private Find A Perilous Ravine | Tadpolepaw

This was her second time at a gathering and the second time she had spoken to only Drizzlepelt. Through him, she had learned much of his home in Skyclan, and it was more different from her own than she ever could have imagined. She had never been all that curious about other clans, after all she was certain that Riverclan was the best of them, but with each word she had exchanged with him she had felt her curiosity grow. If Skyclan was this strange, she could only imagine how the other three clans must be. The thought of all she might learn should she speak to one of their members was too enticing to resist.

Besides, she told herself, gathering information about the other clans was a useful way to spend her time here.

That said, her options were limited. All the curiosity in the world wasn't enough to convince her to speak to a Windclanner or Thunderclanner. Her ear flicked at the very thought. Whatever information they would be willing to offer her would not be worth the cordiality she would need to treat them with to obtain it. That left Shadowclan, and she began searching those among their ranks until her gaze landed upon a sleek black coat that almost seem to shine as it caught her eye. They would do.

"Hello." Mosspaw greeted as she padded over to Tadpolepaw's side, dipping her head in greeting. She offered him a polite smile. "My name is Mosspaw, what is yours?"