find our way back home - return

( ) continuation of this thread! it takes place a couple hours later, I'm just late making it!

Three branches higher than the lowest branch of the tree lay the flame hued lead warrior. Despite there being no possible way that the boar could reach her, or knock her out of this tree, she still clung to the branch as if her life depended on it. This was only her third time ever in a tree...and the first and second time she had fallen out each time. Even though she had jumped off her branch earlier today, if she hadn't, it would have snapped and she would have fallen. Flycatcher hadn't gotten to teach her how to get down from trees...stars, she hadn't even been this high up before.

Sinking her claws deeper into the bark, she crawled to the edge of the branch, and peered over the side. It had been around an hour since she had lead the boar away, maybe it was gone. A wave of nausea washed over her as she looked at the ground, but she swallowed it back down. 'I'm going to kiss that ground when I'm back down there...if I can ever get back down there...' Her shoulders drooped slightly as she spotted the mother boar still circling the base of the tree, nosing the ground looking for something to eat. It's tail flicked every so often, and it didn't seem to be paying any attention to her anymore. 'Maybe it's forgotten about me...I need to stay quiet.' So, instead of moving back away from the edge and risk making noise, she simply laid her head on her paws and watched. She wondered if Raccoonstripe got everyone back home safely...she had no doubt he had, but what if they had met another boar on their way home? Her stomach twisted in fear, but there was nothing she could do right now...she was stuck. She knew there was no physically possible way to outrun this thing...she had to wait it out.

Another hour passed by, and the opportunity to make a run for it finally came. She heard the creature make a grunt, and as if on cue, the boar started to walk away with its baby following closely behind. She felt her heart leap into her throat in excitement, "Finally" she breathed, still quiet to not risk grabbing its attention again. She waited for another ten or so minutes before standing up on the branch. When she believed that it was for sure gone, she slowly creeped to the trunk. 'It's just like going up...but...backwards..' She shifted to the edge, then sunk her claws into the tree. It took some doing, but after awhile, she finally slid back down to the safety of the ground.

Keeping her promise, she leaned down to the ground, and gave it a quick kiss. It felt so much better to be back on solid ground...but she didn't have time to waste...she needed to make sure her patrol had made it back to the camp safely. The fiery tabby slunk slowly through the forest, expecting the boar to jump out of the undergrowth at any given time, but to her relief she made the journey back home uneventfully. As she padded through the camp's tunnel, she spotted the members from her patrol safe and sound. She breathed out a sigh of relief, 'Thank Starclan' she thought.
☽ .* :☆゚. ── | Leopardtongue had been lucky so far and had only seen the boars from afar, and had yet to actually attract the attention of one. One of the perks of quickly getting out of there when she did see one, she guessed. Obviously that luck couldn't last forever, but thus far every time she went out on patrols she had thanked StarClan for sending them all home safe and sound, for she would hate to have to stay within the trees for as long as Flamewhisker had, and she would be sure to tell her that if it came up.

She had been in camp when the patrol had come back, and she had instantly been worried about her fellow warrior, as it seemed like she was the only one who hadn't come back with the group, so when the orange-hued warrior finally came through the entrance, Leopardtongue couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank StarClan you're back safe Flamewhisker!" She would blurt out as she rushed forward to greet the other. "You're not hurt right? Those boars are pretty scary."
Batwing had returned- reluctantly, of course- with the rest from that patrol. Having slunk into camp the hours earlier and sat up near the mouth of the gorse tunnel, his eyes trained forward. He had stared down the snout of death once or twice- really once, when that elder had sleptwalk away from camp. He couldn't imagine how Flamewhisker felt. When the tunnel finally rustled , and the familiar orange pelt broke free of it unharmed, Batwing relaxed and exhaled a sight of relief.

Leopardtongue was first to say something, so when she was finish speaking, Batwing pushed to his paws, moving to greet Flamewhisker as well- not crowding of course. "I'm glad you safe." Batwing spoke, his tail low. He almost looked guilty that he had left her there. A bite on his own cheek, gnawing at it for a moment, before he spoke again, eyes making direct contact with Flamewhisker. "We can't.. afford to repeat what's already happened- so yeah, I'm glad you're safe. Where did the boar go? Back towards the herd?" Batwing asked, his head tilting,​

He had noticed the absence of a flame-painted pelt, and the fluttering of fret that frequented the faces of many a warrior. When Sunset moved therough the undergrowth, bowed low through the threshold and seemingly unhurt, Berryheart watched as figures immediately flocked toward her, expressing their gladness. He, too- though it barely showed on his stony features- was relieved that she was alright, seemingly unscathed by the great horns that protruded from their snout-dwarfed faces.

He lingered on the outskirts of the small gathering, ears angled to show he was listening but otherwise giving scarcely a hint he was even listening. Focused, awry eyes settled upon Sunset, appraising the lead warrior for even the tiniest scrape... which she seemed largely to be free from. Still, it would be reasonable to listen... especially regarding the state of the boars. The loss of his littermate still stung beneath his skin, prodding at his composure like a fractured bone- he did not wish to lose another. Another brother, or another friend.