pafp Find me beneath the grove ☾ Leaf pile


I can sing a fear or a malady
Aug 5, 2024
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Leaf-fall, not a name that they understood until physically being present to watch the leaves fall. There was something entrancing to it, watching them be plucked by the trees due to some invisible force, the slow dance as they fell down to grace the earth below. If Thrashkit was one to actually put stock in the beauty of nature he might wax those poetics beyond drifting thoughts within his brain. It covered the ground, creating a sea of leaves far beyond his eyes could see. At least that was the case for his wild kit eyes and racing imagination, it may not be so severe to anyone older.

Thrashkit sat and watched, a common hobby, as the other kits and young apprentices gathered these decaying leaves into small piles. Springing into the unknown depths causing small explosions, the fearful kitten would flinch commonly at the actions. Once it had become common place enough he grew curious about it. Exploring the piles long after those who played with them had vanished to do something else, prodding and trying to pierce them with tiny claws.

Eventually he worked up the courage to try it for himself. "Yip...pingkit" his name still sounds wrong. Something broken and tried to be put together, he still hated it but if she was going to be so demanding of her own to be used then she needed to work on actually using the others. This was a form of being nice and trusted right? To use the names that others like. "Jump in the leaves with me?" he mumbles the question, sentence slow at the start then jumbling together in a fast pace. Still not used to making requests such as this, it was easier with it's littermates.

The pile of leaves aren't impressive by any means. It will suffice for two kittens, especially ones who still didn't seem to understand play as easily as the other kits do. "So... You jump in there and then... We make it again" he explains and yet hesitates to do so himself, looking for Yippingkit to take that plunge.

  • Please wait for @YIPPINGKIT
    any pronouns, 4 moons
    A black smoke with abnormally bright amber eyes and a habit of crouching while they walk.
    Bayinghound x Duke | Littermates with Howlkit & Yippingkit
    Due to her circumstances surrounding it's life she will be confrontational in the majority of their interactions { will start fights | will not end fights | will not run away and might be merciful }
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!
It is Yippingkit's first turning of the seasons. All around him, the tree-tops are set alight in a seraphic blaze; the cooling winds loose each leaf from its perch and sweep it down, down, down to the forest floor. The scent of leaf-fall is mycelial. Rotting in a damp and quiet way, very unlike the way in which Baying Hound rotted from the inside out; very unlike the way ThunderClan had, too, rotted until they could rid themselves of Skyclaw's infection, screaming and bloody. Leaf-fall is very pleasant in comparison. Not that Yippingkit has any particular interest in pleasure.

The leaves carpet the camp floor in sanguine reds and bilious yellows. From his perch just outside the nursery's mouth (he hardly strays farther than a pawstep beyond it), he watches ThunderClanners sweep the pretty dead things into piles only to trounce through them, spraying crumbling leaves all over their pelts. They sit next to Thrashkit for a while until Thrashkit feels brave enough to pick through discarded piles. Yippingkit makes no move to join their littermate — at least, not until prompted.

"Yip...pingkit," they call, and their own ears perk, the only indication that Thrashkit has captured their attention. Then she invites him to jump in. The frozen-smoke child pins their ears back for just a moment, unsure. But ultimately, they rise from their perch to meet their sibling at the leaf pile, bisected gaze whisking over it skeptically. "Is it fun?" they wonder aloud, glancing at Thrashkit as if to see whether her heart was really in it. Not that Yippingkit seeks fun very often. They mostly concern themselves with living through each day before seeking something as ambitious as having fun. But they can afford their littermate a chance, they suppose.

A hesitant too-many-toed paw swipes a leaf off the top of the pile, as if to check for danger below. "Okay." Their acceptance is gruff as the bark that towers over them. Finally, Yippingkit backpedals a step before leaping into the fiery pile.

It is really not fun at all. Yippingkit falls upon the leaves like a guillotine, and when they land, a thorn-shaped pain shoots up his wide paw. Despite what his namesake may imply, he makes no sound as he recoils severely from the pile that Thrashkit has made, lifting his paw to avoid pressing whatever was stuck any farther into his pad. But even without making noise, it is clear in his eyes that something has gone wrong with this game. "It hurt," he chuffs to his littermate, holding his injured paw close to his chest. Don't look. I'll take care of it. Don't look. Still, one thorn in the leaves doesn't mean there were more... and if the other cheering ThunderClanners are any evidence, there is probably fun to be had here.

Yippingkit glances around camp, then fixes Thrashkit in his gaze once more, intense. "You should still try." So we fit in. So they like us.

  • ooc. sorry i rolled to see how much fun he would have and he got a nat 1 </3 cats are welcome to notice he's hurt (just a thorn in the paw) and get a medicine cat!
  • YIPPINGKIT —— kit of thunderclan . baying hound x duke . littermate to howlkit and thrashkit, sibling to many ✦ penned by meghan

    a hulking black smoke with low white. striking dual-toned eyes. fluctuates between total apathy and a need to fit in; difficult to befriend, and does not trust easily. unsure of thunderclan as a whole.
    intersex, nb masculine / he they pronouns / 04 moons & ages every 5th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / will not flee / may show mercy. a kitten, he can hardly defend himself, but that will not stop him from trying. apt against opponents his age thanks to his sheer size.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse

Unlike many kits - Thrashkit among them, it seemed - Softsight had never been one for playing in the brash leaves that fell from the trees in the season of Leaf-fall. When she'd been younger the crunching of the leaves had been abrasive to her ears, and she'd never quite gotten over that sensitivity, but she was more amenable to it these days. The warrior watched as Thrashkit and Yippingkit approached one of the small piles of leaves that had been brushed together: what mattered was that the kits had fun, not what Softsight's own reminiscing reminded her of.

