finding hope 𖤓 PIPIT 𖤓 don't lose hope

pipitclaw !!

in the rain, do light and darkness fade!
Dec 13, 2023
  • ( name )
    ➢ PIPIT
    ➢ CLAW
    ➢ also known as pip, pipsqueak

    ( age )
    ➢ 12 moons
    ➢ capricorn

    ( gender )
    ➢ non-binary
    ➢ prefers he/him pronouns
    ➢ accepts they/them pronouns

    ( sexuality )
    ➢ bisexual
    ➢ single

    ( work )
    ➢ shadowclan
    ➢ warrior
  • ( basic )
    ➢ shorthair chocolate smoke / black chimera with amber eyes
    ➢ decorated in scars
    ➢ known for having twigs stuck in his fur


    for your pleasure; this sketch page from when i was concepting him: clicky!

    Though mostly a midnight black in hue, Pipit is named more so for the chocolate cape down his back, wrapping around his shoulders in almost wing-like tufts. More startlingly, is the muck-colored mask that draws up his nose, across his eyes like fanning flames and the smoky swirl at the heart of his chest. Not particularly tall, he makes up for it in his muscled physique; a body honed by countless reckless battles and decorated in countless scars to prove it. He is not one for caring after his appearance, made evident by the wild flares of stood-up furs and generally disheveled appearance. This is matched, in part, by his always-wide eyes, a gleaming yellow-amber as if embers linger there to show the stubborn, burning nature of his heart. It is common to find the litter of the forest floor stuck in his tangles, snapped branches and leaves, clumps of moss from his bedding... paws caked in mud from his travels. At the very least, he is made to be less intimidating when greeted by an ever-present grin!

  • ( positive )
    ➢ loyal, empathetic, inspirational

    ( neutral )
    ➢ directionless, chatter-box, high-spirited

    ( negative )
    ➢ confrontational, impulsive, self-destructive

    ( motivations )
    ➢ pipit has ideas of being the hero of his family. believing he is only useful as a vessel for fulfilling their dreams, he struggles to recognize any of his own and instead, wanders through life at the whims of others.
    ➢ he prioritizes his loyalty to fulfilling the wishes of others so that no one might live in regret.
    ➢ cooperation and collaboration is new so his morality is skewed to that of his own personal code. he believes his idea of morality is superior that of others.

    Pipit currently sets his sights on fulfilling the dying wish of his mother. He does not yet have a loyalty for ShadowClan but chooses not to blame his father for his absence as part of his yearning to honor the departed. He does not fear interacting with Skunktail but hopes he does not over-assert himself as an authority to a full-grown cat who has survived this long without him. He is protective of his siblings, caring more for seeing their futures fulfilled regardless of what he has to do to ensure it. He doesn't mind that he has to put his life on pause for them, as he struggles to identify his new role in this clan and what sort of path might leave him satisfied. Opting to be the punching bag, he has a terrible habit of throwing himself head-first into trouble, ignoring that he is not invincible-- the proof of his success littered in every scar that mars his coat encourages this reckless behavior; if he was going to die, surely he would've already. The world is full of hostility, anger, and cruelty... he has no issue rising to confrontation but seeks to uplift others whenever possible. His speeches can be long-winded but he is earnest and seems to genuinely believe his dramatics. He is an act-first, ask-questions-later kind of cat.. life is too short to sit around and watch it pass you by.

    He is agitated easily by those that might diminish him as foolish, weak, or small. His siblings jabbed at this in his nickname 'pipsqueak' but has since accepted their jeering as loving. Others using this nickname will find themself at the other end of a blazing temper.

    SIBLING TO (tba) , (tba) , (tba)

    ( friendship )
    He is easy enough to befriend at a surface level but does not seek deep openness with most, despite that lack of depth he has no problem identifying others as 'friend.' It's easy for him to fall into the habit of treating his youngers like... well.. younger siblings. He does not have any of his own to speak but his eagerness to uplift others suggests him something of a 'mentor' figure.

    ( romance )
    Pipit doesn't take notice of romantic interests easily, assuming flirting to be friendly flattery rather than a more sincere suggestion. He does not seek it openly, has no motivation to start a new generation when he has his own litter-mates to worry about still. It is not an impossible dream for those that might recognize him a potentially loving father... but he is far too young to settle down now!

    ( clan )
    The concept of a clan is foreign but not uninteresting! He is interested in the way they collaborate, the structure and order of their groups... it seems like a perfect place to find like-minded protectors but he will soon find it to be bureaucratic and ineffective... Change is the only option and he will foster a kinder tomorrow himself if he has to.

  • ( unlikely mentor )
    Pipit has never considered himself a teacher... he only ever accidentally stumbles into the role through enlightening speeches and confident boost pip pep talks. When he is assigned an apprentice, he will be overjoyed! The relationship difference between student and teacher is a line he is not familiar with and instead, opts to treat them like his personal little friend... a shadow to show off to. He forgets he is meant to be fostering their own growth and spends too long flexing before realizing his apprentice is now ages behind their peers. Mortified, he becomes quickly hands-off and thrusts them into self-sufficiency, creating the opposite problem. This struggle with a perfect balance will prove to frustrate him and may drive him to his father for some reluctant advice... He's been here awhile, surely he'd have some insight?

    ( change of culture )
    It's not secret ShadowClan has struggled with its interpersonal relationships; messages of hate run rampant through all generations and being a shining smile amongst so much dark, he is insistent on seeing that changed. He goes out of his way to compliment his clan-mates, to encourage those who are more timid in nature. Though many might assume him sarcastic, his genuine nature will soon be understood as exactly that... and he will absolutely take credit for the better vibes.

    ( dream keeper )
    Taking it as a personal duty, Pipit pushes to the front of the crowd to confront the dying- he urges them to share their last wishes with him, promising to be the bearer of their torch that someone might yet fulfill them. Some of these are bound to be impossible... but it won't stop him from running himself ragged to try. The emotional toll will grow more intense the more promises he must keep, making him harder to get close to for fear of crumbling under the pressure.

    ( beloved babysitter )
    He is no small man... and that makes him the perfect playground. His fur is almost always littered in twigs, which prove to be a fun game to untangle them from his fur or worse, hide more stuff in there as a test of stealth for the youngest amongst them! He is boisterous, loud, and friendly to the kittens of his clan, eager to offer the queens a break from their over-active paws and excitable minds.

    ( medicine cat meddler )
    Reckless to a fault, it'll be fairly common for Pip to cause his poor aunt no small amount of trouble constantly. In and out of the medicine cat den as if he lives there, Pip doesn't mind getting tended to and knows himself to be a magnet for injury. It'll be uncommon for his clan to see him free of bruises or scratches, most being from his own relentless training regimen to better protect his loved ones.

  • ( pinterest )
    ( character archetype )
    ( playlist )
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