pafp final boarding call - spat

It wasn't the most enjoyable of activities, but at least it was something to do. Blinking away the remnants of sleep still clinging to her lashes, Bumblepaw worked wordlessly. Soft conversation lulled in the backdrop of the elders' den and suddenly fell silent. Her movements paused as pawsteps grew closer from behind. Their nonexistent brows perked up, and yellow eyes peered over an abyss of dark fur to land on - oh. It's Asphodelpaw. Unsure of how to act around him Bumblepaw offers a half-hearted smile.

Yet, dismay still prickled up the youth's back, she'd heard plenty about this one's gnarly attitude in whispers shared between mentors. Their avid disdain for Wavepaw and Claypaw put the pale tabby on tick-duty for a whole moon. They should've been out of here by now. I hope that doesn't mean Rookfang sent him in here to help me. Bumblepaw tried her best not to judge others on rumors alone, but to be so blatantly cruel to cats seeking asylum wasn't something she wanted to play nice towards.

Albeit a smaller, more reserved part of herself also held reservations about the colony cats. The rising tensions and Smokestar's 'death' clung to her memory in a sickly way, just like when she watched in terror as a kit as Ciadastar was swarmed by rogues. The horrific recollection left the fair-snouted molly to stare right through Asphodelpaw. Suddenly, awareness of her staring clicked mentally, and awkwardly she turned away from her denmate. Shoulders pulled tense and pelt bristling with discomfort. Oh, fish paste! He knows I was looking. Act busy. Act busy. Picking the task of sorting moss back up and tossing out dirtied bits seemed vastly more interesting.

// @Asphodelpaw ❤️
Anyone else please wait for the argument to start before posting!
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*+:。.。 Asphodelpaw had been doing his best since his talk with Lichentail to act like his proper self. The stares he got from his clanmtes - especially his peers - still burned, though. Today in particular - with the events of the loner-search-turned-ambush playing repeatedly in his mind, he was in no mood for those eyes. Eyes like Bumblepaw's, citrine hues pulled wide with a trepidation he was becoming all too familiar with. At first, he did his best to swallow back his distaste, especially since he'd been assigned specifically to help her with the morning chores in an effort, he was sure, to ensure he made peace with his peers. But when he asked, "Did you get the supplies, or do you want me to grab them?" and didn't immediately get a response, a hot pang of ire lanced through him.

Fine. He understood he did the wrong thing in the past moons - hurting Valepaw, accusing Wavepaw, mistreating Dawnstorm, plenty of reasons to look down their nose at Asp, sure, but it was really starting to piss him off that cats who were meant to be his clanmates - cat's he'd die for - would be so quick to forget all his services to the clan. I mean, dislike his reasonable position all you want, but to not at least act cordial? To stare at him like he's the problem - like he's the hidden danger!?
Starclan - Starclan - he was losing his mind!

"If you have something to say to me, then say it" Asphodelpaw would snarl, taking an aggressive step closer to either drive Bumblepaw into a crouch or risk bumping noses. Perhaps Bumblepaw was not the right person to take his pent-up frustrations out on, as she was one of the kinder cats in camp - not particularly to Asp, but not particularly not to Asp, though in the boy's mind, today had her swinging to the latter side of the spectrum.

  • //i'm assuming this takes place before the War, yeah? ;W;

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently