not want to make friends, nor does he care that he doesn't have any. His friends are the critters around him, because at least they listen. ── 𓅫 ✦
    [tabs][slide=𓅫 ✦ ──][b][color=#869516]ADDERPAW OF THUNDERCLAN / [abbr=Addersnap]POTENTIALLY[/abbr], [abbr=Adder: brown in color + cunning warrior / snap: sharp tongue + strong fighter]NAME MEANING[/abbr][/color]
    [color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] AMAB (he/him/his), demisexual/romantic
    [indent][i]adderpaw prefers masculine pronouns, and would find feminine pronouns uncomfortable and cause him confusion. however gender neutral terms he will respond to if directed towards him.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] 7 moons, created 02/29/2024
    [indent][i]born in greenleaf, ages realistically (+1 moon) every 29th. created at seven moons old, and will not age differently unless for any major plot.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] Apprentice, mentored by [abbr=played by maxine]Leafhusk[/abbr]
    [indent][i]former mentor: [abbr=NPC]Mossywing[/abbr], reassigned due to the now elder's lack of patience with a struggling apprentice. further behind other apprentices and may have to be stay in his role longer because of it.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] Born in ThunderClan
    [indent][i]loyal to thunderclan and thunderclan alone -- this means the clan itself and not his clanmates. feels wary around other clans, but will converse with them if forced by his mentor or another clanmate.[/i][/indent][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 1][b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] Long-haired brown tabby with yellow eyes, [url=link]ref[/url]
    Lying in the soft moss bedding of the nursery, curled into his mother's belly with soft purrs of comfort, Adderpaw's name had already been chosen before his mother could debate another one it seemed. His long coat heavily reminded the she-cat of the very same snake he is named after, presenting many different shades of brown in his tabby patterned appearance. He was all brown, with hints of grayish, red and cream browns only noticeable in the view of absolute sunlight shining itself on his pelt. His stripes were dark brown and slashed through his coat like a storming river, a long one going from the usual tabby ornamental design that adorned his forehead to the base of his tail, the color almost seeming to melt into his tail fur as it all became one. White of course could be found in his pelt, but it was soft and sometimes it could be easy to overlook -- it could be found on his chin, his left front paw, and in what almost looks like white eyeliner around his eyes that aren't too thin but aren't too thick either. The tom has a black nose and black paw pads, with glaring yellow eyes that only look at you through a half-lidded bored and uninteresting glance. A permanent frown could be seen as soon as eye contact has been made (with a look of distain as well). His stature is small, his overall appearance just smaller than the rest of the apprentices that he is training with. Despite this, he has massive paws that often cause him to tumble over himself and cause a heap of embarrassment.
    [b][color=#869516][abbr=no injures, 100% health]PHYSICAL HEALTH[/abbr][/color][/b][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 2][b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] [abbr=100% Introverted, 86% Observant, 100% Thinking, 82% Judging, 76% Turbulent]ISTJ-T[/abbr] / Level-headed, blunt + clueless
    Adderpaw is the soft spoken apprentice sitting in the corner of every meeting twiddling with his paws and the twigs beneath him. After getting bored of that, an onlooking apprentice may tell you that he had begun to excessively grooming himself to make sure his coat stays as pristine as he can. He knows the size of his bubble, and if anyone dare tries to poke into it he will make sure to let you know. Whenever speaking to others, he will be as blunt and brutally honest as his tongue allows since in his mind it doesn't register as rude towards others. He believes in telling someone the truth instead of hiding his feelings to make them feel better, which often pushes others away from him and leads him wondering why he has no friends. But if you asked Adderpaw if he cared about that, he would swear up and down to StarClan that it has never bothered him. But, when faced with a very intimidating and serious conversation against him, Adderpaw will refuse to speak up and defend himself to whatever he is being accused of. This makes it easy for those the young tom may look up to or trust to make him a personal rug to walk all over and ask too much of. He is absolutely clueless and oblivious to others' emotions towards him and will take everything at face value. He must have things explained to him in order to understand what is going on, a result of his constant zoning out in the back of trainings with Leafhusk. Adderpaw is also extremely tidy, not obsessively but close enough that it is a noticeable trait that clanmates have noticed from him. His nest is always clean, and his pelt always well-maintained as to give off a look of him "having it together."
