pafp FIND MOLASSES CANDY \ cool rock

This is something he's never seen. Unlike anything he's seen, even. Flat, bluish, but not sky-blue; no, more the bruised grey-sapphire of dusk just as the sun begins to cower behind the clouds. Slate-grey, slate-blue? His mind whirred for the right words but could not settle upon any, flittering from one conclusion to the next before any semblance of settlement could be made. Upon closer inspection it was slightly sharp, but still rock-thick, and had veins of white- could it be blood?- running across, joined and looping in all directions. It was a pretty rock, one of the prettiest he'd seen, and he wanted to show it off before he stashed it in his pile.

Pondwater eyes searched in a brief sweep for one of his parents, but someone else caught his eye instead- Willowroot, a trusted member of the Clan, high-ranking and all-round awesome in their riverside prowess and big but not the same big as Mudpelt. No, tall, towering, regal almost. With fur of smoky dusk, they were so similar in colour to the rock he'd found that it instantly brought bubbling to the surface excitement that he generally only felt when bringing gifts to his parents. Oh, this was awesome! He was going to give a present to a lead warrior!

Carrying the flat stone in his tiny jaw, a jutted out greyish tusk to anyone who cared not to look closer, the tiny apprentice toddled over to Willowroot, a grin not-quite-so-clear upon his face but glimmering sunlight song in his eyes regardless. "You like wwwwocksss, don'chu??" Words near-unintelligible when delivered around the stone, Fernpaw decided that dropping it was the safest bet. "I found this. It looks like you!"

/ please wait for @willowroot !!
( penned by pin )