pafp FIND A WAY // prank

The bodies writhed upon the blanket of green, unable to escape as a paw blocked their every effort. The insects weren't happy about being contained within the large leaf, nor about Wildheart acting as their prison warden. In all honesty Wildheart wasn't exactly sure why he had agreed to be there in the first place, yet here he was following a certain feline's plan. Slowly he raised his gaze away from the captives in order to look at Stormywing with some uncertainty. "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Placing bugs in the nests of the apprentices and warriors, surely that would see them stuck on lowly apprentice duties for many moons to come if they got caught. Yet... something about the theorised chaos intrigued him and stopped him from simply walking away entirely.


Stormywing creeps just ahead of Wildheart, slipping behind the shrubby dens with a mischievous glint in her eye. It's well-known around the clan that she's quite the prankster, and while it may annoy some, she never actually does anything that bad. Just some harmless jokes, that's all! She peers back at the tom over her shoulder, eyes squinting accusingly. "Don't tell me you're chickening out now!" She hisses lowly so as not to be heard. She lets out an exasperated sigh, "I thought you were one of the cool ones, huh? Besides, it's only Burnstorm. He'll laugh, trust me!" Now the question was if they were guessing his nest correctly...
It was by happenstance that Duskpaw was here– he could only hope that he would not be implicated in the others' crimes. He had been searching for a familiar face and instead found two that were only partially familiar. Stormywing and Wildheart were neither cats he was particularly fond of. Especially not when their lowered voices, too soft to be entirely heard, hinted at mischief. His eyes rounded with a sudden mixture of wariness and nervousness, the flame-tipped tail lashes behind him in a complete abandonment of his former plans. He creeps a little closer. Even being here gives him anxiety, out of place and uncertain. This situation? All it can do is amplify it. "What are you doing?" Against his own better judgement, Duskpaw's voice is low. As if he too does not want them to be caught. Or maybe he just doesn't want to be caught with them. "What's that leaf for?"

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"

"My brother will laugh at what per say?"
She looms behind Duskpaw, large and imposing in the den mouth and eyes narrowing as she stares forward into the darkness of the warrior den to the two still newly promoted warriors that continued to act like wayward kits. How Wildheart was still so bothersome when they had the same grueling mentorship was beyond her but Stormywing had always been a little too much of a jokester even in comparison to cats like Wolfwind who knew when to hold their tongue and when to not act with such foolishness.
Moonpaw's icy stare intensifies as she spots the wriggling leaf folded into a bundle that swung from the spotted tom's maw and her hackles bristled, "Do you both have nothing better to do?"
Maybe any other warrior she might've ignored this as not her problem, but her brother? Not a chance. The only one allowed to pick on him was her.
"I'm not chickening out! I'm just... giving you an out." Wildheart wrinkled his nose in mild distain as his commitment was pressed upon, and just like a fool he was taunted easily back into the mischief. However, whatever solitude they might have savoured was disturbed by a pair of apprentices; Duskpaw and Moonpaw. Instinctively he pulled the leaf closer and used a paw to curl the edge in a bid to hide the contents from Duskpaw's view. "It's none ya business." He growled lowly as he moved to the defensive.

Though the real challenge would be dealing with Moonpaw. "A true warrior needs to be ready for anything, including trouble in the nest. Fancy joining us for a spot of training for Burnstorm?" He decided to try playing the situation in another manner rather than simply running her off. Doing so would only doom them instantly.

