kill it


It had been three moons since Squid, now renamed Salmonrun, had been found wandering Riverclan's territory. He had been confused, incoherent, and trailing blood. He'd been entirely unaware of what was going on. He still didn't know how he'd gotten himself amid the wetlands, presumably already suffering life-threatening injuries. He did know that he'd woken up in an unknown den, feeling like he'd just been drowned twice over and dragged down the brook, and he was in agony. He'd been in tears from the pain already, but the toll of not knowing anything made it so much worse. It was like the pain was never going to end. The heart-wrenching, shoulder-shaking anxiety was forever. He would never find peace.

Even three moons later, he hadn't thoroughly shaken the feeling, but things had improved. He'd been able to pull himself together, piece by fragmented piece, and begin to live again. It was going to be a long process. He still doubled over in breathless gasps when he'd been out of the medicine den for too long, and the world seemed vast, unpredictable, and unknown. He didn't find the energy to fight the aching body some mornings, battling against the weight of the skies to open his eyes. He was sometimes able to take a midday walk and start learning things like hunting, fishing, and fighting. He could rest outside and take in some of the sunlight he'd been away from for so long. He was getting, at least fractionally, better.

He found himself resting in front of the medicine den, just past the moss covering the opening. His chin rested on his paws, his tail tight against his side. He'd been watching the camp get ready for the night, dusk patrols being finalized, and kits being corralled into the nursery. The retreating sunset cast the sky alight with red, cut by the darkening greys of thin clouds. It was calm, for the most part.
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Brook recalls when they had found the tom who was at the time named "Squid". While she was new to many cats in RiverClan, she had been here when they first discovered camp. It was only due to an unfortunate turn of events that Brook never claimed her warrior name and left RiverClan for her birth group... but now she was back, and her brother Storm was safe.

Seems Squid, now named Salmonrun, was doing okay too.

"Hey, you remember me?"
Brook asks upon nearing the tom who rested not far from the medicine cats den, "Brook. Was among the first cats you met when you first got here." There'd be no insult if he didn't recall her, she was not one to place herself in the attention of cats. Therefore, she was forgettable in comparison to RiverClan's more loud and rowdy members. "Either way, I remember you. Good to see you doing better."

( casual character / "speech" / ic opinions )​
· BROOK, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 23 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ riverclan warrior . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former member of the pine group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like fish and river , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue tabby . blue eyes . blind

╰ ‣ Observant, reliable, hardworking, overcommitted, humble, takes critique personally
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty in relating to others . quick to show mercy, unless her family is at risk of harm
╰ ‣ Doesn't appreciate most proper titles, doesn't feel deserving of them

· NPC x GRACE, sister to Lightningstone & Stormpaw
╰ ‣ bisexual.
╰ ‣ skilled fighter . average hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

She'd been only two moons old when the ginger cat had been led into camp, bleeding and out of his mind with pain, and she's been watching him from afar with casually curious ice-chip eyes. A cat who can't hunt, can't patrol, can't even join them for communal events like sharing tongues or eating prey together -- what's the point? Iciclepaw wonders idly if Cicadastar intends to turn him out once he's well.

But, no, he is out of Beesong's den for the first time in what seems like her entire life span. Iciclepaw regards him coolly, watching Brook approach him with friendliness on her lips.

Iciclepaw herself mews, "Are you finally going to contribute to the Clan?" Her intent isn't to be cruel; she looks at the red tabby blankly, expectantly. She wants an answer, is all.

- ,,

Squid. What even was a Squid? It had to be something relevant to the tom's looks because two-legs named cats similar things as mothers did: relating to appearance or a memory or in honor of another soul. He wondered if it was something bright red too, because the name Salmonrun certainly suited the great bright crimson tom that resided in their home now. The river certainly gave them many things: water, food....extra mouths to feed. If he had to fish one more kitten out of it this season he was going to have a fit. Striding forward alongside Brook he offered the tom a curt nod and then turned immediately to his side at Iciclepaw's comment. They really gave him the apprentice who had as much tact as he did. How was he supposed to scold her when he would've said the exact same things without thinking? The only reason he wasn't being as callous himself was Iciclepaw beat him to it so he had no choice but to raised a paw and give her a light whack on the head that would have barely ruffled her fur.
"You know when they tell you honesty is the best policy? It's not." They were going to have to have a talk later about how cats didn't like their noncontribution and glaring weaknesses pointed out publically or if at all; because feelings were complex and their clanmates tiptoed around such blatant displays of incompetance at times that it was a wonder they functioned at all. The peace that came from RiverClan was only stilled by how absolutely unhinged some of its members were. He caught several of them eating sand the other day and he sighed so hard he nearly blacked out from lack of oxygen.
Shaking his head he glanced back at their newest member, "Smokethroat." He introduced and then raised a paw to bop the tortiseshell again, "This is Iciclepaw. I don't think we were there when you joined. Hope you're settling."

  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

Salmon hadn't been expecting anyone to approach him. They hadn't done so before, he'd barely talked to anyone but Beesong while he recovered, so why were they coming over now? Was he doing something wrong? Maybe cats weren't supposed to rest in front of the medicine den and he had to move. Yeah, that was probably it. That was okay, he could ask where he was supposed to go and- oh. The cats were just introducing themselves. Okay, he could do this. This was fine.

He didn't remember Brook, for all that he tried to recall his first 'introduction' to Riverclan. He didn't remember much from it other than the pain that he'd been in. " I'm really sorry but- um, I don't remember you. There was- um... um, was a lot going on when I got here. " Brook didn't seem at all upset by his faulty memory though, thankfully. He gave her a small, somewhat nervous smile. " Thank you. I'm glad- um, to be better. "

The words of the next cat caused Salmon to wilt somewhat, his smile growing smaller and more strained. He knew that he'd just been taking up resources and time and not giving anything back to Riverclan, he wasn't unaware of this, but being asked directly was just.. it sucked. He didn't like to think about it too much. The dark cat, Smokethroat he introduced himself as, spoke before Salmon could get a word in, mouth opening and closing for a second before it snapped shut. Iciclepaw might have not.. should have not said it, but she was right. Smokethroat even seemed to agree, with his lack of refuting it. Salmon shouldn't expect anything else, really.

" I, um. I- uh. I... it's good to... I am settling in well, thank you. " His throat felt like it was closing up, his breath growing a little ragged. " I am- um. I am going to try and contribute as, um, as much as I can now that I'm recovered. " He still ached, but that may never go away. He would just have to learn to deal with it and do his duties alongside it. " I just- uh. I couldn't do a lot before, because I was still injured. I'm going to, um, do it now though. "
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