camp Finally Quiet || relaxing


His paws hurt, but at least the apprentice has somewhat of a decent idea in regards to the size and depth of RiverClan's territory. It will take some time to remember it all, but for now, he's content to fill his belly and rest for awhile. The exercise had soothed him a bit, or perhaps he was just too distracted by soreness and fatigue to brood much about recent events, as he normally would. Nettlepaw selects a fish from the fresh-kill pile, a bit big for him, but he's content to share it if anyone decides to ask. Carrying the carcass back towards the apprentice den, he sits just outside to begin peeling away at it's scales and flesh. The afternoon had an uncomfortable chill in the air, and Nettlepaw can finally begin to appreciate his thick coat of creamy fur, shielding him from the leaf-fall wind as he eats.

Perhaps things would finally get back to normal, soon. As normal as they could be without his mother, anyways.
*+:。.。 "Isn't that too big for you?" the king of friendly small talk asks, voice low with irritability as he completely disregards Nettlepaw's uniquely good mood. Then again, Asphodel would bite back that being a nice soul shouldn't be a rare occurrence and that Nettlepaw, not Asphodelpaw, should get his temper sorted. Nettlepaw should. Not Asphodelpaw. Clearly.
Lifting his chin high he snorts, "I swear to Starclan if you waste prey...!" His tone is almost threatening, and maybe in another season, preferably one with a warmer climate, he might've even been intimidating. Unfortunately for Asp, there's no way his twiggy self, trembling in the cold air with his unhelpfully short fur, could ever be more scary than a stick bug. Perhaps after a beat even he is made aware of this as he shakes his head, pretending he is letting out a disappointed sigh and not an embarrassed cough, "Anyways just - eat it all." Words of wisdom.

He supposes though that he shouldn't be so harsh with the kid. His mom did just die...Asphodelpaw couldn't imagine how painful that must be. At least he can sleep with the hope that maybe his own folks with return one day from...wherever they've gone. But a dead parent? Taken just before you're seen off as a 'paw? That's gotta be rough.
Ah crap - is it too late to apologize? it too embarrassing to apologize?



Sightless eyes shift up toward Asphodelpaw, and the young, creamy furred apprentice gives those eyes a roll, taking in the other's words with only mild annoyance. His tail tip flicks against the sunlit soil as he finally motions with a shrug, and offers flatly, "I had intended to share it with someone." Nettlepaw explains simply. "If you're so worried I won't eat it all, then have some for yourself." Though Nettlepaw would prefer to share with someone who wasn't trying to lecture him, he supposed he'd tolerate Asphodelpaw if necessary.

"Why are you so grumpy today, anyways?" The apprentice asks daringly, a pointed question. The meaning was clear enough. What right did Asphodelpaw have to bother him while he was still grieving his mother? If anyone deserved to be grumpy here, it was Nettlepaw.
Goldenkit was envious of Nettlepaw's newest freedoms, but too cautious to approach him for any questions about it. She ought to talk to him, pry for what he experienced after such tragedy had struck him, but teetered around the edge of his life instead. A lulling avoidance, not intentional, but as if his loss was contagious enough to give her another hefty dose of it. She was frightened of seeing it in others, seeing just how greatly grief could exhaust someone.

Though only a moon younger, the gap in their knowledge and personalities kept Goldenkit distanced; knowledge, a wedge, like time itself would carry her over the dangerous cliffs that were navigating other cats' lives. With how winded but fulfilled the -paws looked, she believed a promotion could mend anything festering. Especially when they could settle down and feast larger prey at the end of the day. Her eyes caught the tantalizing gleam of a fresh fish, and she thought as well, too big...

Except Asphodelpaw had the gall to speak up about it. Goldenkit blinked at the bluntness, flicking from one apprentice to the other. She regarded Nettlepaw a bit longer, with an audience's empathy, like he had been kicked hard in the ribs. Even if Asphodelpaw was right. "I can take some!" she blurted after the disappointed sigh. Snakeblink had told them that kits were to be fed first -- and though she had slept through her first chance to eat, she would gladly defend this code she discovered lately.

"All of us could share?" Her words got quieter as she sat, crouching close to the fish, stomach growling at the scent of it. She looked back up at Asphodelpaw as he was faced with Nettlepaw's nearly-nonchalant question. There had to be a reason Asphodelpaw had had that tone, maybe a prank had been pulled on him, or something...