Stormywing huffs, curling her tail at the tip. "That's what I thought," She hisses back, a gleam in her eye. At the arrival of Duskpaw and Moonpaw, she takes a step closer to Wildheart defensively, her face falling into one of dramatized boredom. Oh, great. Moonpaw, Burnstorm's much lamer sister. And her much younger, and therefore much lamer, brother. "Don't you have chores to do? Why you bothering warriors?" She presses, shouldering her way in front of her partner in crime to wrinkle her snout in frustration in the apprentices' direction. Sure, she might have trained alongside Moonpaw, but that doesn't mean she is ranked higher than her, now. She intends on reminding the creamy-furred she-cat of that fact.
( ) Hailstorm tended to be a goofy guy or that's what he liked to think, he would tease or joke around with his clanmates but never did think of pulling pranks on them. He doubted anyone would like that especially more serious cats like Nightbird or Raccoonstripe, they meant business and Moonpaw did too as she clearly confronted Wildheart and Stormywing. His ears rotating in their direction to listen briefly and mulled over the decision of going over there and putting a stop to things before anyone got hurt or potentially ended up putting whatever Wildheart was trying to hide in the wrong nest. Hailstorm wouldn't mind a harmless prank but he was certain that his other denmates wouldn't feel the same way.

The snowy warrior finally making his way over with a casual hum and raised a nonexistent eyebrow at both the younger warriors with a calm smile on his maw "Training, huh? You should really demonstrate for us first, Wildheart. That's what a prepared warrior would do, hm?" Hailstorm said coolly keeping his dark orange gaze fixed on the youth and casting a glance over to Duskpaw and Moonpaw then focused on Stormywing who mentioned chores and why these apprentices were bothering the warriors, he stifled a snort wanting to keep levelheaded and mature at the moment "That's a good question, Stormywing." He sits down and finishes lifting up a paw to point to both of the younger warriors "Why are you bothering warriors?"

Whiskers would twitch in faint amusement before continuing with another soft hum "Now, I will say as an older warrior and with a bit of advice. I wouldn't do what you two are thinking of doing. Whatever you are hiding, I would not put in the warriors den unless you want say... An angry, older warrior getting all up in your face or... Flycatcher. I'm sure he could assign apprentice duties to you both," A nonchalant roll of his shoulders not being quite sure if Flycatcher would do such a thing but if it stopped these two from pestering Moonpaw and Duskpaw's brother. "You guys fancy mouse bile? I don't personally." He finishes.
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"Hey, lay off Moonpaw. Let her join in." Wildheart huffed as he looked sternly at Stormywing for a brief time. If there was a chance of swaying the apprentice to their side then he fully intended to take it. Besides, Moonpaw was among the few he actually liked and tolerated... to a degree, anyway. After training together for so long under Raccoonstripe it was hard to distance himself from those old days.

The opportunity to enact the plan was soon upon the rocks once more with Hailstorm's arrival, and it caused a low grumble to escape the younger tom. Great, now they were going to have some trouble finishing their little stunt. "Oh come now Hailstorm, surely you were guilty of playing the odd prank on friends when you were young. Consequences be damned, sometimes you have to chase the fond memories that such acts create, wouldn't you say?" They were only young once after all, and when that time passed there was no getting it back. "Maybe if a certain older warrior walked away perhaps he'll find a juicy pheasant or pigeon set aside for him later, hrm?"

Stormywing rolls her eyes at Wildheart, unenthusiastic about him inviting Burnstorm’s boring sister to join in. “She’s just gonna ruin it,” She huffs back at him in a mutter, ears angling sideways. It’s none of the apprentice’s business, anyway. Her striped tail waves back and forth disinterestedly as she looks away, but Hailstorm’s arrival causes his gaze to lift again.

Now, she was really starting to get annoyed. “Um, we’re warriors too, if you haven’t noticed,” She mumbles back to him gruffly, tail now lashing in frustration. “I guess we’re ShadowClan now. No fun allowed.” She shoots a pointed glare at the older warrior. What right does he have to tell them they can’t play a harmless prank on their friend? He doesn’t even have the authority to give them tick duty, and she knows her uncle wouldn’t give them a punishment over a joke. It’s an empty threat, she realizes, so with a snort and a tip of her chin she gives a push to Wildheart. “Come on. Burnstorm will be back soon. If we do this, we do this now!”