She's about to head off in search of other duties to attend to when she catches Yippingkit recoiling from the leafpile in her peripheral. Concerned, she drifts back towards the two kits, tilting her head as she takes in the scene before her.

"Is everything alright, Yippingkit? You don't seem to be having fun." She questions softly, leaning down so that she can be closer to the kit's line of sight.

⊱⊰ The joys of kithood were hardly of interest to the lilac-furred girl—she had been far too caught up in her own head, trying to right the way that her body had felt too thin, too stiff, too wrong. She had floated through her kit moons shadowed by the clan’s recovery, her own lack of parents, and a carefully closed-off demeanor that left her with few friends. She watches others form piles of leaves, leap into them, and for a moment she wonders what it would have been like if the leaves had fallen when she and Coalpaw were younger. She can imagine it now, little Hopekit and Coalkit barrelling into crunchy leaf-piles, though the dark forms of Thrashkit and Yippingkit look so much different than she and Coalpaw had back then. Yippingkit seems uncertain at first, their boldness wavering as they seek Thrashkit’s assurance. Is it fun? But they jump anyway, before waiting for their littermate to do it. The sight tugs a small smile across the expanse of Hopepaw’s muzzle, strung tight as a cobweb yet glittering in the light.

Her smile falters as Softsight speaks up with concern, noting that the kit doesn’t look like they’re having fun with the leaf pile. She observes, as is her nature, and she notices what the pale-furred molly means. A paw held too high off the ground to be natural, tucked protectively against a fluffy chest. Her long tail flickers as she sweeps to her feet, making her way over to stand close to Softsight’s flank. "Let me see it," she says, her tone solid as the great sycamore tree that stands tall and proud over ThunderClan’s territory. Unyielding and rough-barked, Hopepaw gazes down at the kit. Her words are not so feathery as the warrior’s, but they hold care just the same. "If you’re hurt… you need to go see Gentlestorm. You won’t have much fun if you can’t jump again." Copper eyes lift, seeking out the familiar form of her uncle, if he lingers about the camp somewhere. Should she go fetch him from his den?

  • ooc:
  • 82611583_8wYqROdkGfqffKh.jpg
  • HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan apprentice
    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue (adopted by roeflame) ; sister to braveheart, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalpaw ; adoptive sister to beetlepaw, dovepaw, littlepaw
    mentored by lovelight
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore
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Is it fun? He feels the desire to shake his head, despite that desire there's a force that halts him. The pressure of an expectation to say yes claws into his scalp, holding her in a stalemate. The idea of lying tastes like bile, he wasn't sure if it was actually fun rather than the fact that everyone else seemed to have fun. They wanted to be like everyone else right? At least appear that way. "I don't know" is her reply, face scrunched in thought as she tried to think about the idea of this being fun. "We can... try" is her answer, it can only not be fun. Though, realistically it knows that can't be an option because if this isn't fun then that means they're not normal like the other kits here. The ones born of ThunderClan blood, the trustworthy ones. "Everyone else has fun" they decide with a grunt, hoping that would be the deciding factor.

It seems that it's enough, to Thrashkit at least their littermate seems satisfied with their answer. A black void of a body shuffles back to give Yippingkit room. It's still awfuly close in comparison to what space the more dramatic kits might give, convinced that some kind of tether will break if too far from him. There's no fanfare in their leap, it's all rather straight forward. One moment Yippingkit is there and then he's not, the leaves explode as they're supposed to. He wonders if there's more power behind their expulsion because of their hulking form in comparison to other kits that she's seen do this.

"How was it?" She asks drawing close to him "was it fun?" they don't look like they've had a lot of fun though a lot of their littermates expressions are hidden behind a wall of a neutral expression. The answer isn't one that they expect, two simple words turn the kit to turmoil. It's clear by the tremor of a jaw too tightly clenched and the fact that their eyes don't leave the raised paw that this news troubles them so. Softsight's words of concerns for their littermate are a buzzing in their ear, no different to the greenleaf insects.

Hopepaw mentions Gentlestorm, that much he picks up between the droning in his ears. That meant something was wrong, as if the fact that they said something hurt wasn't enough indication. Would Yippingkit be stuck in that den for moons at a time like their older siblings? She didn't like the idea of that, no matter how friendly the medicine cat seemed. He says that it should still try, the suggestion didn't feel right. What if they were whisked away and they wouldn't share a den for a moon while their back is turned. There's a low whine lodged in it's throat at the thought, a vunerability in golden eyes that he tried to not show anywhere outside of the nursery. Despite how much he didn't want to jump in the leaf pile there was something in his tone, it was firm. More so the expression it's littermate held was intense, for a moment he can see their mother in that intensity. Yippingkit embodying her for a split second, a young imitation of what the black kitten saw as strength, too weak willed to truly argue against it he nods "okay..." Finding compliance.

Misery shows in pinned ears as it hastily brushes the leaves together to make another pile, Thraskit looks at the camp around them then takes the plunge. It hopes for injury as it crashes against a firey sea of leaves, for a chance to at least stay with their littermate. Instead of injury there's a rush, spark of something light as he shakes off any stray leaves that cling to his fur. Could this be what fun feels like? Maybe, it doesn't matter though as guilt chases right after it.

    any pronouns, 5 moons
    A black smoke with abnormally bright amber eyes and a habit of crouching while they walk.
    Bayinghound x Duke | Littermates with Howlkit & Yippingkit
    Due to her circumstances surrounding it's life she will be confrontational in the majority of their interactions { will start fights | will not end fights | will not run away and might be merciful }
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!