Fine, Great [Blazestar]


Just not built that way
Apr 2, 2023
Orangeblossom had retired to the nursery and so he stood, ready to deliver his report to SkyClan's leader, his leader. Pigeonsong should've been ready but he didn't feel like he was. He'd never held an audience with someone so important before and his nerves had gotten to him. He eyed the bush that concealed their leader's den warily. Would the tom be unimpressed with how he'd let ThunderClan warriors snark and disrespect their clan, even if done so from behind suggestion? There was no way he could know and he stood rooted to the spot, like the stump in their camp. The sandy tom wasn't afraid exactly, he was nervous and didn't want to let his leader down.

Finally, he found his courage and made way for the entrance to the leader's refuge.
"Blazestar, my leader." The tom would start, bowing his head out of respect as he poked his head into the den. He'd never seen inside before and he made a point to not let his gaze wander, keeping it squarely but respectfully upon Blazestar.

"The patrol to ThunderClan was without incident." That was only the beginning though and he wondered if but for a moment if he should avoid revealing what the other clan had to say about them.
"Their cats though, they made light of our situation, made a joke out of our missing cats." That wasn't all though, he'd want the tom to know that he'd avoided giving into such child-like trifles.
"We didn't let that sully our interaction though and revealed nothing new to them, although I worry to what extent they already are aware of." Did he even have a right to voice such concerns to the tom?

"Everyone on our side of the border held our tongues and stayed courteous and polite. I'm happy to say there was no arguments or violence." That part was a genuine relief to Pigeonsong. His clan was at peace with their neighbors, at least for the moment and that meant he could rest easy at least.

"I hope that this is acceptable, I just trusted that our greatest strength was to hold back. Anger shows weakness and I believe that patience is a true sign of strength, Blazestar."

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Blazestar sees Pigeonsong's shadow darken the opening of his den. The leader calls the young warrior in: "Please, enter." He seems maybe the slightest bit nervous, but the Ragdoll is sure to greet him with a smile. Leading border patrols could be stressful for young warriors, he's learned, but the experience is invaluable.

Pigeonsong gives his report, that the patrol went without incident. Blazestar gives a small nod of his head. "Good." His ears twitch as Pigeonsong recounts that some of the ThunderClanners levied taunts their way. The Ragdoll resists the urge to sigh. "You did well not to antagonize them back. You are correct in that it's better to maintain the peace, especially right now." He readjusts in his nest, eyes thoughtful. "Howlingstar is likely not aware her warriors are making light of the situation. ThunderClan is full of good warriors, but you may know..." He hesitates, a shadow falling over his eyes. "...There are things they have not forgiven SkyClan for. Things they haven't forgiven me for." Pain clouds his eyes, but he maintains his smile. "I'm proud that you held your own, Pigeonsong. It's good to have warriors I can trust to think with their heads and not their hearts."

Pigeonsong listens with a bowed head as his Blazestar speaks to him. The praise that his leader gives him leaves him feeling warm from ears to tail but he remains stoic. This was no time to fall to pride, at least that's what he believes. Of all cats, Pigeonsong knew just how toxic pride could be. As a young apprentice he'd learned that from his father and recently during his patrol.

The ThunderClanners more than likely felt superior but he knew that their pride was their greatest weakness. Thistleback understood that too, and Pigeonsong had previously believed the piebald to be a respectable brute. His opinion of the tom was now more complicated as was his of Blazestar. The tom seemed exhausted somehow although he couldn't quite be sure of it, having never spoken directly to him before.

He somehow doubts that Howlingstar is ignorant of how her lead warriors and apprentices behave but he dare not argue with the tom before him. If Blazestar respected her that much, he respected his opinion enough to trust that he was correct.

Hearing the praise come again, he moves his head up from it's bowed position,
"Thank you, Blazestar. I'm glad to have done well for SkyClan."
That's all he'd wanted after all, to keep his home safe. It was a selfless goal but such high praise stoked some kind of ambition in him that he felt wary of. He was no great cat, he was just doing his best and it happened to be good enough, this time.