    [b][color=#869516][abbr=shaken by the wolves, 90% health]MENTAL HEALTH[/abbr][/color][/b][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 3][indent][b][color=#b4380f]★[/color][/b] [b][color=#869516]GEN 1[/color][/b] / Son to [abbr=Mother, alive / NPC]Quailheart[/abbr] x [abbr=Father, alive / NPC]Cloudgrumble[/abbr][/indent]
    [indent][i]quailheart and cloudgrumble were not lovers in the slightest. forming an attraction towards each other, the two shared a night -- thinking nothing more would come out of it and they could put the past behind them. however, quailheart found herself pregnant with three of cloudgrumble's kits and could only express that her life was over. giving birth to adderpaw and his siblings, the two were involved in his life but were not parents to them. this resulted in adderpaw's reclusiveness from his clanmates, as he was not properly introduced to socializing.[/i][/indent]
    [indent][b][color=#b4380f]★[/color][/b] Mentored by Leafhusk[/indent]
    [indent][i]reassigned to leafhusk during the start of his apprenticeship, it has been difficult for the two to share a bond that a usual mentor and apprentice to have. adderpaw feels dejected at the fact of knowing that he possibly forced his previous mentor to retire into the elder's den just a few moons early, and he in return now has a hard time trusting leafhusk to lift him up into the warrior he wants to be when mossywing abandoned him. he does not know how to feel about leafhusk's friendly advances with recent events considering the wolves, and often shoulders them off before giving into the pressure of not wanting to disappoint her.[/i][/indent]
    [indent][b][color=#869516][abbr=N/A]LIKES[/abbr],[/color][/b] [b][color=#869516][abbr=Antpaw, Raccoonstripe, any kits]DISLIKES[/abbr],[/color][/b] [b][color=#869516][abbr=Leafhusk, Softpaw, Dustpaw]ACQUAINTANCES[/abbr],[/color][/b] [b][color=#869516][abbr=N/A]FRIENDS[/abbr],[/color][/b] [b][color=#869516][abbr=N/A]ENEMIES[/abbr],[/color][/b] [b][color=#869516][abbr=His siblings]ADMIRES[/abbr][/color][/b][/indent][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 4][fleft][color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] AGILITY
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] CLIMBING
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] DEXTERITY
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] GRACE
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] MEMORY
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] MOTIVATION
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] PERCEPTION
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] SPEED
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] STAMINA
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] STRENGTH
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] STRATEGY
    [/fleft]Adderpaw does not understand the concept of relationship whether it be platonic or romantic, small talk being the only thing uttered from his lips -- yet he couldn't stand the grating sound of it either. Empathy is not his strong suit, and he does not "believe" in emotions (this just means Adderpaw does not understand emotions and has no knowledge on what they really are and how they impact him or someone else). He is possibly one of the worst apprentices in ThunderClan, never having caught his own bird two moons into his apprenticeship and barely being able to scratch into tree bark. He is ashamed of this but doesn't know how to perform any better when he's already trying his best.
    [b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] Single due to young age / Demisexual + monogamist
    [indent][i]does not understand his sexuality yet or what sexuality is, therefore this is just a sexuality for when he understands himself and relationships more.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] Interested in no one / Not open to relationships or friends [abbr=dm to plot]ICly[/abbr]
    [indent][i]doesn't like anyone platonically, which translates into his romantic feelings towards anyone.[/i][/indent][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 5][quote]like everyone else, adderpaw has a few mannerisms that can be noticeable to anyone he interacts with or may be observing him. below are a few mannerisms that stand out like a sore thumb, ultimately being his driving force in any type of social setting.[/quote]
    [b][color=#b4380f]★ 1.[/color][/b] Cleaning pelt when under any type of stress or at any feeling of dirt, even if walking he will pause to take a moment and aggressively lick at his coat.
    [b][color=#b4380f]★ 2.[/color][/b] Shifting his weight when uncomfortable, often fidgeting with his paws or looking down at them to either avoid confrontation or socializing with his clanmates.
    [b][color=#b4380f]★ 3.[/color][/b] If talking for too long, he develops (or shows) his stutter as he becomes more unsure in the confidence of his words, sometimes slurring together if he gets too self-conscious.
    [b][color=#b4380f]★ 4.[/color][/b] Always stares through half-lidded eyes, won't make eye contact unless he deems it necessary or beneficial for the other party.
    [quote]adderpaw struggles frequently with interacting with his clanmates. this is in part due to little social interaction with his peers as a kit and therefore only able to know people based on first impressions and assumptions. this chart further explains his performance when interacting with others in his clan and outsiders.[/quote][fright][color=#96572e]★★★★☆[/color] HONESTY
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] LEADERSHIP
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] OPTIMISM
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] PATIENCE
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] FORGIVENESS
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] RESPONSIBILITY[/fright][color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] CHARISMA
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] CONFIDENCE
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] CREATIVITY
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] EMPATHY
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] HUMOR
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] INTELLIGENCE
    [quote]adderpaw doesn't like much in this world full of terrors, begging to pull him further into the sinking sand below him in each night terror he had. but what he does tend to enjoy he is extremely passionate about. below is a list of his likes and dislikes.[/quote]
    — Rowdy kits or apprentices
    — Patrols, or any type of group activity
    — [abbr=loathes, afraid of]Wolves[/abbr], rodents
    — Interacting with others in any type of setting
    — Doesn't like to hunt or fight
    — [/fright][b][color=#96572e]LIKES[/color][/b]
    — [abbr=loves, admires]Nature[/abbr]: i.e. bugs
    — Drama/gossip
    — Clean-up tasks[/slide]
    [slide=. . . 6][color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] COMBAT
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] HEALING
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] HUNTING
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] STEALTH
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] SWIMMING
    [color=#96572e]★★★★☆[/color] TRACKING[/slide]
    [slide=. . . 7]fighting information[/slide]
    [slide=. . . 8]interaction / development
    [slide=. . . 9]additional notes/information
    include a section for his observations on different animals[/slide]
    [slide=. . . 10 ][quote]Adderpaw is rude in many instances in IC situations. None of his actions or thoughts reflect the roleplayer's, and anything rude said is only meant in IC fashion. And Adderpaw may be an ass, but his roleplayer is not. She is open to anyone dm'ing her for plots or for help, but is often nervous about it all so be warned :p.[/quote]
    [b][color=#869516][b]𓆤[/b][/color][/b] Played by @katze *
    [b][color=#869516][b]𓆤[/b][/color][/b] DM on [abbr=@planetarygirl]Discord[/abbr] to plot with
    [b][color=#869516][b]𓆤[/b][/color][/b] [url=]Playlist[/url], [url=]Pinterest[/url], [url=]Toyhouse[/url]
    * she/her, prefers to go by emily[/slide]
    [slide=/ ☽][spoiler=tags template]tags template goes here[/spoiler]
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