While Cottonpaw Fireflypaw and Berryheart all remained at the burnt sycamore and Dawnglare and Ravensong slept bogged down by illness in her den, there was only one other medicine cat she could turn to right now. It is a quiet moment, a rarity in these times, but Starlingheart does not find herself idle. No, she is in motion at all times. Fear that if she does not keep going she will crash causing her paws to carry her in the direction of the nursery. When she draws near it is not hard to spot golden fur and immediately she makes a beeline. "Wolfsong" she says, dipping her head in polite greeting as she approaches. "How is ShadowClan's nursery treating you? Are-are you doing well? Ca-can I- Can I get you or your kits anything?" she waits for him to respond before launching into the next reason why she is here.

"I just saw Cottonpaw today, along with-along with the other clans" Did the other medicine cats worry over their clans in the same way she worried over hers? She is uncertain, and yet she desires nothing more than to give him the same reassurances she would wish to be given if put into a similar position. "I-I brought herbs to the others, everyone seems to be-to be doing as okay as such a situation will allow" no one could ever be expected to be doing perfect in this scenario but for now, no one had succumbed to their injuries and that was something.