camp find an island | intro


to new horizons
Aug 8, 2023
As dawn breaks the skyline, theres a furry body that makes its way through the forest. Coconut had already been awake hours before, an early riser at heart- but so was her twoleg, which is probably why she meshed so well with him. He liked to swim, she liked to swim, he liked his mate and she did too- she cannot help but smile around the prey animal held in her jaws, caught about a few minutes before she decided to head back to camp. He made some pretty good fish, as well, and shes is beyond ecstatic that she no longer has to live in fear about her next meal, whether it’d come or another day would pass being hungry.

Being a kittypet was decent, in her book. Sure, it took unlearning of some of her former defenses, but he was patient. As long as he was willing to wait, she was willing to keep working.

G’day! Hunting was pretty gnarly this morning, totally stoked about it.” her voice is a kind purr, greeting the first warrior that she spots awake. Her torn ear flicks as she moved to drop her squirrel on the freshkill pile, dipping downwards in a stretch. “I miss anything since last night?” she turns to face them again, lifting a leg to scratch underneath her bandana. It was only a matter of time until the sun fully rose in to the sky and the camp would become the bustling center-place shes used to.

  • -> malibu ,, coconutsplash
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 25 months
    -> daylight warrior of skyclan ,, former beach rogue
    -> fluffy chocolate tabby with low white and pale blue eyes
    -> “speech, 88f7e7” ,, thoughts
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like tropical lotion & sea salt
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The sickness spreading through his camp has his sleep more troubled than usual. Blazestar rises with the sun this morning, exiting the sanctity of the elderberry bush just as one of the daylight warriors makes it into camp. He purrs approvingly at the fresh-kill dangling from Coconutsplash’s jaws. “Good catch. I’m assuming ‘gnarly’ is a good thing?” He can’t tell if it sounds good or not, but he watches her add her fresh-kill to the pile all the same. She asks if she’d missed anything in the night, and the Ragdoll comes closer, sitting beside her with a frown.

…There are more cats getting sick,” he says, throwing a glance over his shoulder in the direction of the medicine cat’s den. “I’m grateful for the daylight warriors at a time like this. We’ll need all the paws we can get until this illness passes.If it does, though that’s an awful thing to think, something he doesn’t really want to entertain.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Tiggerbounce is the next to arrive with his own prize clutched proudly between his teeth: a fat hunk of cooked chicken that had so sweetly been gifted to him by his Twoleg before she left for the day. A few pieces of rice still clung to it, but it could be quite a breakfast for Pearlkit if she wanted to try it! Tiggerbounce had unfortunately eaten his kibble a little too fast the night before after a rigorous hunting session left him starved, leading to a most unwelcome return of his meal. However, that meant a chicken and rice breakfast had been inevitable!

The ginger tom had always liked the change of pace - it could get rather boring only eating the dry kibble bits day in and day out.

But before he could trill of announcement to share his chicken, the sweet smell of Twoleg cream hit his nose, followed by the down-under tones of Coconutsplash's meow. Tiggerbounce's own nose scrunches up in delight as he approaches his friend and his leader, a purr starting in his chest.

"Morning, Coco - good catch! Morning, Blazestar." He greets around his chicken piece. "Think I might give this to Pearlkit, do you know if she's up?" He does not want to touch on the illness this early in the morning. Maybe after a little tussle and a lay in the sun, then he'll be up for discussing the daylight warrior killing maybe-plague that had been to infect SkyClan cat-by-cat.
Angry at all the things I can't change
As the spotted tom exits the warrior's den he notices Coconutsplash placing her catch within the ever growing pile of fresh kill. The young warrior gives an idle single wave of his tail in soundless greeting before coming to stop somewhere near Blazestar's side. "Good morning." He states finally, lowering himself into a seated position. His brows pinch mildly as he works to decipher the strange words flowing from the chocolate tabby's lips. Gnarly, stoked, what did those mean? Since Blazestar was already asking he quietly awaited an answer to see if the golden tom was indeed right in his assumption. Regardless, he glances at his former mentor. "I hope it will pass soon." The amount of cats turning up sick was rather sudden and the numbers only seemed to keep growing.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
"Eh?" comes her confused trill as she momentarily pauses her scratching against her chest. The scar prickles today and her ears flick slightly irritably, though none of her ire is directed to the leader himself. "Hmm..." she thinks on it, how does she even describe what it means? "Means it was reaaal good today! I got an early start as they were waking up, though." she grins, rolling her shoulders back in another stretch before she finally stills before the golden-furred tom. Her face scrunches with the news he brings, she opens her mouth to respond before a familiar coat catches her eyes.

"Tigger, mate! Thank ya kindly-" though spirits are dampened by the news of the sickness, Coconut is quick not to let it bother her in the split moment she talks to her friend. The chicken piece he holds in his mouth would certainly get the kittens riled up. "That little ankle-biter? Probably in the nursery, little early for her to get up. Good on ya, though. Looks good." she gives him a big grin, giving a quick lash of her tail in pride.

Coyotecrests wave of his tail brings her back to the more dire situation at hand. "Well, we got a party out here, dont'cha think?" she attempts to joke, but a sigh tumbles from her lips as she looks back between Blazestar and Coyotecrest. I hope it will pass soon, the other says. "You can say that again. Uh- Er, Blazestar." she addresses the latter then former, turning towards him. "Just let me know what I can do to help, yeah? Things'll be smooth surfing here soon." she dips her head. "How many more...?" got sick, its a question shes not sure she wants to know the answer of.

  • -> malibu ,, coconutsplash
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 25 months
    -> daylight warrior of skyclan ,, former beach rogue
    -> fluffy chocolate tabby with low white and pale blue eyes
    -> “speech, 88f7e7” ,, thoughts
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like tropical lotion & sea salt